Prayer armor, or praying on all occasions in the Spirit is Paul’s next admonition to the church after he talks about the armor of God. He uses the term praying all ways or at all times. During the turn of the 20th century, there was a great outpouring of the Spirit of God that began in Los Angeles at a place called Azusa. The Azusa Street revival of 1906 led to the spread of the Pentecostal faith, including speaking in tongues and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, throughout the US and the across the world. The movement further inspired missionaries and helped to break down racial separations. The power of God fell mighty for several years at Azusa but not only there, that same move took place simultaneously in other parts of the world, places like India and Sri Lanka. Here is just one story. “Miss Minnie Abrams tells of a meeting held by one of the Mukti bands in Anrangabad in 1906. It was in the Church Missionary Society schoolroom. A little girl of nine was wonderfully anointed with prayer. Before going back to the Church Missionary Society boarding school in Bombay, from which she had come for a vacation, she asked her father if anyone might receive the Holy Spirit. He told her that God would give the Holy Spirit to all who asked Him. On returning to the school she succeeded in getting four girls to join her in prayer, daily, for the Holy Spirit. Upon one of these, a girl of sixteen, the Holy Spirit was poured out with the speaking in tongues. She asked daily to retire to a room for prayer. She would become oblivious to her surroundings and time, wholly occupied in communion with God, praying always aloud. When it was discovered that she was speaking in a language not understood, Canon Haywood was brought in. He decided this might be the speaking in tongues he had heard about, and took measures to find out what she was saying. In the cosmopolitan city of Bombay where many languages were spoken, he found one who could understand much of what she said. She was pleading with God for Libya, in North Africa. She did not always speak the same language.{2. Stanley Howard Frodsham, With Signs Following: The Story of the Pentecostal Revival in the Twentieth Century, Revised Edition. (Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House, 1946), 109–110.] The Spirit of God fell on this young girl and she continued to pray is the record we have. Stories like this where the power of God falls and lives are changed is what we are talking about today as we ask the question – What Is the Link Between Praying in the Spirit and the Armor of God? That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.
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How To Put On And Step Out With The Whole Armor Of God
[Tweet “Paul assumes that when he asks the Ephesians to pray that they have their armor firmly in place.”]