In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he emphasizes the immense power of Jesus’ Cross. This can be found in verse seventeen of chapter one. Moving on to verse eighteen, Paul mentions the significance of the ‘word of the Cross’ and its superiority over the word of the world. It’s clear that this message will resonate with many. Interestingly, an illustrator has praised Pittsburgh’s airport, stating that it is among the largest and most well-equipped in the entire nation.Two seconds in flying time from the airport and in direct line with one of its busiest runways is the steeple of Union Church. “Ever since the terminal opened,” said the pastor, William R. Ruschaput, “planes have buzzed the belfry [a belfry is the part of the steeple that houses the bell] — planes have buzzed the belfry like bees after honey. It got so bad that low-flying jets turned our Sunday evening services into sudden prayer meetings.” Reluctant to have their steeple carried away by some careless and unwary pilot, the church topped it with an eight-foot neon-lighted cross. The church is on the highest point near the airport and planes can see at night the lighted cross all the way from the Ohio border. One pilot made this interesting comment regarding the lighted cross: “Most of us are using it as a guide to the field.”1 The focus of this week’s podcast is the Cross as a guide and why having total confidence in it leads to ultimate wisdom — That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.
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