Why It’s Essential To Operate In God’s Stunning Wisdom

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fifty-Three

Why It’s Essential To Operate In God’s Stunning Wisdom

In order to maintain our connection with God’s wisdom, it is crucial for us to also recognize and understand the wisdom of the world, which opposes it. Solomon’s life serves as a powerful example of how even the wisest person can become a fool if they do not continue to walk with God. Despite being blessed with immense wisdom and understanding beyond measure, Solomon eventually strayed from the path of the Lord and committed evil acts. This foolishness, or folly, as described in the Scriptures, is something we should strive to avoid. That is why, in this week’s episode of Light on Life, our main focus will be Why It’s Essential To Operate In God’s Stunning Wisdom all on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain

God’s wisdom to believers — is a precious treasure because we have the mind of Christ. Click To Tweet

Why Growth Is An Essential Mindset For Jesus Followers

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fifty-One

Why Growth Is An Essential Mindset For Jesus Followers

As with any earthly parent, the expectation of God, our Heavenly Father, is that His children grow. Now, that’s a valid expectation because that’s how God wired creation in the first place. All of creation grows. It never stops growing. Way back in Genesis when God said, let there be light, that was actually a statement of growth. When God spoke those words, light propelled forward from inside of Himself at the magnificent speed of 186,000 miles a second. Light has never stopped traveling, never stopped growing since that day. It’s no surprise that things grow. One day a lady asked a question of her landscape gardener. The question caught him off guard. “Will you say that again, ma’am,” said the landscape gardener? The lady-of-the-house waved her hand to include several acres of the woodland she was having landscaped. This is what the lady said — “I want a picture of how it will all look when it’s finished—fish pond and rose garden included. Could it look like this picture in Better Homes and Gardens?” The gardener replied, “Hard to say, you know, we’re dealing here with living things. I can show you a pattern, I guess, but these things grow. Okay? So you’re going to have to keep on planting, cultivating, and trimming. Who’s to say what it will look like some day? It’s just never going to get finished growing!” … “I had no idea I was hiring a philosopher,” [my friend] said over coffee. “But that little speech reminded me that growth doesn’t stop when we reach our full height.” 1 We’re talking about growth today. Why Growth Is An Essential Mindset For Jesus Followers all on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Jesus Shocking Bread of Life Statement is the Only Way to Heaven

Bible reading is not just about gaining knowledge, it’s about providing food for your spirit man so that your spirit man can grow. Click To Tweet

What Does A Spiritually Mature Jesus Follower Look Like?

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fifty

What Does A Spiritually Mature Jesus Follower Look Like?

What does a spiritually mature Jesus follower look like? Great question, right? If we are asking — ‘what does a mature believer look like? — it stands to reason that there must be a picture somewhere that we can compare to. How else would you be able to measure yourself? In the physical world, a tape measure is a must when you need an accurate measurement. How long is that bolt that you need? About 4 inches? Maybe 5? If you need one that is exactly 4 inches, you’ll need an exact measurement. If you’re trying to set a piece of furniture in your house, do you just wing it or do you measure? A random measurement is not effective when you need to be precise. Take this idea over into our spiritual life. Do we live our live’s randomly? Are we just coming to church and winging maturity? Is there a way to measure our maturity in Christ accurately? There must be — after all, we’re talking the Creator of the Universe here. The one who according to Job [26:7], stretched out the north over the empty places and hung the world on nothing. God never wings anything so a random measurement is simply not His style. So in the Bible, God laid out for us how we are to gauge spiritual maturity. What are the fundamentals of Christian growth? In Hebrews, God gives us six elementary precise principles all tied up for us in chapter six. Throughout the rest of the Word of God, we are given other benchmarks like, a thankful heart for example, or your body as a house of prayer, or the joy of the Lord as a measure of strength. There are other bull eyes to hit of course. We may get into some of them later on. These measured pictures are in place so that we can lift our eyes and look upward. The images of maturity are available — God took the guess work out of it for us.1 So in this podcast, we are going to take a walk on the mature side of the Jesus life as we endeavor to answer the question, ‘What Does A Spiritually Mature Jesus Follower Look Like?’ All on this week’s Light on Life.

What is Carnal Minded and How to Grow Out of It?

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Spiritual maturity is the destination on the ‘yellow brick road’ of Holy Spirit life. Click To Tweet

Why Quality Decisions Can Positively Frame a Better Tomorrow

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Forty-Nine

Why Quality Decisions Can Positively Frame a Better Tomorrow

Quality decisions, good God honoring choices, frame the future. You are where you are today because of the decisions you made yesterday. On her golden wedding anniversary, a certain grandmother revealed the secret of her long and happy marriage. “On my wedding day, I decided to choose ten of my husband’s faults which, for the sake of our marraige, I would overlook,” she explained. A guest asked her to name some of the faults. “To tell the truth,” she replied, “I never did get around to listing them. But whenever my husband did something that made me hopping mad, I would say to myself, ‘Lucky for him that’s one of the ten.’”1 You see this grandmother made a decision and stuck to it so much that she realized fifty successful years happily married to the same man. You are today the total of the decisions, commitments, goals, and systems you made yesterday. You may think, wow, “I’m not a good place today — life is messed up for me right now.” Well, here’s some good news for you. God is a good God and the game of life is not over yet. As long as you have breath in your lungs, you can make different decision that will frame your tomorrow. Why Quality Decisions Can Positively Frame a Better Tomorrow, that’s our focus on today’s edition of Light on Life.

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The Role of the Spirit in the Life of A Believer

Walking in love is a decision and not a feeling. God’s love is not an emotion. It’s a policy. Click To Tweet

Why You Need To Know Who You Are In Christ

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Seventeen

Why You Need To Know Who You Are In Christ

As Paul closes out his segment on the division, the boasting, and the immaturity that was in this church, he ends chapter one with the marvelous reality that God placed us ‘In Christ.’ ‘Because of Him you are in Him, is what Paul states. But, what does that mean to be ‘in Christ?’ Tony Evans shared an object lesson that highlights one aspect of what it means to be ‘in Christ.’ Here’s his illustration. Tony said, “I’VE GOT three envelopes: a big one, a smaller one, and a smaller one yet. I’ve also got a slip of paper. [So, three envelopes — one piece of paper] The Bible says that we are in Christ and that Christ is in us. The smallest envelope has “Tony Evans” written on it. The slip of paper has “Jesus” written on it. The Bible says that when Tony Evans accepted Jesus Christ, He came inside of Tony Evans. Christ, [so we take] the slip of paper, [and we put it] inside the envelope that represents Tony Evans. But, not only is Christ in Tony Evans, but [it’s also true that] Tony Evans is in Christ. The slip of paper Christ is in Tony Evans, but when Tony Evans accepted Christ, Tony Evans came inside of Christ. [that’s the second envelope] I put the Tony Evans envelope into the Christ envelope. Now, the Bible says that Christ is in God. [God the Father is the third envelope] So we’re going to slip the Christ envelope into the God envelope. [So, what you see on the outside is a single envelope marked God on the outside. [So, where is Tony Evans now? You can’t see him.] So in order to now get to Tony Evans, you’ve got to go through God, and then you have to go through Christ, and after you’ve gone through God, and gotten through Christ, then [and only then] you get to Tony Evans. However, when you’ve gone through God, and gotten to Christ, and think you’ve have gotten ahold of Tony Evans, when you open up Tony Evans, he’s full of Jesus Christ. So I am in Christ, Christ is in me, Christ is in God, God is in Christ, so I am well covered by Jesus Christ and His heavenly Father.1 This is a marvelous illustration which shows that as long as you remain in Him, you are safe and secure. That’s why in this week’s podcast, our focus is ‘Why You Need To Know Who You Are In Christ’ — all on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Boasting Is Never Beautiful for Those Born Again

Jesus is in you and He is the Word and the Word is Wisdom. You access His wisdom via the Holy Spirit. If you want to know something — just ask. Click To Tweet

Why Boasting Is Never Beautiful for Those Born Again

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Sixteen

Why Boasting Is Never Beautiful for Those Born Again

No human being should consider boasting of his or her accomplishments. Prideful boasting is never best. Meekness of humility is what’s appreciated by God and man. The Word of God says “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth” — you find that reference in Matthew five and verse five. Illustrating this truth a drunkard of a husband spent the evening with his happy friends at a bar. He boasted that if he took all of his friends to his house at midnight and asked his Christian wife to get up and cook supper for them, that she would do it without complaint. The crowd that heard this drunk man boasting dared him to do it and bet money that he was full of bologna. So the drunken crowd went home with him and he made the unreasonable demands of his wife. She obeyed, dressed, came down, and prepared a very nice supper just as quickly as possible and served it as cheerfully as if she had been expecting them. After supper one of the men, a little more sober than the others, asked her how she could be so kind when they had been so unreasonable, and, also when they knew she did not approve of their conduct. Her reply was, “Sir, when my husband and I were married, we were both sinners. It has pleased God to call me out of that dangerous condition. My husband remains in it. I tremble for his future state. Were he to die as he is, he will be miserable forever; I think it my duty to render his present existence as comfortable as possible.” This wise and faithful reply affected the whole company. The husband thanked her for the warning, and gave his heart to Jesus and became a way better husband than he had ever been.1 God turned the foolish boasting of this man – a lesson he hopefully clung to for the balance of his days. Why Boasting is Never Beautiful for Those Born Again — that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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#S4-020: Humility: How to Put On God’s Glory Suit [Podcast]

Why Boasting Is Never Beautiful for Those Born Again Click To Tweet

Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fifteen

Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan's Wisdom Is Certain

Did you know that your victory over Satan’s wisdom is a sure thing? Now, don’t be afraid to ask questions, that is a motto to live by. It is important to ask questions when we don’t understand something. We need to set aside our ego and acknowledge that we don’t know everything, as this is how we mature. However, we must not mistake this attitude for the rebellious “question authority” movement of the past. That is simply a disguise to do whatever one wants to do with no restraint. It is crucial to remember that God ordains the powers that be [Romans 13.1]. We should question things and not blindly accept everything we hear as truth. For example, if a minister claims a Bible verse says something, we should give him credit for his honesty and faithfulness of heart in declaring the Word, but feel empowered to verify. Checking things out for ourselves is how we make truth our own. When you put the work in, these verified facts become ‘thus says the Lord’ instead of ‘thus says the preacher.’ Failing to slow down, and think, leaves us open to great folly because, if the well-intentioned information is erroneous, it will not produce results.

There is a story that Napoleon often told to illustrate this point. Once, while visiting a province, he encountered an old soldier who had lost one arm in battle. The soldier was proudly wearing the coveted Legion of Honor on his uniform. Napoleon asked him where he had lost his arm, and the soldier replied that it was at the Battle of Austerlitz. When Napoleon praised him for receiving the Legion of Honor, the soldier humbly considered it a small token for his sacrifice. Surprised by the soldier’s response, Napoleon commented that he must be the kind of man who regretted not losing both arms for his country. In a bold move, the soldier immediately cut off his remaining arm, hoping to receive a double Legion of Honor. This story circulated for years, highlighting the importance of questioning and critically thinking before blindly accepting what others tell us.1

In today’s podcast, we delve into the certainty of our powerful victory over the world’s wisdom, which is ultimately doomed to fail. Join us as we explore this topic in this week’s episode of Light on Life: “Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain.” All on this weeks Light on Life.

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Are You Flowing in God Given Authority?

Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain Click To Tweet

How to SpotLight God’s Wisdom In Your Every Day Life

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fourteen

How to SpotLight God’s Wisdom In Your Every Day Life

We are putting a spotlight on God’s wisdom this week because of Pauls’ First letter to the Corinthians. One gentleman shared his trek in trying to acquire the wisdom of God. He said, ‘Shortly after my conversion in 1973, six of my young Christian friends and I met one evening to talk about our faith. We had been reading our Bibles and had decided to pray for the spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12.’ He went on to say, ‘I was young and zealous, so I asked for wisdom. I knew that God was wise [that’s what Romans 16:27 says]. And I knew that I needed what He had. I sensed the presence of God as we prayed, and I vividly recall my deep conviction that He would answer my prayer. In the days and months that followed, the Holy Spirit began to provoke me with the following passage: “My purpose is that…they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” [Colossians 2:2–3]. These verses contain a vital truth, but I did not understand it. In some mysterious way, Christ’s life and death reveal God’s hidden wisdom. Try as I might, I could not see it. I saw obedience, suffering, love, and courage. But His wisdom just wasn’t as obvious to me. I began praying: “Father, I want to understand why Your wisdom is a treasure. Let me see the value of Your wisdom. Let me see where You have hidden it in the life and death of Your Son.” Twelve years passed. [You know sometimes we are asking questions way beyond where we are. That means we must grow into the answer.] For some reason, I purchased the 17th–century classic The Existence and Attributes of God by the Puritan scholar Stephen Charnock. He devoted 107 pages to a detailed biblical study of God’s wisdom. One sentence in particular was life changing for me.’ “Wisdom consists in acting for a right end.… He is the wisest man that has the noblest end and the fittest means, so God is infinitely wise; as He is the most excellent being, so He has the most excellent end.” ‘As I read, God enlightened my understanding. For the first time, I saw that genuine wisdom consisted of the pursuit of God’s ultimate end, His glory, with God’s means, a life of sacrificial service. By contrast, “earthly wisdom” pursues its own glory (or another lesser end) using a selfish means, such as control, manipulation, or domination.1.’ That’s a marvelous testimony of how one man acquired some life changing wisdom. How to Spotlight God’s Wisdom in Your Every Day Life, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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How To Find Your Ultimate Calling for Your Life

How to SpotLight God’s Wisdom In Your Every Day Life Click To Tweet

Why Total Confidence in the Cross Means Ultimate Wisdom

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Thirteen

Why Total Confidence in the Cross Means Ultimate Wisdom

In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he emphasizes the immense power of Jesus’ Cross. This can be found in verse seventeen of chapter one. Moving on to verse eighteen, Paul mentions the significance of the ‘word of the Cross’ and its superiority over the word of the world. It’s clear that this message will resonate with many. Interestingly, an illustrator has praised Pittsburgh’s airport, stating that it is among the largest and most well-equipped in the entire nation.Two seconds in flying time from the airport and in direct line with one of its busiest runways is the steeple of Union Church. “Ever since the terminal opened,” said the pastor, William R. Ruschaput, “planes have buzzed the belfry [a belfry is the part of the steeple that houses the bell] — planes have buzzed the belfry like bees after honey. It got so bad that low-flying jets turned our Sunday evening services into sudden prayer meetings.” Reluctant to have their steeple carried away by some careless and unwary pilot, the church topped it with an eight-foot neon-lighted cross. The church is on the highest point near the airport and planes can see at night the lighted cross all the way from the Ohio border. One pilot made this interesting comment regarding the lighted cross: “Most of us are using it as a guide to the field.”1 The focus of this week’s podcast is the Cross as a guide and why having total confidence in it leads to ultimate wisdom — That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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What Does A Real Disciple of Jesus Look Like?

Why Total Confidence in the Cross Means Ultimate Wisdom Click To Tweet

Why a Spirit of Division is Not Your Way

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Twelve

Why a Spirit of Division is Not Your Way

In First Corinthians, Paul addresses the division prominent in the house churches of the city. Simply stated, division is a wall between two sides. In the 1960s, the Communists of East Germany erected the Berlin Wall to prevent East Germans from uniting with West Germans. Many individuals lost their lives while attempting to climb the wall that separated the East from the West, proving that this barrier was not innocent. This wall of division separated friends from friends and family from family. The result brought death and despair. The wall would stay up forever, it seemed. But God had another plan. A global wave of nationalism and the desire for freedom swept up the people in Communist countries, turning the Communist world upside down. The Berlin Wall had no power against the forces of unity and freedom—and it fell, becoming prize souvenirs for collectors. Types of Berlin Walls are built every day in churches and between believers. There is no wall worth the cost of division. The only way to keep the unity of the Spirit in the church and between believers is to remain in the Spirit.1 That’s what Paul endeavored to get over to the Corinthian Church. It’s a lesson we should strive to learn and operate in as well in the days of our generation. Why a Spirit of Division is Not Your Way, that’s our focus of this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Unity Is Essential in All Things God

Why a Spirit of Division is Not Your Way Click To Tweet

Why Moving In Strife Means You Need To Grow

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Eleven

Why Moving In Strife Means You Need To Grow

Strife, avoiding it, and knowing why you should is what we are talking up today. The Church at Corinth had major problems with strife. So, in his letter to this church, Paul makes addressing this problem one of his major focal points. He didn’t want this church to have a history in this area. You may not realize it, but Aaron Burr, the third Vice President of the United States, had a history with strife. His grandfather, Jonathan Edwards, raised him in a godly home and admonished him to accept Christ. [You know who Jonathan Edwards is don’t you? He preached one of the world’s most famous sermons, ‘Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God.’ So, Aaron Burr’s renowned grandfather tried to lead him to Jesus.] Instead, he declared he wanted nothing to do with God and said he wished the Lord would leave him alone. He achieved a measure of political success despite repeated disappointments. But he was also involved in continuous strife, and when he was 48 years old, he killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel. He lived for 32 more years, but through all this time, he was unhappy and unproductive. It was during this sad chapter in his life that he declared to a group of friends; “Sixty years ago I told God that if He would let me alone, I would let Him alone, and God has not bothered about me since.” Aaron Burr got what he wanted. [A life filled with strife that took him straight to hell.] 1 Why Moving In Strife Means You Need To Grow. That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Moving In Strife Means You Need To Grow Click To Tweet

How To Find Your Ultimate Calling for Your Life

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Ten

How To Find Your Ultimate Calling for Your Life

Everyone wants to know what their calling is in life. Why am I here? What’s the purpose for my life? Why am I wired the way I am. What’s God’s plan for my life? Some time ago in Schenectady, N. Y., before an audience which included many young engineers from General Electric, Donald Grey Barnhouse spoke of feeding upon Christ, pointing out that the physical action of today was the result of last week’s food, and that the spiritual action in any life is the result of previous feeding upon Christ. I said, “For example, a young man trained as an engineer, with bright prospect before him, hears the call of God to go out to Africa as a missionary, leaves his position, and faces the Dark Continent. He has been feeding on Christ.” I had not more than pronounced the benediction that a young man came up to me and asked, “Why did you say what you did about an engineer going to Africa?” I answered that, as I was preaching, the Holy Spirit had led me. And the young man replied, “I am an engineer and God is calling me to Africa, and I must leave my career and go there as a missionary.” It was a “word fitly spoken” which reached his particular case.1 You see most everyone wants to know. Some might hide from it because they’re concerned that God might send them to Africa. Well, you don’t have to worry about that. God is totally intelligent and the most able communicator who ever existed. If He wants you to go to Africa, He will surely get that information to you. We’re talking about God’s call on your life and how to find it. That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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How to Locate the Essential Will of God for Your Everyday Life

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