National Geographic did a survey about the End of the World back in 2012. With tsunamis, earthquakes, and financial concerns dominating headline news, National Geographic asked what Americans’ thought about a potential “Doomsday scenario. More than 62 percent of Americans thought the world would experience a major catastrophe in the next 20 years. And nearly three out of every four people (71%) envision a major disaster in their lifetime as an act of God, not man. When the question was asked, ”Which of the following, if any, do you think might happen in the United States in the next 25 years? these were the responses: earthquakes (64%), hurricanes (63%) and terrorism (55%) are the most feared, followed by financial collapse (51%), significant blackout (37%), a pandemic (29%) and nuclear fallout (14%). It’s clear from these stats that the ‘End of the World’ is on people’s minds. In today’s podcast, we continue our series on ‘What the Bible says about the End of the World.’
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