Enduring Tests and Trials: Rich and Poor Alike; James 1:9-11

The trials of life mows everybody’s lawn the same height on planet earth. People’s money and social connections won’t spare stewing time in life’s great crock pot. From the penthouse to the basement, all tenants stomach hard times. Do you remember the mark of the beast in Revelation thirteen? Did you notice how all classes get the same stamp?  The assets and  connections of the rich won’t keep them from the branding. Full bodied bank accounts will get you a designer version of the mark but not much else. And the poor? Do they get a pass since they have no money to control anyway? No, the poor line up to receive the mark just like government cheese (Rev. 13:16).  666 is an equal opportunity intrusion into life. Compliance is compulsory. Resistance is futile.  Tests are like taxes, you can’t avoid them. James starts this paragraph on tests by addressing the subject with rich and poor.

Enduring Tests and Trials: Faith and Wisdom; James 1:5-8

James begins his letter with instructions on tests and trials encouraging the ‘scattered’ of the Diaspora to ‘hang in there’ and respect the journey understanding that blessings in development and heavenly rewards await the victorious. Verses five through eight address the wisdom component necessary to be able to count it all joy when enduring tests and trials.

Orders from God in the Book of James

Here are the imperatives in the Book of James. They are in bold print and placed in capitals. Stressing these in your reading of this Epistle will impact and bring new light to your thinking. It will also impact your prayer life. The Word of God and prayer work together when you approach it the right way. If you read the Word properly, you will always be praying. You will always be talking to God about these commandments as they are His will for your life. It is your book of prayer.