Why You Should Lift People Instead of Criticizing Their Failures

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Nineteen

Why You Should Lift People Instead of Criticizing Their Failures

John Favel, a famous 17th-century Puritan preacher, had this to say about criticizing and condemning others. “It is easier to declaim, like an orator, against a thousand sins of others than it is to mortify one sin, like Christians, in ourselves; to be more industrious in our pulpits than in our closets; to preach twenty sermons to our people than one to our own hearts.”1 There have been many a ‘hellfire and brimstone preacher’ whose primary tool was smoking fiery rhetoric designed to scorch people into heaven throughout the ages. Was Jesus this type of preacher? Did Jesus minister condemnation? If He did, then we should strive to be like Him. But, if he wasn’t, we should stand up and take notice. Why You Should Lift People Instead of Criticizing Their Failures is our focus on this week’s Light On Life Podcast.

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#016: The Secret to Prophecy [Podcast]

[Tweet “You’re not God’s policeman. Quit writing tickets for other peoples sins.”]

Why Meditating God’s Word is the Breakfast of Champions

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Eighteen

Why Meditating God's Word is the Breakfast of Champions

Churches today are failing to teach and preach biblical meditation. As a result, Christians are weak and anemic. Biblical meditation must become an integral part of a Christian’s life if he is to be a radiant and victorious Christian.1 There are several reasons why churches are not teaching the Biblical version of meditating God’s Word. Part of it is that the word has taken on negative context because of some practices found in false religions. We will explore that a little bit further later. Notwithstanding the abuse or corruption, there is a Bible concept of meditation, and Jesus followed it. Jesus meditated the Word of God, and I’m going to show that to you in today’s podcast. Why Meditating God’s Word is the Breakfast of Champions – that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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Faith and Prayer: Important Lessons to Know

[Tweet “Bible reading is fun, revelation is thrilling, it satisfies that something deep inside your being.”]

Praise and Worship: Sundry Spirit Lessons for Everyday Life

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Seventeen

Praise and Worship: Sundry Spirit Lessons for Everyday Life

Have you ever thought about what praise and worship will be like in heaven? An evangelist asked all who wanted to go to heaven to raise their hands. Everyone in the audience did so, except for one older man sitting near the front of the auditorium. The preacher pointed his finger at him and said, ‘Sir, do you mean to tell us that you don’t want to go to heaven?’ ‘Sure I want to go, but the way you put the question, I figured you were getting up a busload for tonight!’1 Heaven is the most wonderful place ever, and as a believer in Jesus, it is your eternal destination. And trust me, you want to go there. The praise and worship there is out of this world.

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Amazing Pointers on the Road to Lifting God Higher

[Tweet “We praise God for what He is doing or has done — we worship Him for who He is.”]

How Praise Powers You to Remarkable God-Style Growth

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Sixteen

How Praise Powers You to Remarkable God-Style Growth

So many of us struggle to understand the vital link between praise and prayer. Prayer is more than asking things from God. It is an exercise in the worship of God to extol His Name, and to offer thanks for all His benefits. The child of God is assured that he is approaching a throne of grace in prayer, not a throne of judgment (Heb. 4:16). The Christian enters the divine presence in the name of Christ (John 14:14, 16:23). If he prays under the control of the Holy Spirit, he will offer petitions within the will of his Heavenly Father (Romans 8:26, 27). Prayer should be made in faith and with thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6; Col. 4:2). The prayer that Christ taught His disciples, known as the Lord’s Prayer, is a model to guide His followers concerning proper principles and goals of prayer (Matt. 6:9–13; Luke 11:2–4).1 In this week’s Light On Life, we discuss a potent aid to your spiritual development. It’s a power protein shake packed with nutrients to help you grow. How Praise Powers You to Remarkable God-Style Growth, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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#028: How to Develop Spiritually [Podcast]

[Tweet “God is always present but not always manifest. Worship causes an escalation of manifestation.”]

Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing

[Encore Podcast]: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Fifteen

Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing

In this week’s teaching, we focus on the importance of the ‘human will’  in receiving divine healing or any kind of help from the Lord. Some think that God wants to break a person’s will so that they would conform to His plan. God doesn’t want your will broken. He is not that kind of God. The Lord wants your will whole, complete, and entire. But He wants you to choose who will serve. Exercising the power of choice comes mightily to the forefront in gaining answers to prayer. In this podcast, we look at some steps one should take to hold on to healing once it has you have received it in Jesus’ Name. Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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#S2-048: Why It’s Important to Understand the Serious Power of the Soul [Podcast]

[Tweet Jesus put His finger on the pulse of this man’s problem when He asked, ‘Will you be made whole.’]

How Right Environments Lead to God Style Increase

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Fourteen

How Right Environments Lead to God-Style Increase

Increase is the topic in today’s Light on Life — not just any old increase, God-style increase. Everything about God leads to increase. I heard one saintly gentleman years ago say, “It doesn’t cost to serve God; it pays.” That’s the truth. It is a remarkable fact that Sir Isaac Newton, writing on the prophecy found in Daniel 12:4 – you know that verse says that in the last days, knowledge will increase — Newton said that if they were true, it would be necessary that a new mode of traveling would be invented, for knowledge would be so increased that man would be able to travel at the rate of fifty miles an hour.

The atheist Voltaire, when he heard that, replied with true skepticism, saying: “Now look at the mighty mind of Newton, who discovered gravitation; when he began to study the Book called the Bible, it seems to credit its fabulous nonsense, he believed that the knowledge of mankind would be so increased that we shall be able to travel fifty miles an hour! Then Voltaire called Newton a derogatory name, implying that he was feeble-minded because of Newton’s age.

Today, anyone with one-eye and half-sense would have to say that “Newton was the wise one and Voltaire, the poor feeble-minded soul.”1 How Right Environments Lead to God Style Increase, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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The Super Effective Benefit of Praying to God Together In A Group

[Tweet “When we get to heaven, eternity will be our friend in helping us to ‘BEGIN’ to know who God is.”]

Flowing in the Overflow: Why It’s a Powerful God Thing

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Thirteen

Flowing in the Overflow: Why It's A Powerful God Thing

In a previous podcast, ‘Walking Blamelessly Before Almighty God: Why It’s Good,’ we began talking about the nature of overflow. The fact that effective ministry comes from flowing in the overflow. The following illustrative story references three powerhouse preachers of yesteryear, F.B. Meyer, Charles Spurgeon, and G. Campbell Morgan. When F. B. Meyer was pastoring Christ Church in London, Charles Spurgeon was preaching at Metropolitan Tabernacle, and G. Campbell Morgan was at Westminster Chapel. Meyer said, “I find in my own ministry that supposing I pray for my own little flock, ‘God bless me, God fill my pews, God send my a revival,” I miss the blessing; but as I pray for my big brother, Mr. Spurgeon, on the right-hand side of my church, ‘God bless him’; or my other big brother, Campbell Morgan, on the other side of my church, ‘God bless him’; I am sure to get a blessing without praying for it, for the overflow of their cups fills my little bucket.”1 Do you hear the humility in this statement about overflow? Flowing in the Overflow: Why It’s a Powerful God Thing, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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Why You Should Be Jubilantly Expecting Increase

[Tweet “God’s plan is that you partake of His blessings, drinking them in until you’re full of His fullness.”]

The Second Coming of Jesus: What Is The Sign?

Encore Podcast: Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Twelve

The Second Coming of Jesus: What Is The Sign?

National Geographic did a survey about the End of the World back in 2012. With tsunamis, earthquakes, and financial concerns dominating headline news, National Geographic asked what Americans’ thought about a potential “Doomsday scenario. More than 62 percent of Americans thought the world would experience a major catastrophe in the next 20 years. And nearly three out of every four people (71%) envision a major disaster in their lifetime as an act of God, not man. When the question was asked, ”Which of the following, if any, do you think might happen in the United States in the next 25 years? These were the responses: earthquakes (64%), hurricanes (63%), and terrorism (55%) are the most feared, followed by financial collapse (51%), significant blackout (37%), a pandemic (29%) and nuclear fallout (14%). It’s clear from these stats that the ‘End of the World’ is on people’s minds. In today’s podcast, we focus on the end of the world with the thought, The Second Coming of Jesus: What Is The Sign?

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Are You Willing to Hear the Voice of the Lord?

[Tweet “Jesus is coming again, that’s a great God thing. And His arrival will be like lightning.”]

How and Why You Should Monitor the Presence of God in Your Everyday Life

Encore Podcast: Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Eleven

How and Why You Should Monitor the Presence of God in Your Everyday Life

Psalm 91 is famous for the comfort it brings to the children of God. Verse one is a declaration about God’s Presence. “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I don’t know about you, but I sure like the sound of abiding under God’s shadow or presence. Don’t you? But, there is even more good news. The Psalmist also declares that in God’s Presence, there is fulness of joy (Psalm 16:11). Joy, peace, and protection, what more can you ask for? And it all comes from His Presence.  How to Cultivate God’s Presence in Your Life, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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How to Build Your Life Praying Bible Prayers

[Tweet “It’s your covenant right to have and experience God’s Presence in your everyday life.”]

Walking Blamelessly Before Almighty God: Why It’s Good [Podcast]

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Ten

Walking Blamelessly Before Almighty God: Why It's Good

In today’s podcast, we address the question of what it means to walk in a blameless fashion before Almighty God. One gentleman said that it’s better to walk with Almighty God than to talk with kings. Now, it’s obvious why that’s true. He is King of all Kings. When you are talking to God, you are talking to Number 1. There is no higher than He. In a sermon on “Enoch walked with God,” Dr. Campbell Morgan gave the following illustration: A little child gave a most exquisite explanation of walking with God. She went home from Sunday School, and the mother said, “Tell me what you learned at school.” And she said: “Don’t you know, Mother, one day they went for an extra-long walk, and they walked on and on, until God said to Enoch, “You are a long way from home; you had better just come in and stay.” And he went.”1 Walking Blamelessly Before Almighty God: Why It’s Good, that’s what we are talking about in this week’s Light On Life.

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#027: Dreams: One Way God Communicates Today [Podcast]

[Tweet “Prayer is a Bible word, but how we go about it is not always according to the Bible.”]

The Super Effective Benefit of Praying to God Together In A Group

[Encore Podcast]: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Nine

The Super Effective Benefit of Praying to God Together In A Group

The Book of Acts has much to say about the subject of prayer together. If you examine the individual accounts where prayer went up to the Lord and you will find a rich storehouse of information. There are instances where a corporate group of believers is seen praying. The early church spent much time together fellowshipping and praying. Let’s look at some of these cases and look at some of the common denominators involved in yet another kind of prayer. Praying together in a group is our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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#S4-047: Why It’s Important to Live A Separated Life [Podcast]

[Tweet “It’s essential in life to have your own company. Your own group to pray with.”]

Why Walking with God Is Way More Powerful than Individualism

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Eight

Why Walking with God Is Way More Powerful than Individualism

Walking together with God is way more powerful than ‘Lone-Ranger’ individualism. Many Christians have been infected with the most virulent virus of modern American life: radical individualism. They concentrate on personal obedience to Christ as if all that matters is “Jesus and me,” but in doing so, miss the point. Christianity is not a solitary belief system. Any genuine resurgence of Christianity, as history demonstrates, depends on a reawakening and renewal of that which is the essence of the faith—the people of God, the new society, the body of Christ, which is made manifest in the world—the church. So, says Chuck Colson.1

Another person said this about individualism, and I like this really well. He said, ‘Americans are so shaped and stamped by their legacy of individualism that the concepts of community virtue and moral obligation have been discredited in our popular culture, adulthood is too often defined as doing what you want to do, not what you are supposed to do. Making a baby is a sign of status while caring for one is not. Right and wrong are old-fashioned, politically incorrect concepts. And sin? Forget it. The problem doesn’t end with kids getting pregnant and going on welfare.

Half of all Americans who marry and have children eventually divorce. For many, marriage is more like a hobby than a commitment, a phase instead of a trust. We are becoming a country of deadbeat dads who don’t pay their bills and dead-tired moms who work two jobs to pick up the slack. Even many parents who pay for their children don’t pay attention to their children. In so doing, they miss out on some of life’s greatest joys: hearing a small giggle or holding a small hand. As Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders notes, it is easier for many children to find drugs “than it is for them to find hugs.”

The best thing that society can do for its toddlers is to make “parent” an honorable title again. No job is more important, yet no job is more often taken for granted. We teach work skills but not life skills, change a carburetor but not a diaper, and treat a customer but not a kid. Becoming a parent should be the result of love, not just sex, a sign of a lasting relationship, not just a passing infatuation, a source of pride, and not remorse. Only then will our children be safe.’2

That is well said, don’t you agree? Why Walking with God is Way More Powerful Than Individualism — that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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#S2-002: Secrets to Hearing God: Are You Waiting? [Podcast]

[Tweet “The Lord said, that it was not good for a man to be alone, to be by himself, a single individual.”]