#S4-040: Why You Need to Know the Story of John Alexander Dowie [Podcast]

Why You Need to Know the Story of John Alexander Dowie

If you remember in a previous podcast, “Why You Can Expect Powerful Healing Moves of God” we briefly mentioned a man named Edward Irving. Edward Irving was a minister of the Scottish Church in London who began calling for a new expectation for the miraculous. He questioned the cessationsists thinking that the age of miracles is past. The result of that call and that questioning? By 1830, Irving’s congregation began to experience supernatural healings as well as ‘speaking with other tongues.’ That’s 1830, approximately 75 years before Azuza. But that may not have been Irving’s greatest contribution to the healing gospel of Jesus Christ. His teachings were exposed to a young ministry study attending the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. The student’s name? John Alexander Dowie. We are going to be talking about modern-day healing evangelists in this week’s Light on Life. Why You Need to Know the Story of John Alexander Dowie.

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[Tweet “We can learn lessons by looking at the lives of the men and women who have walked with God.“]

#S4-034: Why You Can Absolutely Expect Powerful Healing Moves of God [Podcast]

You Can Expect Powerful Healing Moves of God

God is in the moving business. In the very first pages of Genesis where the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, you can see evidence that God is the God of the plan. He has one. He’s always had one. Not only does He have one but, He’s always working to bring His plan to fruition. Throughout the course of human history, God has been seen moving and stirring the hearts of His people. At times when His people have shut down and allowed themselves to be distracted from His first priority of establishing the Kingdom, in the midst of the distraction, God is still moving to work the plan. So don’t be afraid of the complacency you may see around you. It won’t stay that way for long. God is on the Throne and on the move. Do you think that everything that God has already executed in bringing Jesus into planet earth will fall flat because of few cold saints? The stirring, the reviving, the outpouring of God’s Presence, is on the horizon. Not only will God stir His people to a greater awareness of His purpose, but often times these moves are accompanied by spectacular signs, wonders, and dramatic miracles. Healing is a physical sign pointing to our Eternal on the move God. In today’s podcast, we are going to take a look at the healing connection to some of these revival type moves.

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[Tweet “Some of the most well-known believers, household names, were miraculously healed.”]

#S4-031: How You Can Know that Jesus Will Do Miracles for You [Podcast]

Jesus Will Do Miracles for You

The scriptures speak to us loudly about miracles. The evidence of them splashes across four-thousand years of recorded Biblical history. From Genesis to Revelation, miracles jump out from the pages filling the heart with hope and expectation. Miracles should be the norm for those who have a lifestyle in God. They are the expected thing. Yet, there are some who say we shouldn’t get our hopes up. That God’s mighty power has vanished like smoke in the wind. The question though is this, where is the evidence of that claim? Where is the evidence of a God who no longer heals or who no longer divides the seas? Recorded history tells a different tale. Not Bible history mind you, secular human history itself testifies that miracles are very much alive. And that’s good news for you because that means you can have a real live miracle by the hand of Almighty God. God loves you. God cares for you and He wants you well. And, He doesn’t play favorites. If He ever healed anybody, He will certainly heal you.

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[Tweet “If the age of miracles has passed, as some insist we believe, why was this blind man healed?”]

#S4-024: The Good News Is the Bad News Was Wrong [Podcast]

Revival Fire for the Twenty First Century

The Age of Miracles Has Not Passed Away. That's Good News!

Miracles, we see them in the Bible, a book which spans 4000 years of recorded history. From the very first book of the Bible where God healed Abimelech in response to Abraham’s prayer in Genesis 20:17 all the way through to the leaves of healing from the Tree of Life in Revelation 22: 2, we see God’s desire for man to be ‘every bit whole.’ Yet there are those who say it’s all in the past. That the age of miracles has ceased. That God waited until the death of the last apostle and then removed His miracle hand from the earth because now we have His Word. Or, at least that’s the theory of it. This ideology has a name. It is called cessationism. Cessationists believe that when the Old Testament canon closed at Malachi, for the next 400 years until John the Baptist, the gifts had ceased. Similarly, when the New Testament canon closed the gifts ceased.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cessationism] Well if God doesn’t do miracles any more, than that’s bad news. But, I’m here to tell you today that the good news is, the bad news was wrong. That’s what we’re talking about on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “How can people say healing is no more when we have historical records from the Church Fathers?”]

#S4-016: The Cleansing of the Leper: Why God Put It In The Bible for You – Part 2 [Podcast]

Gospel Truths on Healing

The Cleansing of the Leper

Francis of Assisi was terrified of leprosy. And one day, full in the narrow path that he was traveling, he saw, horribly white in the sunshine, a leper! Instinctively his heart shrank back, recoiling shudderingly from the contamination of that loathsome disease. But then he rallied, and ashamed of himself, ran and cast his arms about the sufferer’s neck and kissed him and passed on. A moment later he looked back, and there was no one there, only the empty road in the hot sunlight. All his days thereafter he was sure it was no leper, but Christ Himself whom he had met.1 In last week’s podcast, we took a look at the who and what surrounding some of the Bible lepers. Today in Part two, we continue to look directly at the cleansing law of the leper found in Leviticus chapter fourteen.

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[Tweet “Thank God for His precious blood which gave God the Father a different viewpoint.”]

#S4-015: The Cleansing of the Leper: Why God Put It In The Bible for You

Gospel Truths on Healing

The cleansing of a man with leprosy.

In last weeks’ podcast, we looked at some healing words used in the New Testament. We ended the podcast just touching on the healing word Jesus used when ministering to a man who had leprosy. This week, we take a more extensive look at the healing of the leper especially centering on the healing ritual surrounding the leper in Leviticus chapter fourteen. All this on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “Every sickness has a direct connection to sin. If sin hadn’t been introduced there wouldn’t be any disease.”]

Why You Don’t Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible

Podcast: Light on Life Season Four Episode Fourteen

Why You Don't Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible

The Bible teaches us why you don’t have to be sick. On January 17, 1993 Duane Miller was healed of throat condition that reduced his speech to a raspy whisper. While teaching his Sunday school class from Psalm 103 at the First Baptist Church in Brenham, Texas, Duane reaffirmed his belief in divine healing and that miracles had not ended with the Book of Acts. The miracle happened when he got to verse four, which says ‘who redeems your life from the pit’. On the word ‘pit’, his life changed. The word was completely clear. He paused, startled. He said a few more words—all in a normal clear tone—and stopped again. The class erupted with shouts of joy, astonishment, and sounds of weeping. God completely healed him. 1

How’s that for a healing testimony? While he read the Word, he received health. Doesn’t that match the scripture in Proverbs 4:20-22?

Proverbs 4:20–22 (KJV) — 20 My son, attend to my words; Incline thine ear unto my sayings. 21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; Keep them in the midst of thine heart. 22 For they are life unto those that find them, And health to all their flesh.

Get ready to be healed today.  We are going to be reading some healing verses, God may choose to heal you this way this day as we discuss “Why You Don’t Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible”.  So, hook your faith up to His Word today. All this and more on this week’s Light on Life.

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#S4-033: Why It’s Important to Flow in Faith’s Domain [Encore Podcast]

[Tweet “Are you weak by reason of some degeneration? Then God has some therapy for you.”]

#S4-011: How Evil and Wickedness Is the Path to Sickness [Podcast]

Gospel Truths on Healing

Wickedness is the path to sickness.

Proverbs 6:12-15 shows some of the areas which cause sickness and disease to flourish on planet earth. Knowing what they are and determining to avoid them will help us live our lives in health and wholeness. Henry VIII was known for his many wives. It was the custom of those days for each of the bishops to make presents to the king on New Year’s Day. Bishop Latimer went with the rest of his brethren to make the usual offering; but, instead of a purse of gold, he presented the King with a New Testament, in which was a leaf doubled down to this passage, “Whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”1 I bet you that didn’t go over well with the King. We’re in Proverbs six and we are looking at the characteristics of worthless and wicked men which open the door to incurable diseases.

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[Tweet “The Bible maintains an absolutely strong and solid connection between salvation and healing.”]

#S4-010: Why You Should Not Engage In Crooked Speech [Podcast]

Gospel Truths On Healing

Crooked Speech Opens the Door to Sickness and Disease

In the Word of God, there is absolutely a strong and solid connection between health and healing, between sin and sickness. You will find, as look at the Word, that there are verses which reference being healed and being saved both in the same verse. We are going to look at Proverbs six today and look at the connection between a sin and incurable diseases. One of those connections is crooked speech.

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[Tweet “The Bible maintains an absolutely strong and solid connection between salvation and healing.”]

#S4-009: Why Incurable Diseases Are Surging And How to Protect Yourself [Podcast]

Gospel Truths On Healing

Incurable diseases are on the rise. You can protect yourself.

Incurable diseases are on the rise on planet earth. So says a September 2017 report. Why are they increasing? Is there any clue? Yes, thank God there is. The Word of God helps us to know why and also clues us into how to effectively close the door to them. Charles Kettering, the famous research scientist, is impatient with people who speak of insurmountable obstacles. “It is like the doctors with their incurable diseases,” he says. “Did you ever stop to think what an incurable disease is? It is one the doctor doesn’t know how to cure.” The doctors may not know but the Lord does. 1

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[Tweet “He sent His word and healed, repaired, restored to health, mended, fixed, and cured us.”]

#S4-007: Why Divine Healing Is Better for Your Life [Podcast]

Gospel Truths on Healing

Divine healing is better for your life

Divine healing is better for your life, that’s not only a Bible fact, it’s an earthly fact too. A survey conducted by the American Academy of Family Physicians shows that ninety-nine percent of doctors believe a relationship exists between faith and physical healing. Recently, more than one thousand health-care professionals met at Harvard Medical School to examine the connection between spirituality and healing. Doctors’ faith in faith was bolstered by a California study of the effect of prayer on recovery from heart problems. About two hundred heart patients were assigned to Christians who prayed for them, while an equal number, a control group, received no known prayers. Neither group knew about the prayers, yet those who received prayer developed half the complications that were experienced by those in the control group. A similar study by the Dartmouth Medical School examined the effect of prayer on healing when the patients prayed for themselves. The death rate six months after bypass surgery was 9 percent for the general population but 5 percent for those who prayed for their own healing. And none of the deeply religious patients died during the period of the study. 1

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[Tweet “Divine healing is ‘Jesus style’ healing. It’s the method that He employed in His earth walk.”]

Why You Should Absolutely Be A Student of Miracles [Encore]

Becoming a disciple of Jesus means becoming a committed follower. It is a life-long learning position (Matthew 11:29). There’s much to know about God and His ways. One potentially huge area is the subject of miracles. Jesus said, ‘The works that I do, you will do also and greater works than these shall you do because I go unto the Father’ (John 14:12). As an aspiring disciple, it is necessary that we become students of the miraculous in order that we might flow in the greater works of Jesus.

[Tweet “God uses miracles to train us how to see differently. A miracle is a school.”]