#S3-020: How Jesus Destroyed Demons in One on One Encounters [Podcast]

How to Use the Name of Jesus to Live a Miracle Life

A form of exorcism is a daily occurrence at a Miami hospital treating several hundred patients a month who ask to have evil spirits driven from their bodies. “Usually, we treat 600 to 700 a month,” says Dr. Hardat Sukhdeo, director of Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Crisis Intervention Center. “But last month we had 900 people come for help … we worked our tails off—maybe there was a strong pull from the moon or something.” The belief that demons can infiltrate a person’s body is old hat to the Jamaicans, Haitians, Bahamians, Cubans and Puerto Ricans who live in the Miami area, he said. The patients are given strong tranquilizers to calm them; then staff members try to soothe away their fears. 1. Tranquilizers and TLC are not how you deal with demons. It’s the Name of Jesus that get’s it done. What can we learn about the power of the Name by looking at how Jesus dealt with demons?

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[Tweet “The same demons Jesus cast out in His earth walk are still here on planet earth.”]

#S3-018: How God Reacquired Adam’s Stolen Authority [Podcast]

How to Use the Name of Jesus to Live a Miracle Life

In last week’s podcast, we left off with a glimpse at the Divine Council. Today, we are going to tie some things up and give an overview so you can see how all these individual podcasts link together. Also, we are going to look at how God reacquired Adam’s stolen authority.

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[Tweet “Compromise is a lethal injection to the Spirit life for what you compromise to keep you lose.”]

#S3-016: How to Obliterate Temptation in Jesus Name [Podcast]

How to Use the Name of Jesus to Live a Miracle Life

Some people fall into temptation, but a great many make plans for disaster ahead of time. “Son,” ordered a father, “Don’t swim in that canal.” “OK, Dad,” he answered. But he came home carrying a wet bathing suit that evening. “Where have you been?” demanded the father. “Swimming in the canal,” answered the boy. “Didn’t I tell you not to swim there?” asked the father. “Yes, Sir,” answered the boy. “Why did you?” he asked. “Well, Dad,” he explained, “I had my bathing suit with me and I couldn’t resist the temptation.” “Why did you take your bathing suit with you?” he questioned. “So I’d be prepared to swim, in case I was tempted,” he replied. 1 Putting temptation in it’s place is what we are talking about in this week’s Light on Life Podcast.

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[Tweet “Jesus knew, and you should know, there are right ways and wrong ways to get things.”]

#S2-046: How to Recognize the Voice of Satan the Chameleon [Podcast]

The Believers Authority in Christ

In some of the outlying areas of British Columbia, Canada, farmers have been plagued with wolves killing their livestock. Meetings have been held with farmers, environmentalists and concerned citizens in a move to solve the problem. The majority of the local people favored shooting or poisoning the marauding wolves. At one meeting a woman strode to the microphone, listed her impressive credentials and explained her solution. “Vasectomy is the answer,” she thundered. “Simply trap the wolves humanely, neuter the males and release them.” One grizzled old sheep farmer rose to his feet. “Ma’am,” he said in a gruff voice, “no disrespect meant, you bein’ an expert, but them wolves is killin’ my sheep, not makin’ love to ‘em.” 1 As funny as this story is, two-legged wolves in the church are a serious problem. Jesus addressed this problem and gave us some clues in how to recognize their potentially damaging threats.

This is part five of the Series entitled, ‘The Believer’s Authority in Christ’. You can find Part One ‘How to Terrorize the Terrorist Encore [Podcast] here and Part Two ‘How to Stop Satan from Pushing You Around’ [Podcast] here, Part Three, ‘How You Can Overcome the Tools of Satan’ [Podcast],  and Part 4 ‘What Is the Greatest Tool in Satan’s Toolbox?’ [Podcast] here.

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#S2-045: What Is the Greatest Tool in Satan’s Toolbox? [Podcast]

The Believers Authority in Christ

The Lord has given to every man his work. It is his business to do it, and the devil’s business to hinder him—if he can. So, sure as God gives a man a work to do, Satan will try to hinder him. He may present other things more promising; he may allure you by worldly prospect; he may assault you with slander, torment you with false accusations, set you to work defending your character, employ pious persons to lie about you, editors to assail you, and excellent men to slander you. You may have Pilate and Herod, Ananias and Caiaphas all combined against you, and Judas standing by to sell you for 30 pieces of silver. And you may wonder why all these things have come to pass. Can you not see that the whole thing is brought about through the craft of the devil, to draw you off from your work and hinder your obedience to Christ? Keep about your work. Do not flinch because the lion roars. Do not stop to stone the devil’s dogs. Do not fool around your time chasing the devil’s rabbits. Do your work; let liars lie; let sectarians quarrel; let editors publish; let the devil do his worst. But see to it that nothing hinders you from fulfilling the work God has given you. He had not sent you to make money; He has not commanded you to get rich. He has never bidden you to defend your character nor has He bidden you to contradict falsehoods about yourself which Satan and his servants may start to peddle. If you do these things you will do nothing else; you will be at work for yourself and not for the Lord. Keep about your work. Let your aim be as steady as a star. Let the world brawl and bubble. You may be assaulted, wrangled, insulted, slandered, wounded, and rejected. You may be chased by foes, abused by them, forsaken by friend, despised and rejected of men, but see to it that with steadfast determination and with unfaltering zeal you pursue that great purpose of your life and the object of your being until at last you can say; “I have finished the work which you, dear God, have given me to do?” [ 1. Galaxie Software, 10,000 Sermon Illustrations (Biblical Studies Press, 2002)] There are some things we can learn about handling the hindering effects of Satan’s opposition to the gospel by looking at Satan’s most widely known tool, temptation.

This is part four of the Series entitled, ‘The Believer’s Authority in Christ’. You can find Part One ‘How to Terrorize the Terrorist Encore [Podcast] here and Part Two ‘How to Stop Satan from Pushing You Around’ [Podcast] here and Part Three, ‘How You Can Overcome the Tools of Satan’ [Podcast] here.

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#S2-044: How You Can Overcome the Tools of Satan [Podcast]

The Believers Authority in Christ

Writing in Moody Monthly, Carl Armerding recounted his experience of watching a wildcat in a zoo. “As I stood there,” he said, “an attendant entered the cage through a door on the opposite side. He had nothing in his hands but a broom. Carefully closing the door, he proceeded to sweep the floor of the cage.” He observed that the worker had no weapon to ward off an attack by the beast. In fact, when he got to the corner of the cage where the wildcat was lying, he poked the animal with the broom. The wildcat hissed at him and then lay down in another corner of the enclosure. Armerding remarked to the attendant, “You certainly are a brave man.” “No, I ain’t brave,” he replied as he continued to sweep. “Well, then that cat must be tame.” “No,” came the reply, “he ain’t tame.” “If you aren’t brave and the wildcat isn’t tame, then I can’t understand why he doesn’t attack you.” Armerding said the man chuckled, then replied with an air of confidence, “Mister, he’s old—and he ain’t got no teeth.” 1 That’s an accurate description of Satan the roaring lion who seeks to devour (1 Peter 5:8). He is a defeated lion with no teeth. But, that doesn’t stop him from making a bunch of noise. In order to enforce his defeat, and to shut his mouth, you have to learn to call his bluff. You can do it if you know his devices.

This is part three of the Series entitled, ‘The Believer’s Authority in Christ’. You can find Part One ‘How to Terrorize the Terrorist Encore [Podcast] here and Part Two ‘How to Stop Satan from Pushing You Around‘ here.

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#S2-043: How to Stop Satan from Pushing You Around [Podcast]

The Believers Authority in Christ

Multitudes of people in this world today are held hostage in their minds by the devil. They are incarcerated, locked up, and caged in their minds and emotions, held like slaves, prisoners, or detainees who are under arrest and live at the mercy of their conqueror. 1 But, this doesn’t have to be your legacy. You can live and walk free everyday of your life all the while side-stepping Satan’s minefield. There’s simply a bunch of stuff you can avoid in life. Tests and trials you can by-pass. Discomforting situations you can live free from if you learn how to stop Satan from pushing you around.

This is part two of the Series entitled, ‘The Believer’s Authority in Christ’. You can find Part One ‘How to Terrorize the Terrorist Encore [Podcast] here.

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#S2-042: Terrorizing the Terrorist Encore [Podcast]

The Believers Authority in Christ

We live in a time the Bible classifies as perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1). Terrorism is one factor that makes these days dangerous to live in. This hate religion is a fear based business. Believers in Jesus don’t have to be subject to a spirit of fear. You can overcome it. You can live in peace all your days. While your at it, you can turn the tables. You can terrorize the terrorist.

This is part one of the Series entitled, ‘The Believer’s Authority in Christ’. You can find Part Two ‘How to Stop Satan from Pushing You Around [Podcast]’ here.

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#039: How to Terrorize the Terrorist [Podcast]

We live in a time the Bible classifies as perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1). Terrorism is one factor that makes these days dangerous to live in. This hate religion is a fear based business. Believers in Jesus don’t have to be subject to a spirit of fear. You can overcome it. You can live in peace all your days. While your at it, you can turn the tables. You can terrorize the terrorist.

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How to Terrorize the Terrorist

We live in a time the Bible classifies as perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1).  Terrorism is one factor that makes these days dangerous to live in. This hate religion is a fear based business. Believers in Jesus don’t have to be subject to a spirit of fear. You can overcome it. You can live in peace all your days. While your at it, you can turn the tables. You can terrorize the terrorist.

Are You Flowing in God Given Authority?

Last words are important. They bear weight with generations of men. Frank Sinatra died after saying, “I’m losing it.” Blues singer Bessie Smith died saying, “I’m going, but I’m going in the name of the Lord” 1. Jesus last words are crafted around the subject of authority. These words, found in Matthew 28:18, begin with, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore…

Exercising Authority over Demonic Influences

Unsaved people are influenced by demons. What causes a man to commit atrocious acts of evil?  The need to know about Biblical authority is rooted in this fact – you are not alone on planet earth! In Eden, the most perfect place on the planet, Adam found that he was not alone (Gen. 3:1). But the fact that we have company on planet earth is irrelevant once you understand your ‘position’ in Christ.