Why God’s Word Is Your Way To Overcoming Victory

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Eleven


Who doesn’t like the thought of experiencing victory in Jesus? But have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to obtain? Maybe you are into sports and so you know the thrill of getting the winning goal with ten seconds left on the clock or hitting that game ending home run — There it goes. ee you — Bang! that propels you into the playoffs. But you’re a Jesus follower. Well, what does that matter? You want to pray the prayer of faith — There it goes. See you — Bang! And, you walk off with a miracle from God. How do we get there? Well, the difficulty in obtaining victory disappears when you come into line with God’s Word. That’s where we are going today. Join us as we look at Why God’s Word Is Your Way To Overcoming Victory. That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain

The first characteristic of a person who possesses a high level of faith is that this individual has made the decision to be a doer of the Word. Click To Tweet

Why Taking God at His Word is the Highest Faith

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Ten

Why Taking God at His Word is the Highest Faith

During Jesus’ time on earth, He took notice of those who had the highest faith. A Centurion, who came on behalf of his servant. A Canaanite, who came on behalf of her daughter. Jesus noted their faith and the Spirit of God recorded these episodes for our benefit so that we might know what great faith looks like. We need to know. God wants us to aim high. Here us an account from a brand new Jesus follower. He said, “WHEN I was a new believer, I knew little about prayer. My understanding of it was mostly selfish. I considered prayer to be a magic way to get what I wanted. But one day a friend called. His daughter was being rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. Her appendix had ruptured. Alone on my back porch, I cried out to God, “I’m ashamed of my selfishness in prayer. Forgive me for praying only for myself. Would you please heal that little girl?” Several hours later, my friend called back. Every symptom had evaporated on the operating table. No surgery was performed. The daughter would be held overnight for observation and released in the morning. Can you imagine what that did for my faith as a new believer? God was able to answer prayer and nothing was beyond His power. Some time after that, all the lymph nodes on one side of my body became swollen and sore. Weak and nauseated, unable to eat for days, I finally consulted a doctor. After many tests, we scheduled a biopsy. I was diagnosed as having cancer. The morning of the day we were to hear the results and prognosis from the doctor, the symptoms disappeared. Two nights before, standing in the bathroom and confessing my confusion and anger, I had yielded myself to God’s will regardless of what it might be. As God added to these experiences, those of trusting Him for employment, a place to live, finances, and a ministry of reaching others for Christ, faith grew. There were times it seemed God wasn’t there, but as my understanding and capacity for faith grew, so did experiences of the reality of His ever-present intimacy. Faith didn’t rest on the experiences; the experiences grew out of faith.”1 Your faith can grow as well. It can grow to the highest of heights. Join us on this week’s journey as we look at Why Taking God at His Word is the Highest Faith. That’s our focus on this weeks Light on Life.

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Do You Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus?

To receive any blessing from heaven, Jesus followers must be fully convinced of God’s willingness for them to have it. Click To Tweet

Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing

[Encore Podcast]: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Nine

Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing

In this week’s teaching, we focus on the importance of the ‘human will’  in receiving divine healing or any kind of help from the Lord. Some think that God wants to break a person’s will so that they would conform to His plan. God doesn’t want your will broken. He is not that kind of God. The Lord wants your will whole, complete, and entire. But He wants you to choose who will serve. Exercising the power of choice comes mightily to the forefront in gaining answers to prayer. In this podcast, we look at some steps one should take to hold on to healing once it has you have received it in Jesus’ Name. Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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#S2-048: Why It’s Important to Understand the Serious Power of the Soul [Podcast]

[Tweet Jesus put His finger on the pulse of this man’s problem when He asked, ‘Will you be made whole.’]

How You Can Remarkably Experience Jesus Powerful Healing Touch

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Eight

How You Can Remarkably Experience Jesus Powerful Healing Touch

Have you experienced divine healing from the hand of God? Do you know that this blessing is available for you? In the Pentecostal Evangel church leader George-O. Wood writes: Have you ever heard a healing take place? [Listen to the word ‘heard’ — this illustration is about hearing a miracle take place not seeing one take place] I have. I listened to an audiotape of Duane Miller teaching his Sunday school class from the text of Psalm 103 at the First Baptist Church in Brenham, Texas, on January 17, 1993. Duane prematurely retired from pastoring three years earlier because of a virus which penetrated the myelin sheath around the nerves in his vocal cords, reducing his speech to a raspy whisper. Teaching his class that day with a special microphone resting on his lips, he reaffirmed his belief in divine healing and that miracles had not ended with the Book of Acts. Listening to the tape, at times, you can barely understand his weakly spoken wheezy words of faith. The miracle happened at [when he read] verse 4 [Psalm 103:4 says ‘who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with stedfast love and mercy] when he said, “I have had and you have had in times past ‘pit’ experiences.” [Put the word ‘pit’ in brackets or quotes — that is, you have had experiences where you needed God to get you out of the ‘pit’ of despair] On the word ‘pit’ [when he spoke the word ‘pit’] his life changed — the word was as clear as a bell, in contrast to the imperfect enunciation of the preceding word[s] past. He paused, startled; began again and stopped. He said a few more words—all in a normal clear tone — and stopped again. The class erupted with shouts of joy, astonishment, and sounds of weeping. God completely healed him as he was declaring the truth in this psalm. (You can read the full account in Miller’s book Out of the Silence, Nelson Publishers.)1 This Sunday School teacher experienced divine healing. Can I tell you that this podcaster, a former pastor and now a Sunday School teacher, experienced divine healing as well! And, here’s what you should know. You can as well. How You Can Remarkably Experience Jesus Powerful Healing Touch, that’s our focus on today’s edition of Light on Life.

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Why Being Free from Disease Is Available for You

The leper experienced divine healing by laying on of hands. You can receive this way as well. Click To Tweet

Why Being Free from Disease Is Available for You

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Seven

Why Being Free from Disease Is Available for You

Being free from disease is our point of concentration today. God wants His people well and whole. That means you! Has that realization set in? Did you also know that there are multiple ways or methods by which you can receive? God the Father, God the ultimate Father wants YOU free from sickness and disease. Isn’t that the heart of any good parent, for their kids to be healthy, wealthy, and wise? Where do you think that desire originated from in the first place? The scripture declares to us that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from God the Father. The Word of God further declares, in the book of Acts, that Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. Healing is a good thing. It’s a good God thing. And here’s what you should realize. This good thing is your thing. It’s for you and God has provided multiple methods by which you can receive His healing touch. So in this week’s podcast, let’s jump into “Why Being Free from Disease Is Available for You,” all on this week’s Light on Life.

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Three Healing Questions from Jesus Life

When we look at the Word of God for methods of divine healing — you will find that none of them are natural. Click To Tweet

God’s Love for You and Methods of Divine Healing

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Six

God’s Love for You and Methods of Divine Healing

God wants you well in your body to such a degree that He provided various methods where you can receive divine healing. Even doctors have faith in faith. A survey conducted by the American Academy of Family Physicians shows that ninety-nine percent of doctors believe a relationship exists between faith and physical healing. Recently, more than one thousand health-care professionals met at Harvard Medical School to examine the connection between spirituality and healing. Doctors’ faith in faith was bolstered by a California study of the effect of prayer on recovery from heart problems. About two hundred heart patients were assigned to Christians who prayed for them, while an equal number, a control group, received no known prayers. Neither group knew about the prayers, yet those who received prayer developed half the complications that were experienced by those in the control group. A similar study by the Dartmouth Medical School examined the effect of prayer on healing when the patients prayed for themselves. The death rate six months after bypass surgery was 9 percent for the general population but 5 percent for those who prayed for their own healing. And none of the deeply religious patients died during the period of the study.1 Is that amazing or what? So we’re headed out today focusing on God’s Love for You and Methods of Divine Healing — all on this week’s Light on Life.

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#S4-007: Why Divine Healing Is Better for Your Life [Podcast]

When we look at the Word of God for methods of divine healing — you will find that none of them are natural. Click To Tweet

Why God’s Timing Is Right on the Money

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Five

Why God’s Timing Is Right on the Money

Today, we are in Ecclesiastes three talking about the subject of God’s timing as we close our series on the subject of the Lord’s vision for your life. What does time and timing have to do with anything? As intelligent, detailed and sophisticated as our God is by nature, it should be easy to understand how God’s perfect timing is always at work. This story is told about Abraham Lincoln: He was out at the back of his store one day rummaging through an old barrel. He was done rummaging when he reached in and felt a couple of books. When he pulled them up, he saw they were Blackstone’s commentaries. He read those and became a lawyer, and he got into politics. Of course, we know the story: he became the President of the United States and the healer of the sore of the Civil War. It may have all started with his rummaging in a barrel.1 Do you think God had anything to do with President Lincoln finding those books at the exact time he did while he wasn’t the president? Or do you feel that such discoveries were only by chance? God doesn’t leave anything to chance. In fact, it’s never chance, it’s always God’s perfect timing. That’s the pool we are going to jump into today. Why God’s Timing Is Right on the Money — that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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More of Eight Ways to Fulfill God’s Purpose for Your Life

There is time and timing for your purpose. To everything there is a season. Click To Tweet

Why Being Zealous for God’s Remarkable Vision is Right

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Four

Why Being Zealous for God’s Remarkable Vision is Right

One trait that must characterize Jesus followers is to be zealous to carry out God’s vision for their lives. This thing about God’s plan, God’s purpose, your gifts and calling is no light matter. Yet many either underestimate or plain do not understand the vital nature of zeal. David McCullough in his book Mornings on Horseback tells [one such] story [along this line] about young Teddy Roosevelt: “Mittie (his mother) had found he was so afraid of the Madison Square Church that he refused to set foot inside if alone. He was terrified, she discovered, of something called the ‘zeal.’ It was crouched in the dark corners of the church ready to jump at him, he said. When she asked what a zeal might be, he said he was not sure, but thought it was probably a large animal like an alligator or a dragon. He had heard the minister read about it from the Bible. Using a concordance, she read him those passages containing the word ‘zeal’ until suddenly, very excited, he told her to stop. The line was from the Book of John, John 2:17: “And his disciples remembered that it was written, ‘The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.’ ” People are still justifiably afraid to come near the “zeal” of the Lord, for they are perfectly aware it could “eat them up” if they aren’t one of his. Our Lord is good, but he isn’t safe.1 Now, I know that you are not one of these who is afraid to be associated with the zeal of the Lord because I know you are one who strongly desires to do God’s will. And so, in this week’s podcast, we take a look at the subject of zeal in relation to the vision for your life. Why Being Zealous for God’s Remarkable Vision is Right, all on this week’s Light on Life.

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Are You Complacent or A Zealous Jesus Disciple?

You will have a deeper sense of satisfaction on the inside when you know you, from your heart, have consistently given God all that you have. Click To Tweet

How to Find Your God Authorized Place in the Body

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Three

How to Find Your God Authorized Place in the Body

God has both place and plan for every child of His and it is His will that you find both. This plan of His was not just ‘made up on the fly’ as we say or on the spur of the moment. God established this place of purpose before your birth. In fact, before anyone was ever born anywhere. While on a medical missions trip, one of gentlemen said, ‘When in the Belgian Congo (now Zaire), I traveled with another physician from Florida who had left a lucrative practice to work for a few months in the Ecumenical Hospital in Kimpese. We shared the same lonely cabin. After several days, I said, “John (not his real name), tell me, what are you doing over here?” Well, there was a long silence, much too long. Then, in a well-modulated Southern voice, he said, “That’s a good question. I sometimes wonder myself. You see, I have never quite found myself. I left my family to serve in World War II. All the while I was wrestling with the problem of vocation. There were times when I considered being a medical missionary. Consequently, when I read about ‘Operation Doctor,’ I thought this would afford an opportunity for me to settle once and for all if I should be a missionary. I closed my offices in Florida and here I am.”1 This Florida based physician said in effect, “I’m a doctor. I live and practice in Florida, but I have never found myself — meaning he never found his place. I’m sure this doctor was well off financially in Florida working as a physician but his place in life, his purpose in life, he had not found. You know it doesn’t matter how much money you make if you’re in the wrong place. Your social standing means little if you’re not in right standing with God as far as your purpose goes. That’s the great lesson that we can glean here. There’s no better place than your place in God. And yes, you can find your place. That’s why our focus today is How to Find Your God Authorized Place in the Body all on this week’s Light On Life.

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Are You A Passionate Seeker of Jesus?

Finding your place takes a commitment that won’t quit or make excuses. Click To Tweet

Why Your God Given Vision Makes You Special

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Two

Why Your God Given Vision Makes You Special

Looking at the life of Jesus, it becomes evident that he possessed a clear vision that directed all his actions. He serves as an exemplary figure in this regard. This vision was bestowed upon him by his Father God in heaven. Similarly, God desires for you to have a well-defined purpose in life. It is crucial that you navigate your path based on the dreams that reside within your heart. Additionally, it is essential to safeguard the vision that God has instilled in you once it has emerged within your heart. Many obstacles will attempt to discourage you from embracing this divine vision. The Lord gave you. Here’s one example. It started like so many evenings. Mom and Dad at home and Jimmy playing after dinner. Mom and Dad were absorbed with jobs and did not notice the time. It was a full moon and some of the light seeped through the windows. Then Mom glanced at the clock. “Jimmy, it’s time to go to bed. Go up now and I’ll come and settle you later.” Unlike usual, Jimmy went straight upstairs to his room. An hour or so later his mother came up to check if all was well, and to her astonishment found that her son was staring quietly out of his window at the moonlit scenery. “What are you doing, Jimmy?” “I’m looking at the moon, Mommy.” “Well, it’s time to go to bed now.” As one reluctant boy settled down, he said, “Mommy, you know one day I’m going to walk on the moon.” Who could have known that the boy in whom the dream was planted that night would survive a near fatal motorbike crash which broke almost every bone in his body, and would bring to fruition this dream 32 years later when James Irwin stepped on the moon’s surface, just one of the 12 representatives of the human race to have done so?1 James Irwin had challenges to the vision in his heart but he overcame them and so can you. Why Your God Given Vision Makes You Special, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why God’s Love and Direction Are a Match Made in Heaven

Aren’t you glad Jesus fulfilled the vision for His life? Know that here are people right now on Planet Earth, who are going to feel the same way about you for filling your vision for your life. Click To Tweet

How You Can Chart Your Course by the Vision in Your Heart

Encore Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode One

How to Chart Your Course By the Vision in Your Heart

You can chart your course and explode with the power of vision. Soon after the completion of Disney World, someone said, “Isn’t it too bad that Walt Disney didn’t live to see this?” Mike Vance, creative director of Disney Studios, replied, “He did see it—that’s why it’s here.” 1. Vision is vital.  January is the time of the year where people try to catch a new vision. They think about things like resolutions, goals, and direction for the upcoming year. During this time of the year, they make choices and adjustments. They are sensing that some things in their life need change – need improvement. So, they use the January 1st date as a trigger to do better than they did the previous year. Striving forward is a good thing but, while we are looking ahead, it’s also good to look up – to look to the Lord for vision and direction. Explosive vision is seeing things invisible. Do you have a new vision for this new year? In this week’s podcast, we look at ‘How You Can Chart Your Course by the Vision in Your Heart.’ All on this week’s Light on Life.

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Is Giving Jesus Everything Worth The Risk?

[Tweet “Vision is a picture of what God wants to do if we get out of the way and let Him do it.”]

Why It’s Essential To Operate In God’s Stunning Wisdom

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fifty-Three

Why It’s Essential To Operate In God’s Stunning Wisdom

In order to maintain our connection with God’s wisdom, it is crucial for us to also recognize and understand the wisdom of the world, which opposes it. Solomon’s life serves as a powerful example of how even the wisest person can become a fool if they do not continue to walk with God. Despite being blessed with immense wisdom and understanding beyond measure, Solomon eventually strayed from the path of the Lord and committed evil acts. This foolishness, or folly, as described in the Scriptures, is something we should strive to avoid. That is why, in this week’s episode of Light on Life, our main focus will be Why It’s Essential To Operate In God’s Stunning Wisdom all on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain

God’s wisdom to believers — is a precious treasure because we have the mind of Christ. Click To Tweet