Today’s post is in answer to the following question which came in. If you have a question you would like answered, please consider making contact. We would love to hear from you. Here is the question.
Practical teachings from the Bible for everyday living are represented in the Light on Life podcast.
Today’s post is in answer to the following question which came in. If you have a question you would like answered, please consider making contact. We would love to hear from you. Here is the question.
God always remembers His Word. He forever recalls His Covenant, and His promises. Anything that He ever said He would do for you personally, will come to pass in your life. The passage of time will never dull the promise He made to you. Anything the Lord specifically spoke in the stillness of your heart, is already done. The very existence of heaven and earth depend on it (Matt 24:35). Do you believe this? Not only does the Lord remember His promises there are other things He refuses to forget. He will not forget your faith toward Him.
One of my favorite scriptures is this phrase in the Psalms. “The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever.” The phrase occurs 9 times in the Psalms and 14 times overall. The thought of God’s mercy echoes deep within the heart of every born again child of God. Because you know if it wasn’t for His mercy where would you be? How could you have made it? One of the most outstanding features of the Throne of God is this mercy component. It is a place which is saturated and overflowing with God’s mercy.
The Word of God says that ‘faith comes by hearing’ – it does not say that faith remains once it has come. You may have faith today for your healing, but that does not mean that you will have faith for healing tomorrow. We can never get away from the subject of faith. You always have to study it, because you always need faith. Once you get faith established in an area in your life, it is much easier to maintain that faith level. It’s hard to build a house initially; it’s easier to maintain it once it has been built. Let’s look at five questions that will help you build and maintain a vibrant faith life.
In the book, the Art of War the following quote appears. “The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself” 1 Sun Tzu must have gotten this piece of wisdom from reading the Bible. This is exactly what took place through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. In his week’s post, let’s look at the strategic nature of the the Throne of God.
“I have never met a person who took a test without wanting to know what to study. Nor have I met a soldier who was willing to go into battle without his gun. Also, I have never met a pilot who wanted to lose power while still in the air. But I have met Christians who were perfectly willing to live their lives without God’s power” 1. Living a Christian life without God’s power is as ludicrous as trying to drive a car without gas. Knowing about and seeing examples of spiritual power aids the believer in His walk. You can, then, have confidence in the strength of the Lord on your behalf.
Fireworks are displays of stupefying light and sound. Do you look forward to seeing them? But, a fireworks show comparable to the happenings of heaven does not exist. There has never been a laser light show equal to the light and energy emanating from the Throne of God. Men have tried with various words to describe the awesome center of the universe. None of them satisfy. Until we see the Throne for ourselves, the best we have is the Bible’s description.
The Word of God says ‘faith comes by hearing’ – it does not say faith remains once it has come. You may have faith today for your healing, but that does not mean that you will have faith for healing tomorrow. We can never get away from the subject of faith. You always have to study it, because you always need faith. Once you get faith established in an area in your life, it is much easier to maintain that faith level. It’s hard to build a house initially; it’s easier to maintain it once it has been built. Let’s look at five questions that will help you build and maintain a vibrant faith life.
We live in a time the Bible classifies as perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1). Terrorism is one factor that makes these days dangerous to live in. This hate religion is a fear based business. Believers in Jesus don’t have to be subject to a spirit of fear. You can overcome it. You can live in peace all your days. While your at it, you can turn the tables. You can terrorize the terrorist.
Sometimes alien thoughts buzz in people’s heads like bees hovering around a hive. Even people wishing to do God’s complete will get stunk with the question, “What if I married the wrong person. What should I do? How do I correct the mistake and get back into God’s will?” Let’s look at the all the hum coming from this question in this weeks podcast.
What was your most memorable vacation? How did you plan for it? Did you check out all the places you were traveling to before you went? Sharon and I just came back from one. We spent time getting to know some of the places we we would be seeing. It’s part of the fun of traveling. What about the place you travel to when you pray? What about the Throne of God? What do you know about God’s Throne? It is the place that everybody wants to go to when they hit heaven! How many plan pilgrimages to religious places on earth every year? The Throne of God is the most important place in the universe that you can possibly go to. What’s so outstanding about the Throne of God? It’s a massive place.
Years ago there was a series on TV called “John Doe”. John Doe is about this person who wakes up on a desert island and has no idea who is. He suffers from retrograde amnesia. He has no clue about his past but he finds that has an extraordinary encyclopedic knowledge of everything else. If you name any town in the United States, he can tell you the population to the exact number. He can tell who the mayor was in that town, what year he was born and how much his tax return was the previous year to the exact dollar. He knows all about science; he knows all about plant life; he knows all about mechanics etc. and he uses this extraordinary encyclopedic knowledge of everything to help solve crimes. But all the while he is helping other people, he is trying to find out about his past. John Doe knows everything about everything except WHO HE IS. That is what this post is about – it is about the John Doe’s in the body of Christ, many of them know a lot – they know Bible stories – they can quote Bible verses – they have been church and Sunday School their whole lives. They know all this ‘churchy-anity’ but have no heavenly clue who they are and why God left them on this desert island called earth.