Worshiping God: Why the Hour Is Here

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 19

Worshiping God: Why the Hour Is Here

Jesus spoke to certain women at a certain well on a certain noonday in John four. Part of that conversation was about worshiping God. That what is the proper way to engage in that activity. Stephen Charnock said the following on the subject.

“God is a Spirit infinitely happy, therefore we must approach him with cheerfulness; he is a Spirit of infinite majesty, therefore we must come before him with reverence; God is a Spirit infinitely high, therefore we must offer up our sacrifices with the deepest humility; he is a Spirit infinitely holy, therefore we must address with purity; God is a Spirit infinitely glorious, we must, therefore, acknowledge his excellence in all that we do, and in our measures contribute to his glory, by having the highest aims in his worship; he is a Spirit infinitely provoked by us, therefore we must offer up our worship in the name of a pacifying mediator and intercessor.”

1 God is a Spirit that’s what Jesus said to this Samaritan gal and they that worship Him must do it a certain way. That’s the focus of this week’s Light on Life.

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Conscience and the Inward Witness: A Look at the Spirit Led Life

[Tweet “Fathers have an enormous impact on their children’s faith and values.”]

How Not to Be A Minister of Condemnation

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 18

How Not to Be A Minister of Condemnation

John Favel, a famous 17th-century Puritan preacher, had this to say about condemnation. “It is easier to declaim, like an orator, against a thousand sins of others than it is to mortify one sin, like Christians, in ourselves; to be more industrious in our pulpits than in our closets; to preach twenty sermons to our people than one to our own hearts.”1 Throughout the ages, there have been many a ‘hellfire and brimstone preacher’ whose primary tool was smoking fiery rhetoric designed to scorch people into heaven. Was Jesus this type of preacher? Did Jesus minister condemnation? If He did, then we should strive to be like Him. But, if he wasn’t, we should stand up and take notice.

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#016: The Secret to Prophecy [Podcast]

[Tweet “You’re not God’s policeman. Quit writing tickets for other peoples sins.”]

Are You Devoted To Putting God’s Kingdom First?

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 17

Are You Devoted To Putting God's Kingdom First?

Are you all in on the idea of putting God’s Kingdom first? Audubon, the well-known naturalist, and artist practiced great self-mastery to learn more about birds. Counting his physical comforts as nothing, he would rise at midnight night after night and go into the swamps to study certain nighthawks. He would crouch motionless in the dark and fog, hoping to discover just one more additional fact about a single species. During one summer, Audubon repeatedly visited the bayous near New Orleans to observe a shy water bird. He would stand almost to his neck in the stagnant waters, scarcely breathing, while poisonous water-moccasin snakes swam past his face. It was not comfortable or pleasant, but he beamed with enthusiasm and is reported to have said, “But what of that? I have the picture of the birds.”

He endured all these things just for a picture of a bird! If a man could be so disciplined for a temporal and physical reward, how much more should your commitment as a child of God be for the imperishable prize before him?1  In this week’s episode we are going to look at a some ‘commitment’ examples, from the Bible; people who illustrated by their choices that seeking first the Kingdom of God is the way to live. All this on this week’s Light on Life.

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Conscience and the Inward Witness: A Look at the Spirit Led Life

[Tweet ” The Hebrew word for ‘awesome’ means precisely that, to be inspiring awe or reverence or fear.”]

The Value of Casting Your Care on the Lord

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 16

The Value of Casting Your Care on the Lord

The Bible instructs us to be involved with the business of casting our care on the Lord. Why? Worry is a sin plain and simple. God is all out against His children worrying. A child does not worry all day long whether his house will be there when he gets home from school or whether his parents will have a meal for him that evening. Children do not worry about such things, because they trust their parents. In the same way, we as Christians should trust our heavenly Father to supply what is best for us.1 Casting your care, how do you do it? That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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The Value of Humility and Consecration in the Miracles of God

[Tweet “Just because worry is acceptable in your circles doesn’t make it any less a sin in Bible circles”]

The Value of Knowing the Gift of God

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 15

The Value of Knowing the Gift of God

Long ago, there ruled in Persia a wise and good king. He loved his people. The king wanted to know how they lived. He wanted to know about their hardships. Often he dressed in the clothes of a working man or a beggar and went to the homes of the poor. No one whom he visited thought that he was their ruler. One time he attended an impoverished man who lived in a cellar. He ate the coarse food the poor man ate. He spoke cheerful, kind words to him. Then he left. Later he revisited the poor man and disclosed his identity by saying, “I am your king!” The king thought the man would surely ask for some gift or favor, but he didn’t. Instead, he said, “You left your palace and your glory to visit me in this dark, dreary place. You ate the course food I ate. You brought gladness to my heart! To others, you have given your rich gifts. To me, you have given yourself!”

The King of glory, the Lord Jesus Christ, gave himself to you and me. The Bible calls Him, “the unspeakable gift!” 1 Is there value in knowing the gift of God? This was the question confronting a certain wayward woman one day as she crossed paths with the Savior of the world. Let’s look at how that encounter changed her life and how it can also change yours. The value of knowing the gift of God, that’s the focus of this week’s Light on Life.

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Just Who Is Jesus to You?

[Tweet “Shouldn’t we take pains to know what belongs to us in Christ?”]

How to Conquer Prejudice the Jesus Way

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 14

How to Conquer Prejudice the Jesus Way

The negative impact of prejudice on the people of planet earth will never come to light until judgment day. The following is an illustration.

Mohandas K. Gandhi was the leader of the Indian nationalist movement against British rule and considered the father of his country. He is internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolence to achieve political and social progress. Gandhi says in his autobiography that in his student days he was genuinely interested in the Bible. Deeply touched by reading the Gospels, he seriously considered becoming a convert, since Christianity seemed to offer the real solution to the caste system that was dividing the people of India.

On Sunday, he went to a nearby church to attend services. He decided to see the minister and ask for instruction in the way of salvation and enlightenment on other doctrines. But when he entered the sanctuary, the ushers refused to give him a seat and suggested that he go and worship with his own people. Gandhi left and never came back. “If Christians have caste differences also,” he said to himself, “I might as well remain a Hindu.”1 How did Jesus handle prejudice and what His message to us? That’s our focus on this weeks Light on Life.

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#S4-034: Why You Can Absolutely Expect Powerful Healing Moves of God [Podcast]

[Tweet “Racism is a demonic spirit of division whose aim is to magnify the God created differences between people.”]

What Does It Mean to Be Born Again from God?

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 13

What Does It Mean to Be Born Again from God?

Jesus told Nicodemus that unless he is born again, he would not be able to see God’s Kingdom. A particular group of six-year-olds had a different view of these matters. A Sunday school teacher wanted to explain to the six-year-olds in his class what someone had to do to go to heaven. To find out what kids believed about the subject, he asked a few questions. “If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale, and gave all my money to the church, would that get me to heaven?” he asked. “No!” the children answered. The teacher was encouraged. “If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and kept everything neat and tidy, would that get me to heaven?” Again the answer was, “No!” “If I was kind to animals and gave candy to all the children and loved my wife, would that get me into heaven?” Again they all shouted, “No!” “Well then, how can I get to heaven?” A boy in the back row stood up and shouted, “You gotta be dead!”

1 Well, yes and no. The key is to be born again before ‘you gotta be dead,’ that’s the ticket to heaven. The focus of today’s Light on Life is Jesus statement you must be born again.

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Conscience and the Inward Witness: A Look at the Spirit Led Life

[Tweet “Children of God, children of wrath, two different families, that’s what the Bible teaches.”]

Nicodemus: Is His Life a Positive Example to Follow?

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 12

Nicodemus: Is His Life a Positive Example to Follow?

Is Nicodemus someone you should pattern your life after as an example of a firm believer in Jesus? Is His life a worthy example for you to emulate? Nicodemus has a warm place in many a believers heart because of his association with the most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16. But do those warm feelings translate to a picture of a powerful man of God?

D.L. Moody wrote the following. “You know I have an idea that the Bible is like an album. I go into a man’s house, and while waiting for him, I take up an album and open it. I look at a picture. “Why, that looks like a man I know.” I turn over and look at another. “Well, I know that man.” By and by I come upon another. “Why, that man looks like my brother.” I am getting pretty near home. I keep turning over the leaves. “Well, I declare, there is a man who lives in the street I do—why, he is my next-door neighbor.” And then I come upon another, and I see myself. My friends, if you read your Bibles, you will find your pictures there. It will just describe you.”1 Righteous examples are available for us to follow in the Bible. They are like the album that Moody describes. The focus of this week’s Light on Life is the album of Nicodemus’s life as the Word of God declares it. We are answering the question, is he a positive example to follow?

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Just Who Is Jesus to You?

[Tweet “Men who successfully navigate their generation are living letters for you to read.”]

Why You Should Engage in United Prayer

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 11

Why You Should Engage in United Prayer

The Book of Acts has much to say about the subject of prayer. If you examine the individual accounts where prayer went up to the Lord and you will find a rich storehouse of information. There are instances where a corporate group of believers is seen praying. The early church spent much time together fellowshipping and praying. Let’s take a look at some of these cases and look at some of the common denominators involved in yet another kind of prayer. United Prayer is our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why You Don’t Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible

[Tweet “Walking in peace is part of the finished work of Jesus known as Redemption.”]

Here’s How You Can And Should Pray About Worry

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 10

Here’s How You Can And Should Pray About Worry

The Bible instructs us to pray about worry. Why? Worry is a sin plain and simple. God is all out against His children worrying. A child does not worry all day long whether his house will be there when he gets home from school or whether his parents will have a meal for him that evening. Children do not worry about such things, because they trust their parents. In the same way, we as Christians should trust our heavenly Father to supply what is best for us.1 How do you pray about worry? That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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One Necessary Component You Need for Spiritual Growth in God

[Tweet “Walking in peace is part of the finished work of Jesus known as Redemption.”]

Why You Need to Tell God You Will Do Anything He Asks

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 9

Consecration: Why You Need to Tell God You Will Do Anything He Asks

“Will you please tell me in a word,” said a Christian woman to a minister, “what your idea of praying the prayer of consecration?” Holding out a blank sheet of paper the pastor replied, “It is to sign your name at the bottom of this blank sheet and to let God fill it in as He will.”1 This is an excellent illustration of what consecration is. Today’s Light on Life focus is this area of consecrating yourself to the will of God and a type of prayer that you can pray in this area.

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Why It’s Important to Spend Time Talking to God

[Tweet “Following God’s plan for your life should be what you are all about.”]

Prayer of Agreement: the Power of Praying with People

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 8

Prayer of Agreement: the Power of Praying with People

In World Vision magazine John Robb writes: Seven years ago, a giant tree stood on the banks of the Awash River, in an arid valley about two hours’ drive southeast of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It had stood there for generations, seemingly eternal. For years, the people who lived in the surrounding district had suffered through famines. In their suffering, the people looked to the tree for help. Believing a spirit gave it divine powers, they worshipped the towering giant. Adults would kiss the great trunk when they passed by, and they spoke of the tree in hushed, reverent tones. Children said, “This tree saved us.”

In 1989, World Vision began a development project there, including an irrigation system. But even as they labored to build the system, the great tree stood like a forbidding sentinel of the old order, presiding over the community, enslaving the people through fear. For spirits need to be appeased with animal sacrifices and strict observance of taboos. When World Vision workers saw how the villagers worshipped the tree, they knew it was an idolatrous barrier to the entrance of Christ’s kingdom and transformation of the community. One morning as the staff prayed together, one of Jesus’ promises struck them: “If you have faith, you can say to this tree, ‘Be taken up and removed’ … and it will obey you.” In faith, they began to pray that God would bring down the menacing Goliath.

Soon the whole community knew the Christians were praying about the tree. Six months later, the tree began to dry up, its leafy foliage disappeared, and finally, it collapsed like a stricken giant into the river. The people of the community were astonished, proclaiming, “Your God has done this! Your God has dried up the tree!” In the days and weeks afterward, approximately 100 members of the community received Jesus Christ because they saw his power displayed in answer to the Christians’ prayers.1 Today’s podcast focuses on the power of praying with people specifically the prayer of agreement. What results are achievable praying this prayer and what are some the rules that govern it? That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why It’s Important to Flow in Faith’s Domain

[Tweet “If there is great faith coupled with a great anointing, the healing manifestation is quicker.”]