#S4-024: The Good News Is the Bad News Was Wrong [Podcast]

Revival Fire for the Twenty First Century

The Age of Miracles Has Not Passed Away. That's Good News!

Miracles, we see them in the Bible, a book which spans 4000 years of recorded history. From the very first book of the Bible where God healed Abimelech in response to Abraham’s prayer in Genesis 20:17 all the way through to the leaves of healing from the Tree of Life in Revelation 22: 2, we see God’s desire for man to be ‘every bit whole.’ Yet there are those who say it’s all in the past. That the age of miracles has ceased. That God waited until the death of the last apostle and then removed His miracle hand from the earth because now we have His Word. Or, at least that’s the theory of it. This ideology has a name. It is called cessationism. Cessationists believe that when the Old Testament canon closed at Malachi, for the next 400 years until John the Baptist, the gifts had ceased. Similarly, when the New Testament canon closed the gifts ceased.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cessationism] Well if God doesn’t do miracles any more, than that’s bad news. But, I’m here to tell you today that the good news is, the bad news was wrong. That’s what we’re talking about on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “How can people say healing is no more when we have historical records from the Church Fathers?”]

#S4-023: Secrets to Hearing God: Are You Listening [Encore Podcast]

Here Are Three Secrets to Help You Pickout God's Voice in the Midst of the Crowded Voices

This story on listening is an appropriate intro into our new series on learning to hear God’s voice. Barbara, five, had disobeyed me and was sent to her room. After a few minutes, I went in to talk with her about what she had done. Teary-eyed, she asked, “Why do we do wrong things, Mommy?” “Sometimes the Devil tells us to do something wrong, and we listen to him,” I said. “We need to listen to God instead.” “But God doesn’t talk loud enough!” she wailed.1 How loud God speaks is not the determining factor in hearing Him. Knowing how to listen is so much more vital. Here are three tips for helping you hear your Father God in your heart as you walk out your everyday life.

[Tweet “If God’s voice is a still quiet voice then guess what you have to do in order to hear it?”]

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#S4-022: Breakthrough Revivals: Important Spirit Lessons We Can Learn [Podcast]

Revival Fire for the Twenty First Century

God can breakthrough in Revival power in the lives of people in your world.

Throughout the course of divinely spiritual history, God has chosen to breakthrough among men in power. At times, these visits are very focused and powerfully penetrating. Especially when men have fallen and slipped into perpetual carnality and carelessness. We saw in last week’s podcast that revivals of religion are scriptural. We looked at an Old Testament example with King Asa. What about the New Testament? Are there any revivals of God’s Presence there? The answer is one hundred percent yes. The Book of Acts lays out for us some of the essential components of breakthrough revivals.

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[Tweet “The combo of the preached Word and the Spirit moving is what caused breakthrough in Ephesus.”]

#S4-021: What Is Revival and Why Is It Fatal to the Kingdom of Darkness [Podcast]

Revival Fire for the Twenty First Century

What is Revival?

What is a revival? According to Ron Mcintosh, former chaplain of ORU, the term ‘revival’ means several things. For one, it is a divine attack on society. It is the marshaling of forces fatal to the kingdom of darkness. It is the enlisting, training, and empowering of believers as a prelude to evangelism. Revival is God’s military tactic which concentrates His resources for a vital blow at a crucial moment. It is a reinvigoration of God’s people with His truth and power.1 As you can see, true revival covers a wide and diverse range. In the last two podcasts, Why Humility Is Part of An Excellent Life and Humility: Putting on God’s Suit we introduced and spoke on the fruit of the spirit called humility. Humility certainly finds it’s way into the spectrum of revival via verses like 2 Chronicles 7:14. We’ll take a look at this and some other matters as we start this new series with the subject ‘Why Revival Is Fatal to the Kingdom of Darkness’, all this and more on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “When you experience His reviving personally then revival becomes God’s active moving for you.”]

#S4-020: Humility: How to Put On God’s Glory Suit [Podcast]

Developing the Fruit of the Spirit

How to Put On Humility

Some people think of themselves as God’s gift to the world. However, a meek person is not this way at all. Listen carefully to this story about an American general. General Grant was stricken with a fatal illness. As he approached the end of his life, he felt his need of the Saviour and His sustaining presence. He called for a minister. Simply the minister presented the gospel to him. “General,” he said, “God in love sent the Saviour to seek and to save that which was lost. If you will sincerely call upon Him from your heart, you will receive from Him mercy and abundant pardon!” When the minister knelt and prayed, God opened the heart of the general and he was joyfully converted. God cleansed his heart from sin. The minister was elated. “God’s kingdom has gained a great acquisition in your conversion, General,” said the minister. Immediately General Grant protested, saying, “God does not need great men, but great men need God! There is just one thing that I now greatly desire since Christ’s great peace has come to me …” “What’s that, General?” asked the minister. “I would like to live one year more so that I might tell others of this wonderful gift of God’s love!” Strength is always found in true meekness. Meekness is not weakness; rather it is the proper way to demonstrate strength and resolve.1 But how do you develop in humility? How do you put it on?

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[Tweet “Humility is a right evaluation of yourself. The right value to possess is the ‘real truth about you.'”]

#S4-019: Why Humility is Part of An Excellent Life [Podcast]

Humility is PArt of Living An Excellent Life

A minister, a Boy Scout, and a computer expert were the only passengers on a small plane. The pilot came back to the cabin and said that the plane was going down but there were only three parachutes and four people. The pilot added, “I should have one of the parachutes because I have a wife and three small children.” So he took one and jumped. The computer whiz said, “I should have one of the parachutes because I am the smartest man in the world and everyone needs me.” So he took one and jumped. The minister turned to the Boy Scout and with a sad smile said, “You are young and I have lived a rich life, so you take the remaining parachute, and I’ll go down with the plane.” The Boy Scout said, “Relax, Reverend, the smartest man in the world just picked up my knapsack and jumped out!”1 Have you met people in your world who make themselves out to be candidates for the title “Smartest Man in the World?” People, who possess an innate overestimation of themselves? What you will find as you study the truth of God’s Word is that pride is an absolute downer. Overrunning pride always leads to a severe fall. In the case of this illustration, it was a several thousand foot fall. The way of humility is the right way, the normal Christian life. How do you diminish the pride of natural life while increasing in the fruit of humility?

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[Tweet “Mark this down, you don’t want any of Satan’s ‘I will’ business. You want God’s will, not yours.”]

#S4-018: Why You Need to Receive God’s Hesed Mercy [Podcast]

God's Hesed Mercy Is Available for You to Receive from His Hand

Long ago, a poor woman from the slums of London was invited to go with a group of people for a holiday at the ocean. She had never seen the ocean before, and when she saw it, she burst into tears. Those around her thought it was strange that she should cry when such a lovely holiday had been given her. “Why in the world are you crying?” they asked. Pointing to the ocean she answered, “This is the only thing I have ever seen that there was enough of.” God has oceans of mercy. There is enough of it—and God delights to show his mercy and compassion (Micah 7:19). 1 Hesed is the Hebrew word for God’s covenant faithfulness and mercy. God’s very mercy flows out from His Throne. His instructions to us, as His children, is to boldly come to receive it when we need help.

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[Tweet “God loves you loyally. Camp on this. There is no thought equal to this in the realm of men.”]

#S4-017: Why You Need to See the World As God Sees It [Podcast]

Gospel Truths on Healing

We Need to See the World As God Sees It

One gentleman named ‘Brother Roloff’ had a friend who had quite a number of pigeons. On a certain occasion Brother Roloff, who lived in Ohio, was invited to the home of Vernon the pigeon man. Vernon told him about one particular bird in his collection. He said, “See this bird. I’ll point out just one. She flew the five hundred miles from St. Louis to Ohio non-stop!” Roloff said, “Non-stop! Now, let’s be done with this foolishness! You weren’t there. How do you know?” “Oh,” he said, “Brother Roloff, there’s a way to know. She came in clean.” He said, “What! Came in clean!” “When she came in, she had no flour and no mud, on her feet; and had nothing on her to make me think she had stopped. She came in clean.1 What is the concept of clean and unclean in the Old Testament? We need to see it as God sees it. We will continue to look into this idea as we pick-up where we left off in last week’s podcast on the ritual cleansing of the leper in Leviticus fourteen.

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[Tweet “Clean and unclean is a viewpoint which God has. It’s how He saw the world after Adam’s sin.”]

#S4-012: Why You Need to Understand What the Star of Bethlehem Really Means [Podcast]

The Christmas Podcast

Understanding the Reason Behind the Star of Bethlehem Will Help Your Faith in God.

God’s plan was thought up and set in motion before the foundations of the world (Eph. 1:4). Particular courses of events and situations, at times, align to bring into a focus a particular aspect of God’s wisdom and plan. Today, we are going to look at the birth of Jesus in this way. We are going to look at some of the events that came into view and we are going to ask a rather startling question about one of those events, the appearing of the star. Here is the question: ‘What would have happened, had the Star of Bethlehem not appeared?’

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[Tweet “God’s plan for your life was thought up and set in motion before the foundations of the world.”]

#S4-010: Why You Should Not Engage In Crooked Speech [Podcast]

Gospel Truths On Healing

Crooked Speech Opens the Door to Sickness and Disease

In the Word of God, there is absolutely a strong and solid connection between health and healing, between sin and sickness. You will find, as look at the Word, that there are verses which reference being healed and being saved both in the same verse. We are going to look at Proverbs six today and look at the connection between a sin and incurable diseases. One of those connections is crooked speech.

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[Tweet “The Bible maintains an absolutely strong and solid connection between salvation and healing.”]

#S4-006: How and Why It’s Important to Honor Your Parents [Podcast]

Honor your parents, that's the Word of God unto us.

Philo, a first-century Jew living in Alexandria, Egypt, writes about the obligation of children in the home to honor their parents.

“Parents have not only been given the right of exercising authority over their children… for parents pay out a and invest in nurses, tutors, and teachers, in addition to the cost of their clothes, food, and care in sickness and health from their earliest years until they are full grown. Given all these considerations, children who honor their parents do nothing deserving of praise since even one of the items mentioned is in itself quite a sufficient call to show deep respect…Therefore, honor your father and mother next to God, he [Moses] says [Ex. 20:12].… For parents have little thought for their own personal interests and find their fulfillment and happiness in the high excellence of their children, and to gain this the children will be willing to listen to their instructions and to obey them in everything that is just and profitable; for the true father will give no instruction to his son that is foreign to virtue.” 1

Philo had it right. The Bible is clear, honor your parents.

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[Tweet “Jesus connects the word ‘honor’ with doing things financially for your father and mother.”]

#S4-005: What to Do When Your Family Thinks Your Nuts about Jesus [Podcast]

The Kingdom Series

Are You Nuts about Jesus?

Here you are, you’ve come to Jesus and you’re nuts about Him. In fact, you didn’t just come to Him, you gave Him your everything. But, your family thinks you’ve gone off the deep end. You’ve gone a little too far with this Jesus business. What do you do? Well, you can look at the example of Jesus. What did Jesus do when His family thought He had lost His mind over God the Father?

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[Tweet “The ones who are nuts, are those who don’t choose the Kingdom first lifestyle.”]