How Lilian B. Yeomans Was Healed of Drug Addiction

JesusDr. Yeomans said that if anyone would have asked her how she managed to become a drug addict she would have had one response: “Thorough my fault, through my most grievous fault.” She had experienced salvation in her younger days, but under the heavy stress of practicing medicine and doing surgery she would take morphine, or other drugs, so that she could sleep. She was extremely aware of the dangers of this habit, having treated addicts in her own practice. She believed that she had it under control, until the terrible day she discovered that the drug was the master and she was the slave. She was taking drugs at levels fifty times of those prescribed for an adult male. Dr. Yeomans tried to quit numerous times. She said that if she managed to go twenty-four hours without them that she would go into withdrawal where she had heart palpitations, hot and cold sweats, nausea, racking pain, mental delusions, intense cravings, and an inability to even stand. She made at least 57 attempts do break free of her addiction. She would throw away the drugs swearing to never use them again, only to be driven back into them. She sought medical help and attempted medical cures. None of which made any difference. Her health was disintegrating and one nurse described her as “a skeleton with a demon inside”. She prayed day and night to be delivered, but she did not believe that God really healed people. Dr. Yeomans came to the point where she was bedridden. Her doctors would not take away the drugs, for fear that she would just die. She came to John Alexander Dowie’s healing homes in Chicago in 1898. She was left alone for long stretches and turned to the Bible for solace. God began to speak to her, not just in a single verse but throughout the entire thing. She read in Job about healing, saw God’s heart in Genesis that God called us to walk in His image, saw in Exodus that there were “no feeble among them” in the wilderness, that Deuteronomy called for ritual cleansing of lepers, Numbers showed sickness being dealt with through prayer, sacrifice, and atonement, and many others. It became clear to her that the Word of God had healing as a part of every section, not just some but every section. She also came to the realization that she was healed. Her craving for drugs was gone and her health returned. She never again took drugs. The truth of God’s healing power became a reality, which she shared from that time on.

To read more see: 

Collapsed Teen Says He Saw Jesus

good_friday_1000004528-120613intFORT WORTH(CBSDFW.COM) — Doctors can’t seem to explain it, but one Texas family is sure it was the hand of God that brought their son back to life. 17-year-old Zack Clements is a strong, healthy and outgoing high school athlete. He goes to school and plays football at Victory Life Academy in Brownwood, Texas. It was there last week the teen suddenly collapsed while running in P.E. class. He was rushed to the hospital where doctors worked to revive him. According to Clements, “they said I was without a heart beat for 20 minutes.” When doctors finally got a pulse, Clements was airlifted to Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth. He would wake up there in the intensive care unit days later. His recovery has been hard to believe, but even more amazing is the story he tells of what he saw when his heart stopped beating.
“When I was out those 20 minutes, I saw a man who had long ruffled hair and kind of a thick beard, and it didn’t take me long to realize that that was Jesus,” he said.

For more on this story:

Found! Man lost at sea for 66 days in Answer to Prayer

Sea - OceanA South Carolina family’s prayers were answered this week after their loved one was found after being lost at sea for 66 days. “From what he told us on the phone, he was catching fish and collecting rain water and drinking it,” Coast Guard spokeswoman Lt. Krystyn Pecora told The News & Observer.

Louis Jordan was found around 1:30 p.m. on Thursday about 200 miles east of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. He had gone fishing near Conway, South Carolina on January 23.

Jordan’s family was thrilled he was found alive.

“It’s amazing,” Norma said. “It’s been very difficult not knowing anything and I just feel like all of our prayers have come true. They’ve been answered.”

“We prayed, and prayed, and hoped you were still alive,” Jordan’s father, Frank, added.

For more on this story see:

Is God a Miracle Working God? See This Miracle Pregnancy!

Baseball_diamond_marinesAs baseball season begins this week, a Triple-A pitcher for the Texas Rangers organization has much to celebrate. Jon Edwards underwent surgery to remove testicular cancer in December; one day later, his incredulous doctor had a good report.
Now, defying the odds in a turn the media proclaims a “miracle,” Jon and his wife Katelyn Edwards are expecting their first baby this fall.
Briefly on the mound for the Texas Rangers during pre-season, Edwards was reassigned to the Triple-A team this past weekend – though he’s not one to be down in the count. They share their story in an exclusive Bound4LIFE interview.

For More on this story see:

Healing [Scripture List]

Healing is God’s divine intrusion into suffering humanity to let us know, “Yes, I understand the hurt, I understand the pain, I understand the money that you have spent trying to get well. I understand that there are many things that you would like to do for me, but yet are unable because your body won’t let you. I’m touched by the feeling of it all. But, I am not only touched by it, I’m going to do something about it. I’m going to extend my healing power and I’m going to do undo what Satan has done. I’m going to reverse this curse. And when I do, you’ll know that the kingdom of God has come unto you. Because in my kingdom, there is joy and peace.”

It is hard to be at peace when your body is hurting. It’s hard to have fullness of joy in the midst of an oppression that has come into your body. Here are some healing scriptures from the Bible. Meditate on them. Quote them out loud. Soak in the Word of God until you know in your spirit you are healed. Location is critical here. You have to know it in your spirit, not in your head. Many mentally subscribe to God’s will for healing. But, healing is spiritual not mental. You have know that you know that you know in your heart. Then, the manifestation comes. When you are ready to pray, there is a healing prayer at the bottom of this list of scriptures. Be healed in Jesus Name.

#021: Which of Jesus Stripes Healed You? [Podcast]

People are often impressed with heroes and martyrs. – Remember Nathan Hale – who said “I only have one life to live for my country.’  We appreciate the liberty and freedom that we have because of the sacrifice of others. What about the sacrifice of Jesus? Do you appreciate His death on your behalf? Do you appreciate all that His death provided for you? We can rejoice and thank God because we were saved by His blood. But you can also rejoice that not only did Jesus save you from your sins but He also provided healing for your body at the same time.

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The Man with The Light

At roughly 11:05 PM on Christmas Eve, in the year 2001, while at work my wife Sharon suffered a brain aneurysm. You can find Sharon’s account of her anguishing life changing trial in this post “How God Miraculously Brought Me through A Brain Aneurysm.” This post is my version of that same day, the same ordeal, the same life changing distress. The same miraculous deliverance.

How God Miraculously Brought Me through A Brain Aneurysm

This is a guest post by lovely wife, Sharon Horvath. She is my biggest fan and the mother of our four exceptional children. Most of all she is a lover of Jesus. This is her amazing testimony.

On December 24th, 2001, while working as a home health aide, my head exploded. This is my journey. This is how I survived the black hole I fell into on that fateful night. This is how the Lord, by His great power and out stretched arm, allowed me to survive the most cataclysmic of traumas. This is my story.

Which of Jesus Stripes Healed You?

People are often impressed with heroes and martyrs. – Remember Nathan Hale – who said “I only have one life to live for my country.’  We appreciate the liberty and freedom that we have because of the sacrifice of others. What about the sacrifice of Jesus? Do you appreciate His death on your behalf? Do you appreciate all that His death provided for you? We can rejoice and thank God because we were saved by His blood. But you can also rejoice that not only did Jesus save you from your sins but He also provided healing for you body at the same time.

Possibilities of the Anointing

Jesus Christ is a miracle worker. The Bible testifies to this fact in no uncertain terms (Jn. 20:30:31) but did you realize that Jesus did not produce miracles just because of His identity as the Son of God? Jesus was anointed by the Spirit of God (Matt. 3:16) and after His anointing, mighty works began to flow. Jesus then boldly declared that the works that He did, we can do also (Jn. 14:12). So, what are the possibilities of doing the greater works of Jesus? What are the possibilities of this anointing?

Miracles of the Unusual Variety

God is a miracle working God, that is a self-evident fact. Miracles, in and of themselves when manifested, produce wonder and amazement. Such is their nature. Many are familiar with some of the well known miracles in the Bible like splitting the Red Sea and Lazarus being raised from the dead. But, in the Bible there are other miracles that are not as well known but should be. These are miracles of the unusual variety. God did them through Jesus, through the disciples in the early church and by the hands of Paul (Acts 19:16). That pattern continues today. What you will find as you look at some of these manifestations is that God does extraordinary things through ordinary people. So, let’s look at a few of these unusual miracles.

Containers of Power

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Discussing God’s power is not for the small minded. As you follow the trail of God’s glory and power in the Bible, you will find that there are ‘storage places’ where the anointing and glory can be stored. Let’s look at some of these containers.