How to Deal with Thieves and Robbers Jesus Style

Podcast: Light on Life Season 7 Episode 6

How to Deal with Thieves and Robbers Jesus Style

Jesus shared much with his disciples on the subject of thieves and robbers. I ran across this remarkable story of the prayer life of Rev. Thomas Bradbury, who successfully overcame some robbers. It turns out that Rev. Thomas Bradbury was remarkable for punctuality in the time he devoted to family worship. One evening when the bell had rung, the servants went up to prayer and forgot to shut the area door near the street. Some men observed the door open, and one of them entered the house to rob it. Creeping upstairs, he heard the old gentleman praying that God would preserve his home from thieves. The man was thunderstruck and unable to persist in his plan to rob the house.

He returned and told the circumstance to his companions, who abused him on account of his timidity. Still, he was so affected that, sometime after, he related the incident to Mr. Bradbury, and gave his heart to God. 1 Isn’t that an exciting story? That’s our great God at work. How to deal successfully with thieves and robbers, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Just Who Is Jesus to You?

[Tweet “Robbers are bad people, even though they try to pass themselves as good. That’s how Satan works.”]

Why Shepherds and Sheep are Super Powerful God Ideas

Podcast: Light on Life Season 7 Episode 5

Why Shepherds and Sheep Are Super Powerful God Ideas

Jesus weighed in on the subject of shepherds and sheep in John, chapter ten, as David did in Psalm twenty-three. One unknown soul, waxing eloquent on the same topic of shepherds and sheep, wrote the following trying to mimic David’s famous Psalm.

The TV set is my Shepherd.
My spiritual growth shall want.
It maketh me to sit down and do nothing for his name’s sake because it requireth all of my spare time.
The TV it keepeth me from doing my duty as a Christian because it presenteth so many good shows that I must see.
It restoreth my knowledge of the things of the world and keepeth me from the study of God’s Word.
The TV leadeth me in the paths of failing to attend the evening worship services and doing nothing in the kingdom of God.
Yea, though I live to be 100, I shall keep on viewing television as long as it will work, for it is my closest companion.
Its sound and its picture, they comfort me.
It presenteth entertainment before me and keepeth me from doing important things with my family.

The TV fills my head with ideas that differ from those outlined in the word of God.

Surely, no good thing will come of my life because my television offereth me no good time to do the will of God; thus, I will dwell crownless in the house of the Lord forever.1

Shepherds and sheep, why they are super powerful God ideas, is our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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How to Carefully Navigate Sacred Space

[Tweet “Adam violated the company policy, and God wrote him up for it and suspended him.”]

Why Answered Prayer Is the Proof You Need to Take a Stand

Podcast: Light on Life Season 7 Episode 4

Why Answered Prayer Is the Proof You Need to Take a Stand

On the subject of answered prayer, one person shares the following story. She said, “approximately twelve and a half years ago, my husband and I purchased a home in Gas City, Indiana. We moved in (along with our four daughters) and, to our amazement, found we’d inherited thousands upon thousands of blackbirds. Never, in my entire life, have I seen such a mess as the blackbirds left! Months went by, then came warm weather and they were as bad as ever.

One day, my brother parked his car in front of my house, for twenty minutes, and thought he’d never get it clean! Cleaning my sidewalk would take every bit of two hours and, the following morning, you couldn’t even see our sidewalk or front yard. The stink was out of this world! The rain seemed to bring out the entire aroma. Besides, my eighteen-month-old daughter wanted to play in it. Ugh! As energetic as she was, I had to keep her locked in the house.

As time passed, my nerves became very raw from this type of existence. Being desperate, I asked the Lord if He’d help me find a way to rid myself of these birds … especially since I was using my home for Him. So, believing the Lord would help me find the answer, I began my search.

Asking neighbors if they could tell me how to get rid of the birds, every answer they gave was either illegal or impossible. So, I called the Health Department, thinking ‘if they saw the mess – they’d have to do something.’ However, they never showed up. Then, a long-time neighbor told me I might as well give up. Those birds had been there eighteen years and no one had been able to get rid of them. Having eight or nine trees didn’t help either.

Beginning to read the book, GO HOME AND TELL (by Bertha Smith, a Southern Baptist missionary to China), I was amazed as she’d tell of numerous accounts where the Lord had rid her of pests that were unbearable. She’d give scripture references of the Lord’s promises, then claim them as her own, as she went to her knees asking the Lord for deliverance. I must admit, I didn’t know what to think. Searching the Bible, as Bertha had given references … sure enough, the promises were there. Oh, it touched my heart! I didn’t know the Lord did things like that. Could I really just ask Him to take them?

Appealing to Him, I said, “Well, Lord, if you can do these things for Bertha Smith, you can surely deliver me of these birds. Lord, I’ve done all I know to do except cut the trees down and my husband won’t let me do that. (He thinks it would greatly depreciate our property.) Lord, you gave me this house and I’m using it for you. You know this isn’t a fit place for worship, in this condition. So, Lord, just take them.”

Praying for three nights, while getting angry at the birds … I commanded them to leave, in the ‘name of Jesus’. My neighbor, then having come for a visit, noticed such quietness that she just knew something bad was wrong. Going outside to see what it might be, we discovered the birds were gone!

Quiet for the next three days, on the fourth evening, the birds came back. I went to tell my neighbor to move her car, so she wouldn’t have to wash it. But, she insisted, “You prayed.” I responded, “I know. No one but the Lord could have taken them, even for three days.” Refusing to move her car, in about fifteen minutes, all the birds flew away at once. It was a sight!

After this, I‘d sit on a neighbor’s porch, in the evenings, and observe the birds as they’d flock to the trees, then flee. It was as though the trees were wired with electricity. Before, neighbors always avoided walking down my sidewalk. If they had no other option, they’d run past my house, and yet would, in spite of everything, get sprinkled from the birds. But now, they’d stop and ask, “By the way, what happened to those blackbirds?” I‘d chuckle, then share my testimony of what the Lord had done. They would leave amazed. Living there for ten years, I never had that problem again.1

Why Answered Prayer Is the Proof You Need to Take a Stand: that’s our focus on this week’s: Light on Life.

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Why Doing the Word of God Is The Ticket to Success

[Tweet “Excavating God’s Word is one key to unlock the puzzle of answered prayer.”]

Why You Should Stand Up for Jesus Even When It’s Controversial

Podcast: Light on Life Season 7 Episode 3

Why You Should Stand Up for Jesus Even When It’s Controversial

Born again children of God must stand up for Jesus. Isn’t that odd to have to say? But in this highly sensitive age, where people get offended over little or nothing, the statement needs to be made. Do we shy away from Jesus when His demands on our lives go against the current of the age? Is it no longer cool to say that sin is sin? An individual writes, “A friend sent me a cartoon showing an old man in a rocking chair. As he rocked, loud squeaks could be heard. After several futile attempts to get rid of the squeaks in the chair, the angry man got his shotgun and shot the chair into splinters. In the final frame of the cartoon, the old man is shown walking away, but the squeaks were still there. They were in his knees. Sometimes the problems that exist in our church may be found within ourselves. Before we destroy everything else, perhaps we need to decide if we are part of the problem.”1 Are we standing up for Jesus or are we the ones with the problem? That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Doing the Word of God Is The Ticket to Success

[Tweet “Controversy is needed for change. But, where do you draw the line?”]

Jesus Heals A Blind Man: Why You Can Have Hope

Podcast: Light on Life Season 7 Episode 2

Jesus Heals A Blind Man: Why You Can Have Hope

In John’s gospel, chapter nine, Jesus heals a man who was born blind. D.L. Moody shared this story about a case of blindness during his ministerial travels. He said:

“I was in an infirmary not long since, and a mother brought a little child in. She said, “Doctor, my little child’s eyes have not been opened for several days, and I would just like you to do something for them.” The doctor got some ointment and put it first on one and then on the other, and just pulled them open. “Your child is blind,” said the doctor, “perfectly blind; it will never see again.” At first, the mother couldn’t take it in, but after a little, she cast an appealing look upon that physician, and in a voice full of emotion, said, “Doctor, you don’t mean to say that my child will never see again?” “Yes,” replied the doctor, “your child has lost its sight and will never see again.” And that mother just screamed and drew that child to her bosom. “O my darling child,” sobbed the woman, “are you never to see the mother that gave you birth? never to see the world again?”

I could not keep back the tears when I saw the terrible agony of that woman when she realized the misfortune that had come upon her child. That was a terrible calamity, to grope in total darkness through this world; never to look upon the bright sky, the green fields; never to see the faces of loved ones, but what was it in comparison to the loss of a soul? I would rather have my eyes plucked out of my head and go down to my grave in total blindness than lose my soul.1

That was Moody’s account of this story, but here’s the thing I want to propose to you today. Yes, losing your soul is far higher than losing your physical eyesight. But, how about this Bible fact? You can have spiritual sight fulfilling your God-given purpose on planet earth as a Kingdom builder, AND you can have your physical sight because Jesus is your healer. The man born blind in John nine. That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Doing the Word of God Is The Ticket to Success

[Tweet “Jesus and the Father are in symphonic perfection playing a genre of music called healing.”]

How You Can Explode with 2020 Vision

Podcast: Light on Life Season 7 Episode 1

How You Can Explode with 2020 Vision

You can explode into 2020 with the power of vision. January is the time of the year where people think about things like resolutions, goals, and direction for the upcoming year. Soon after the completion of Disney World, someone said, “Isn’t it too bad that Walt Disney didn’t live to see this?” Mike Vance, creative director of Disney Studios, replied, “He did see it—that’s why it’s here.” 1  Explosive vision is seeing things invisible. Do you have a new vision for this new year?

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Is Giving Jesus Everything Worth The Risk?

[Tweet “Vision is a picture of what God wants to do if we get out of the way and let Him do it.”]

The Super Significant Season Six Light on Life Rewind

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 52

The Super Significant Season Six Light on Life Rewind

Well, welcome everybody to this week’s Season-ending recap of season six of Light on Life. Now, just a bit of history here. You may recall that last year, we reset the counter on season five after 13 episodes because the Podcast used to run with episode one beginning in September. We reset it to start on the first week of January and end on the last week of December. The reason why we did that is to make the gathering of statistics for this particular podcast easier. All the available stats run on a calendar basis. So, in this week’s Season Six Episode 52 version of Light on Life, we are going to take a look at the stats, look at the series, look at the impact, look at the growth, and look forward to season seven. All this and more on this week’s Light on Life.

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#S5-004: How to Escape the Battle of Armageddon [Podcast]

[Tweet “We are working for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and He deserves our best.”]

Is There Room in Your Heart for Jesus?

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 51

Is There Room in Your Heart for Jesus?

Is there room in your heart for Jesus? This question comes to bear during the Christmas season with the ‘no room in the inn’ saga of Mary and Joseph. Verlyn Verrugge wrote along these lines with the following. “There was pain in Bethlehem on Christmas night. There was rejection in Bethlehem. We today stand by the manger and marvel and rejoice at the Child born to Mary in a barn. ‘Joy to the world, the Lord has come,’ we sing. But on that first Christmas night, there were no doubt tears in the eyes of Joseph and Mary. Nobody in their family circle would help them. Nobody cared. The only ones who did come to the manger to witness the child were the lowly night-watch shepherds, directed there by God himself, while the prim and proper—yes, and self-righteous—relatives were right upstairs, missing the most awesome birth in the history of the human race. How incredibly sad!”1

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What Is the Meaning of the Star in the Christmas Story?


[Tweet “She gave birth to her firstborn son… laid him in a manger… b/c there was no room for them in the inn.”]

Using Your Faith to Combat Injustice

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 50

Using Your Faith to Combat Injustice

How are we supposed to deal with injustices and still be a person of Christlike character? The following illustration begins to answer that question. — During the Great Depression, my father moved to a farm as a tenant. He signed a contract stating that he and the owner would share equally in the proceeds from milk and crops. In the fall, however, the landlord wouldn’t give us our share of the money from the wheat crop. Dad’s appeals to him accomplished nothing, so he consulted a Christian lawyer. Reading the fine print in the contract, the lawyer advised my father that he could take no legal action.

The landowner was unethical, but he had been clever enough to keep out of trouble. Rather humorously, the lawyer said, “Mr. Vander Lught, you have three choices. You can kill the crook and get yourself in deep trouble. You can cheat him and become like him. Or you can take the wrong and let God take care of you and him.” —Herbert Vander Lught. 1 One day Jesus gave us a parable along the lines of injustice. How did He say that we should respond? Let’s take a look at this in this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Doing the Word of God Is The Ticket to Success

[Tweet “Jesus wants to encourage us, specifically, when a child of God is facing injustice.”]

Why You Can Learn from Rabbis about Being a Doer of the Word

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 49

Why You Can Learn from Rabbis about Being A Doer of the Word

It is one thing to memorize certain verses in the Bible. It is another to be a doer of the Word that you’ve remembered. There is a story of a missionary in Korea who had a visit from a native convert who lived a hundred miles away, and who walked four days to reach the mission station. The pilgrim recited proudly, without a single mistake, the whole of the Sermon on the Mount. The missionary was delighted, but he felt that he ought to warn the man that memorizing was not enough—that it was necessary to practice the words as well as to memorize them.

The Korean’s face lit up with happy smiles. “That is the way I learned it,” he said. “I tried to memorize it, but it wouldn’t stick. So I hit upon this plan—I would memorize a verse and then find a heathen neighbor of mine and practice it on him. Then I found it would stick.” Scripture is the guideline for a believer’s life. Are you just reading the Bible, or are you doing it?1

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The Astounding Secret of Not Forgetting God

[Tweet “Who is truly pious? The person who studies the Word and who practices what he’s studied.”]

Is Praise and Worship the Pillars of Your House [Encore Podcast]

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 48

Is Praise and Worship Pillars of Your House?

Recently, I ran across this illustration that shows how praise and worship should be pillars of our house.  In the Chilean village of Chungungo water is nearly as valuable as precious metal. The region is arid and parched, forcing the village to truck in freshwater over dirt roads from miles away. Until recently the average person could afford a mere four gallons a day (compare that to the average American who uses ninety gallons a day), and buying even that meager amount soaked up 10 percent of household incomes. In Chungungo bathing was a luxury. But then scientists experimented with an ingenious new system for obtaining water. The 330 residents of Chungungo now drink water—the freshest they have ever tasted—from high above, atop nearby El Tofo mountain.

Under the direction of Dr. Robert Schemenauer, a Canadian cloud physicist, workers hung on eucalyptus poles a “wall” of finely woven propylene nets, each the size of eight queen-size bed sheets sewn together. Seventy-five such nets sift the clouds that sweep in incessantly from the Pacific Ocean. A close look at the plastic nets reveals propylene fibers meshed in tiny triangles. Like dew collects on grass, infinitesimally small water particles from fog collect on these fibers. Ten thousand such water particles must coalesce to produce one drop of water the size of a tear. Still, each water net collects forty gallons of water a day. The seventy-five nets on El Tofo sift a total of three thousand gallons daily from the drifting clouds and fog.

Sometimes our lives feel as dry and parched as the rocky soil around Chungungo, where only shrubs and cactus grow. What we need are spiritual water nets. Few things will flood the reservoirs of your soul like giving thanks to God.1 It’s that Thanksgiving time of the year. Worship, praise and thanksgiving, that’s what we’re talking about in this week’s Light on Life.

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Why It’s Important to Flow in Faith’s Domain

[Tweet “The higher you go in God, the stronger, the more stout your pillars need to be.”]

What is the Blessing Side of the Hand of God?

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 46

What is the Blessing Side of the Hand of God?

Proverbs 21:1 says the king’s heart is in the hand of God. That means all the kings, not just the good ones, not just the righteous ones. So, in last week’s podcast, we honed in on the phrase ‘the Hand of the Lord’. What does that mean, ‘the heart of the king is in the hand of God?’ The Bible speaks of the ‘hand of the Lord,’ the ‘finger of God,’ and the arm of the Lord. But here, in Proverbs twenty-one verse one, we have the hand of God, not arm or finger. We saw that the phrase ‘the hand of the Lord’ or the phrase ‘the hand of God’ occurs fifty-five times in the Bible. What is the Hand of God? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Is it something you want to experience or something you don’t want to experience? And so, we looked at the negative side, the judgment side of the hand of the Lord. We saw it manifest in the case of Israel’s sin. We saw it visible in the New Testament of Ananias and Saphira, and we pretty much determined that we don’t want any of that ‘hand of the Lord’ in judgment business because our God is a consuming fire. There is a positive side to the hand of the Lord. There is a blessing side. As believers, we want all there is of the blessing which comes from the hand of God in our daily life. The heart of the king is in the hand of God. That’s what we are talking about in this week’s Light on Life.

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Why We Have Limited Manifestations of the Spirit

[Tweet “Physical strength is rooted in the spirit of man, not the muscles of man. It has spiritual roots.”]