How to Offer Prayer for A President You Don’t Agree With

Encore Podcast: Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Four

How Do You Pray for A President You Don't Agree With?

Prayer offered for the President is the obligation of every child of God. In this prayer area, there are many good Bible principles to learn and incorporate, like Matthew 5:44. One of these principles is praying for people as opposed to praying against them. We often bring our sense of what we think is right, politically, into the Throne Room. Our sense, at times, is incorrect. We are not the standard of right. Jesus is.  Unless we have scripture for what we say we believe, then all we have is opinion. Be careful in these areas. How do you know that God holds your viewpoint? You just assumed that God is a Republican. He’s not. You assumed God is a Democrat. He’s not. He’s nineteen thousand billion miles above all of that. So, when offering prayer for your president, learn to pray the Plan, not your Passions. We are workers together with God. Find out from Him what you should pray for. That’s where the hearing part comes in. God wants to hear His word in your mouth. ‘How Do You Pray for A President You Don’t Agree With?’ – that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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How to Cultivate God’s Presence in Your Life

[Tweet “We have incorrectly thought if we pray ‘for a wicked ruler’ we are condoning their behavior.”]

How the Hebrew Alphabet Leads to Powerful Security

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Three

How the Hebrew Alphabet Leads to Powerful Security

On the subject of security, found only in Christ comes the following illustration. Like many of us, Allen wanted God to see things his way. Allen was raised in a Christian home, but he allowed different things to become idols in his life, things such as sports heroes, material possessions, and self-seeking adventures. One day, Allen’s life came crashing down. His marriage was on the edge of ruin. His children were out of control. His career was heading nowhere fast. Trouble flooded in upon him. At his wit’s end, Allen began to seek help. He attended a marriage conference with his wife, and while there, he desperately sought the only living and true God. On the final day of the conference, Allen noticed a wooden cross with a simple sign overhead that read: “Jesus invites you to nail every sin to His cross.” Hundreds of nails had already been hammered in by others seeking relief from the terrible weight of sin. With tears rolling down his cheek, Allen walked up and put his nail in the cross alongside the others. As he did, he felt all the hurt, the weight of having lived a life of sin, fall off his shoulders. “Jesus, I’ve lived my life for myself. I can’t do this alone. Please give me the strength to live for you.” After praying, Allen took a deep breath and walked away from the cross that held his sins—every one of them. Have you turned from God to idols? If so, it is time to nail the idols to the cross and turn back to God. 1 Today, we will take a look at the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, VAV, which means nail or hook and how it points to security in Jesus.

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Are You Willing to Give Jesus Everything?

[Tweet “Jesus is the secure link between humanity and God. He will never leave you or forsake you.”]

How to Soar into High Places in God

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Two

How to Soar into High Places in God

In Isaiah 40, we are told that we will soar into high places in God by waiting on the Lord. We will mount up with wings like eagles. Eagles are majestic birds with remarkable vision. Scientists believe their vision maybe eight times sharper than that of humans. They have powerful feet with talons that can grip like a vise. Their beaks are butcher-like, designed to cut and crush and tear their food.

But most of all, eagles are built for flying. They have incredible speed, able to fly at sixty and eighty and one hundred miles an hour. They can do rolls and loops like an airplane doing tricks. Their wingspan extends to nearly eight feet. But eagles do not fly like sparrows or robins. Most birds fly through the air by flapping their wings, but eagles cannot flap very long. They’re built for soaring, and thus they can go much further on little energy.

God created our planet with invisible columns of hot air called thermals rising up here and there from the earth’s surface. Eagles find these thermals, fly into the invisible currents, stretch out their wings, and are lifted higher and higher into the sky as though ascending on an elevator. They may rise as high as fourteen thousand feet, so high in the heavens, they can not be seen with the naked eye from earth. When they reach those heights, they emerge from the updraft, wings still spread, and they soar this way and that way, downwards and sidewards, traveling for miles with minimal exertion of strength. Isaiah seems to be telling us that God is invisible, but as the invisible uplifting thermal currents of this planet, he is present for his people. When we search him out, claim his promises, and trust in him, spreading out the wings of faith, we are caught up to a higher plane. We mount up with wings like eagles. We can run and not grow weary. We can walk and not faint. The strength we need for holy, effective, victorious living comes not from frantically flapping our wings like sparrows in distress, but from trusting in God and resting in Jesus Christ.1 Soaring with Eagles: How to Live in High Places, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Seeing God: Is It Possible to Do?

[Tweet “God, the Chief Manufacturer, built you to soar. He crafted you to live in high places.”]

Soaring with Eagles: How to Know You Are Destined for Greatness

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode One

Soaring with Eagles: How to Know You Are Destined for Greatness

On the subject of eagles soaring, a man walking through the forest one day found a young eagle who had fallen out of his nest. He took it home and put it in his barnyard, where it soon learned to eat and behave like the chickens. One day a naturalist passed by the farm and asked why the king of all birds should be confined to live in the barnyard with the chickens. The farmer replied that since he had given it chicken feed and trained it to be a chicken, it had never learned to fly. Since it now behaved like the chickens, it was no longer an eagle.

“Still, it has the heart of an eagle,” replied the naturalist, “and can surely be taught to fly.” He lifted the eagle toward the sky and said, “You belong to the sky and not to the earth. Stretch forth your wings and fly.” The eagle, however, was confused. He did not know who he was, and seeing the chickens eating their food, he jumped down to be with them again.

The naturalist took the bird to the roof of the house and urged him again, saying, “You are an eagle. Stretch forth your wings and fly.” But the eagle was afraid of his unknown self and world and jumped down once more for the chicken food. Finally, the naturalist took the eagle out of the barnyard to a high mountain. There he held the king of the birds high above him and encouraged him again, saying, “You are an eagle. You belong to the sky. Stretch forth your wings and fly.” The eagle looked around, back towards the barnyard and up to the sky. Then the naturalist lifted him straight towards the sun, and it happened that the eagle began to tremble. Slowly he stretched his wings, and with a triumphant cry, soared away into the heavens.

It may be that the eagle still remembers the chickens with nostalgia. It may even be that he occasionally revisits the barnyard. But as far as anyone knows, he has never returned to lead the life of a chicken.1 The Lord put seeds of greatness inside of you. I don’t are life has altered your perception. Those seeds are inside you to germinate and blossom. You’re no chicken — you are God’s eagle. Soaring is the will of God for your life. Soaring with Eagles: How to Know You Are Destined for Greatness — that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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What is the Secret to Overcoming Insecurity?

[Tweet “Your past doesn’t matter. Don’t let the enemy tell you that it does. Children of God have no past.”]

How to Defeat the Enemy with the 7th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

Encore Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Fifty-Two

How to Defeat the Enemy with the 7th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

In today’s podcast, we take a look at another way of defeating the enemy, in this case, using the Hebrew alphabet. On the island of Sicily in the fourth century B. C., there ruled a tyrant named Dionysius. He had in his court a certain “yes” man named Damocles. You know how ‘yes’ men are – they are flatters, and Damocles was just that. He sought to gain an advantage by flattering the cruel tyrant Dionysius. One day, as he extolled the virtues of Dionysius, the tyrant, he proclaimed a magnificent banquet in his honor. However, in the midst of the festivities, Damocles happened to look up and discovered to his dismay that a naked sword hung suspended over his head by a single hair. 1 Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be full of words which you don’t mean. The sword that hung over the flatter’s head by a single hair can be likened to the sword that hangs over Satan’s head. Jesus put it there so that you, by the knowledge and faith of God, can enforce Satan’s defeat. How to Defeat the Enemy with the 7th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet — that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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#S3-003: How to Minister Healing Like Jesus Did [Podcast]

[Tweet “God has not left us defenseless in this war. He’s given us spiritual weapons from the armories on high.”]

Why Celebrating Christmas Is Really About Jesus

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Fifty-One

Why Celebrating Christmas Is Really About Jesus

What’s celebrating Christmas really all about? This is a question that we must be mindful of during every holiday season. A MOTHER was having a gathering to celebrate the birth of her newborn son. She invited a bunch of friends over to celebrate his arrival. She welcomed her guests, and they all had a great time celebrating, eating, and drinking. After a while, one of the ladies said, “Well, bring the baby out. Let us see it.” The mother went to get the baby from his crib—he was nowhere to be found. She started to panic and feel fearful. Suddenly, she remembered that the baby was still at her parents’ house, where she had left him that morning. She and the guests had been having so much fun they had forgotten what the party was about in the first place. During the Christmas season, many people get busy with celebrations and forget that the birth of Jesus Christ is the reason for the season.1

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What Is the Meaning of the Star in the Christmas Story?

[Tweet “The real Saint Nick was a miracle worker, God healed people through his ministry.”]

Do People Need Miracles to Believe Jesus Is Real

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Fifty

Do People Need Miracles to Believe Jesus Is Real?

Here’s the question that we are going to look at in today’s Light on Life Podcast. Do people need miracles to believe in Jesus? The fact that people really believe that Jesus does miracles is decidedly true. The percentage of adults who mostly agree or completely agree with the statement, “Even today, miracles are performed by the power of God” sits at 82%, according to a Princeton Religion Research Center’s PRRC Emerging Trends survey.1

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Jesus Heals A Blind Man: Why You Can Have Hope

[Tweet “God is — He just plain is a miracle-working God.”]

How Important in the Kingdom of God Are the Kings Kids? Encore

Encore Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Forty-Nine

How Important in the Kingdom of God Are the Kings Kids?

In Second Kings 10 and verse, thirteen Jehu meets with the brethren of Ahaziah, king of Judah. Because these people are unknown to Jehu, he asks these people Who are you? They answered with these words, ‘We are the brethren of Ahaziah, and we go down to salute the children of the king.’ The children of the King is what we are talking about in this week’s Light on Life. We are going to talk some more about the Kingdom of God. We are going to focus our attention on the children of the King or the King’s kids. The Kingdom of God and Kinship: The King and His Kids.

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Why It’s Important You Know You Are Sons of God

[Tweet “In the Kingdom of God, every citizen of the Kingdom is personally related to the King.”]

Why Thanking God Always Is the Right Way

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Forty-Eight

Why Thanking God Always Is the Right Way

I heard a really funny story on the subject of thanking God. As it turns out, an ATHEIST professor was walking through the woods one day, admiring the accident of evolution. He looked at the trees and the flowers; he observed the rivers and the animals, and he marveled at the magnificence of evolution. All of a sudden, he heard a rustling in the bushes, and out pounced a seven-foot grizzly bear. Immediately, the bear began chasing him. He ran feverishly to save his life, huffing, puffing, and crying, with the bear catching up with him after every step. He tripped and fell. Now the bear hovered over him, ready to pounce. That’s when the atheist cried out, “O my God, help me!” All of a sudden, a light came out of heaven. The bear’s paw was in the air, ready to swipe at him, but the bear froze. The river stopped flowing. The wind stopped blowing. Everything was perfectly quiet and perfectly still. That’s when the Voice spoke. The Voice through the light said, “Sir, do you really believe that after all these years of denying Me, after all these years of believing that this universe is merely a cosmic accident, and after all of these years of teaching your students why I do not exist that I would help you now?” The man peering at the light said, “You know, You’re right, my track record is bad, and it would be hypocritical of me to call on You now, but maybe we could approach this a different way. Even though You can’t do anything for me, perhaps You could turn the bear into a Christian. If you did that, things would still turn out differently for me.” The Voice from the light said, “As you request.” Suddenly, the river began to flow, the wind began to blow, and the trees began to rustle. The bear sat back, picked up its two paws, and clasped them together. It looked up and said, “O God, thank You for this food I am about to receive.” Things can get scary sometimes. When things get bad enough, it’s amazing the new direction people are willing to look.1 Why Thanking God Always Is the Right Way, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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Becoming The Good Man God Wants You To Be

[Tweet “Praise should have a reason; that way, it doesn’t degenerate into a mindless repetition of words.”]

Why Is It Important to Walk in the Light You Have?

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Forty-Seven

Why Is It Important to Walk in the Light You Have?

The Word of God admonishes us to walk in the light. But what does that mean? Well, have you ever groped around in the dark to find a light switch? As you carefully stepped, you were fearful of what might be in your path or of some unseen danger. You felt you would never get where you were going. But what happened when you turned on the light? Your fears were erased, your heart calmed, and you got your bearings back. The same is true in our Christian walk. When we grope around in the dark, it is a scary world out there. But when we walk in God’s light, He helps keep us on the right path! Two walks through life are available to men. There is the life and walk of darkness or the life and walk of light. There is a world of difference between the two. In fact, a person’s eternity is determined by which life and walk he pursues.1 Walking in the light is a daily choice that we make. It’s a choice that confronts us on every corner of every block of planet earth. Why Is It Important to Walk in the Light You Have? That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life?

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How to Overcome Darkness by Following the Light of the World

[Tweet “As time marches forward into the abyss of eternity: light still means all that it ever has.”]

How the Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet Point to Jesus

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Forty-Six

How the Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet Point to Jesus

Today we’re going to look at the second and the third letters of the Hebrew alphabet, Beth and Gimel, and how they connect to Jesus. Benjamin Franklin said, ‘Give me twenty-six lead soldiers, and I’ll conquer the world. The pen is mightier than the sword.’1 According to Franklin, there is power in the English alphabet. The same could be said for its Hebrew counterpart.2 How the Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet Point to Jesus; that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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What Jesus Can Teach Us about The Anointing

[Tweet “Part of the house of Adam was God walking through it in the cool of the day.”]

How Jesus Being Lifted Up Impacts Your Life

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Forty-Five

How Jesus Being Lifted Up Impacts Your Life

Jesus said, If I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself.’ Is it even possible to grasp all God has done for us in this lifting up of Jesus? The grace of God becomes even clearer when you realize how low Jesus stooped to save you. A farmer named Buck wanted to know how to get to heaven. He had heard different things from different people, but he wanted to know for sure. On one of his trips to town, Buck stopped by to see his friend Larry, the mechanic, whose Christian witness was known to almost everyone. “Larry, tell me what I need to do to get to heaven.” Larry welcomed the opportunity to answer the farmer’s question. “Buck, if you fell into a deep, dark pit, broke your legs, and were unable to get out, what kind of help would you need?” “Well, I’d need somebody to come down and get me out.” “Exactly,” said Larry. “But, if a person came by who went strictly by the law, he would yell down something like this: ‘You have no business being in this pit. You should have kept your eyes open and watched where you were walking. You fell in by yourself, so figure how to get out by yourself. Keep working, and eventually, you will make it. And if you ever get out, I hope you’ll learn your lesson.’ Then he would politely excuse himself and walk on. “If someone came by who believed you have to work your way to heaven, he would yell down, ‘If you can climb up halfway, I’ll help pull you up the rest of the way.’ “Buck, what good are either of these men to you?” “Why, none at all,” said Buck. “They haven’t done me a bit of good.” “Buck, I’ll tell you exactly what you need. You need a man who will not condemn you for being in the pit. You need a man who will not force you to climb out by yourself. You need a man who will go down into the pit and lift you out. That man is Jesus Christ. Only Christ can save you. He has gone down into the pit of your sinful heart and pulled you out. He willingly paid the penalty for your sin and died on the cross in your place. That is the kind of help you need. That is the kind of Savior you need.” Jesus can go into the pit and lift you up because He was lifted up for you. God’s grace runs deep. No matter how dark the pit, no matter how deep the sin, Jesus has demonstrated His grace by His sacrifice on the cross. His grace is at work even today for those who have fallen into the pit of sin. If you are in that pit, do not cry out for the legalist or for the one who makes you work your way out. Instead, cry out for the only One who can lift you out—the Lord Jesus Christ.1 How Jesus Being Lifted Up Impacts Your Life, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Your Identifying with Jesus Destroys Insecurity

[Tweet “Yes, Jesus was lifted up on a tree, but the road didn’t dead-end at the cross.”]