Hearing What the Spirit is Saying unto the Church! In 1Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul lays out for the church an explanation of Spiritual Gifts. If you read the list, you will see that three of the gifts are vocal. Prophecy is words inspired by the Spirit in a known language. Tongues are words inspired by the Spirit in an unknown tongue. Interpretation of tongues is a Spirit given rendering of an unknown tongue. Below is an example of the gift of prophecy.
The following excerpt is taken from a prophecy that was given by Kenneth E. Hagin on June 8, 1983, at the California Faith Convention.
I say all this to you because we’re about to enter into a NEW WAVE, it’s going to — Oh Glory! It’s going to include all we’ve had but more too. We’ve had a little wave here about dealing with demons. But man aborted the thing, see? Because they set up patterns and ways for God to do it. You can’t do that. Are you listening to me? This time they’re not going to fall into that. Bless God, we’re going to stay with the Word of God of the Scriptures.
And the work and the will of God will be made manifest. Hallelujah, praise God and it shall come to pass in these last days. The days just before the coming of the Son of man. Yea, in the last days before the awful conflict that you can see the beginnings of now. There in the country of Israel, and Lebanon, and all of that part of the country. The beginning of those things that the Scripture said are coming. But yea, saith the Lord of hosts, BEFORE THAT DAY SHALL COME! And nations shall meet in the battle of Armageddon. There is coming a revival unto this earth. Greater revival than what you have seen. Greater revival than what you read about in the days that’s gone by.
Oh, yes, it’ll include everything that I’ve done in the past, saith the Lord. For everything that I’ve ever done I’m still doing. And I’m still saving, and baptizing, and healing people. And it’ll include all of them put together, Plus! Plus! A fresh anointing. A fresh anointing, a fresh anointing, a fresh anointing, a fresh anointing, a fresh anointing, a fresh anointing, a fresh anointing.
A fresh anointing to stand in the office of the prophet. A fresh anointing to stand in the office of an apostle, missionary, sent one. A special anointing to stand in the office of evangelist. A fresh anointing to stand in the office of pastor. A fresh anointing to stand in the office of teacher. A fresh anointing to stand in the office of PRIEST! Every believer stands in the office of priest [Amen] to pray and to intercede. A fresh anointing to stand in the office of KING! Every believer is to stand in the office of KING! For it is written that they shall rule, reign in life as kings by Christ Jesus. A fresh anointing for every believer! Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
And all that has been written in My Word, saith the Lord of hosts. And all that has been vouchsafed by My Spirit unto certain ones. Not one single person knows it all. Not one single person will receive the full revelation. For it is plainly written in the Word, Even the great apostle himself, who wrote half of the New Testament said; “We know in part and we prophesy in part.”
And the Word of God plainly teaches Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little. No one person. No one man is going to do it all. Nor receive the full revelation. But one shall receive here, one shall receive there, one shall receive over here. When you put it altogether you’ll have the full orbed beauty of God’s glory, manifestation and ministry. And My Church shall be enhanced and shall be built up.
And there shall be literally RIVERS of the lost flowing into the KINGDOM of God. …..whooo TONGUES.
And the praises of My people shall ascend up unto Me as incense off of the altar of God. And men at times will smell the beauty of that like the beauty of the flowers. The scent of the flowers, the odor of the flowers. And others will see it as a cloud as it ascends up, even unto Me saith the Lord of hosts. For these are the days.
And so before that day of judgment upon the EARTH, and battle, and war and bloodshed. There shall come the harvest that I’ve waited for.
So gird up your loins, fall upon your knees, call unto Me, and I will manifest Myself. Take your place in the army of prayer’s. Take your place in the army of intercessor’s. And ye shall see the manifestation of My glory upon the earth as you have never seen before.