Like many of us, Allen wanted God to see things his way. Allen was raised in a Christian home, but he allowed different things to become idols in his life, things such as sports heroes, material possessions, and self-seeking adventures. One day, Allen’s life came crashing down. His marriage was on the edge of ruin. His children were out of control. His career was heading nowhere fast. Trouble flooded in upon him. At his wits end, Allen began to seek help. He attended a marriage conference with his wife, and while there he desperately sought the only living and true God. On the final day of the conference, Allen noticed a wooden cross with a simple sign overhead that read: “Jesus invites you to nail every sin to His cross.” Hundreds of nails had already been hammered in by others seeking relief from the terrible weight of sin. With tears rolling down his cheek, Allen walked up and put his nail in the cross alongside the others. As he did, he felt all the hurt, the weight of having lived a life of sin, fall off his shoulders. “Jesus, I’ve lived my life for myself. I can’t do this alone. Please give me the strength to live for you.” After praying, Allen took a deep breath and walked away from the cross that held his sins—every one of them. Have you turned from God to idols? If so, it is time to nail the idols to the cross and to turn back to God. Today, we are going to take a look at the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, VAV, which means nail or hook.
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