Are you in a place where you are experiencing one problem after another? Like just about the time you get your shoes tied, your heel falls off? Are you experiencing opposition to your call? Is the enemy opposing your family, your loved ones? In this week’s podcast, we are going to give you some enormous reasons why you can tell Satan to get lost. Four of them to be exact, four powerfully effective reasons. So, what we are talking about is exercising our God-given authority and dominion. I say, ‘God-given’ because You know the word of God says that God in creation gave man the ability to have ruler-ship or dominion over all the earth. That’s in the book of beginnings, the book of Genesis — right in the first chapter — right off the bat. God made man, Genesis 1:26 says, and the first tool the Lord put in his toolbox was dominion. Now, what does that mean? What does that dominion look like? Well, we can get a clue by first defining terms. What does the word ‘dominion’ mean? To answer this question, you can search the three main Hebrew dictionaries on planet earth today. They are by their initials BDB, HAL, and DCH. BDB is Brown, Drivers, and Brigg. The next one, HAL, is the Hebrew Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, and the third one, DCH, is the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. Listen to the three entries for dominion. BDB has the definition of dominion as, ‘rule, dominate, or tread.’ The HAL has it as ‘tread, rule, govern, or be over.’ The DCH gives the definition as ‘have dominion (over), rule (over), or be in charge of.’ All of them are very similar and together they give us a ‘no doubt about it’ understanding of a person who has ruling authority, doesn’t it? That’s what dominion is. This is what God gave to man. It is what God gave to you as his representative man to your generation. The question now is, ‘why did he give man this dominion?’ Jesus answers that for us in the gospels when He said, ‘All authority is given unto me, you go, therefore. That’s Matthew’s gospel. Now, couple that with Mark’s gospel entry which reads and ‘these signs will follow them that believe.’ Link these passages together with the Holy Spirit inspired ‘sign’ list the gospel writer Mark gives us. He said these signs shall follow them that believe. What’s the first sign on the list, that is supposed to follow us? “In My Name, shall they cast out devils. Or, we could say it this way, ‘in My Name shall they exercise authority over Satan.’ Now when Jesus said, ‘in My Name cast out devils’, what He is in saying is to undertake this action in my place, in my stead, as my representative, with my authority.’ You were given dominion because God knew that you would have an enemy — an opposing force. The Lord didn’t send man into the fields of planet earth to get your face beaten off — succumbing to every whim of a hostile force. That hostile force — that enemy — that Satan, that devil, that Lucifer and all his little demon cohorts have to be put in their place. And guess what, you are elected to do it. You don’t have to put with anything that is of the enemy. Not one thing. I’m telling you, you have the right to tell Satan to get lost, and to get out of your face. And in today’s podcast, I am going to give you four reasons why all of this is true. Four enormous reasons why you can tell Satan to hit the road jack and don’t look back. Reasons why your authority in Christ is greater than all the devil’s power — that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.
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[Tweet “Demons are so afraid of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords that they go into convulsions.”]
#S3-016: How to Obliterate Temptation in Jesus Name [Podcast]