#035: Words Have Power [Podcast]

This podcast is a joint venture between my daughter Sophie West and I. We discuss her blog post Words Have Power . The notes below are hers.

I suppose it’s only fitting that I introduce myself to you, as that is what most people do upon meeting each other. I am the youngest born to my father Emery and my mother Sharon. I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, but you may call me Sophie West, and I’m a twenty something year old whose passion revolves around three things; My God, my family and words. These areas that I have centered my life on are seemingly typical responses to the age old question “What is important to you?” Well the first two are in any happenstance. Americans the world over have professed a deep and abiding love for God and family. But the two that I’m going to focus on are My God, and my words.

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#034: Three Steps To Affair Proof Your Marriage [Podcast]

Dr. Tom McGuiness, a counseling psychologist in New Jersey, gives this explanation of why many affairs take place: Married people seek out or succumb to affairs when they feel devalued or less than fully alive. They are bored. Overburdened. People who have affairs have a child’s deep longing to be touched, caressed, held, hugged and kissed, whether they admit it or not. They want happy surprises. That might mean a sentimental unexpected gift every once in a while. More important, it is the dependable gift of time and caring. The present of shared ideas, experiences, stories, nonsense and games, including sexual games. They want the world to butt out. They want a loving friend, a pal who isn’t judgmental. They want someone to convince them they’re still loved, lovable and very special. For a little while, now and then, they want out from under the grown-up responsibilities that have become predictable, dreary and difficult. 1. These are some of the preventable feelings that couples have. As the old saying goes to be forewarned is to be forearmed. What are some things that married couples can focus to help affair proof their marriage?

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#033: Three Things Jesus Did that You Can Do [Podcast]

Jesus was not a wayside philosopher. He did not sit around and debate the state of the world. He didn’t engage in political banter for the sake of it. He wasn’t a baby kisser pining for office. Jesus was a doer. The tsunami impact of His life branded the world. How did He do it? He moved in God’s timing. He flowed with the Spirits direction. He left every disciple a reproducible model. What Jesus did you can do. How do we know? He told us so.

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#032: How Quality Decisions Keep You from Drifting [Podcast]

A silent rowboat drifting to no particular place. The other boats clustering at port look normal. Why is this one floating alone?  The motor is in place. The oars, you can see them. They are a little splintered but they are serviceable. How confusing. Why is this boat drifting? The absence of anchor and rope makes everything clear. Isn’t this like some churchgoers today? Sometimes you see them, they are full of God’s Words. Other times, if you didn’t know better, you might think, “I need to help them find Jesus.” It is an odd thought for a believer in Jesus to need help finding Him. Isn’t He with you everywhere you go? Quality decisions are like anchors for a rowboat. They steady you.  They help you stay in port. They keep you from making a living mess out of your life. Let’s look at how quality decisions keep you from drifting.

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#031: Who Is This Alien I Married? [Podcast]

Marriage is a precious God ordained institution. The marriage bond mirrors the bond between Jesus and the church. We use the phrase ‘a marriage made in heaven’. The marriage institution does come from heaven. In each individual marriage, however, God gives the couple a “Do It Yourself Kit.” We are to work out marriages on earth. This “kit” consists of the teachings of the Bible about marriage 1. Follow these teachings and your marriage will flourish. Here are some rear view mirror musings on the subject. They come from thirty three years of walking the walk.

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#030: What’s Communion Simply Defined [Podcast]

Communion is the most solemn and holy of the ordinances of the church. It is the sacred of the sacred. The holy of the holiest. But what does it mean? What do all the elements convey? A.W. Tozer had his opinion. He said “The communion table will not have ultimate meaning for us if we do not believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is literally present in the Body of Christ on earth.” 1. Today we are going to look at some of the Bible words surrounding this most revered ceremony. We are going to look at Communion in simplest terms.

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#029: The Man with The Light [Podcast]

At roughly 11:05 PM on Christmas Eve, in the year 2001, while at work my wife Sharon suffered a brain aneurysm. You can find Sharon’s account of her anguishing life changing trial in this post “How God Miraculously Brought Me through A Brain Aneurysm.” This post is my version of that same day, the same ordeal, the same life changing distress. The same miraculous deliverance.

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#028: How to Develop Spiritually [Podcast]

Most people are busy, very busy. There is enough in life to carry you along. But if you allow the currents of your life to just bear you along, if you don’t intentionally set yourself to grow beyond yourself, you will become nothing more than a rocking chair believer. You know what a rocking chair believer is? It is one who sits in the same chair, the same place every day. If you are not growing, if you are stuck in a chair whose only activity is back and forth, all you will do for your constant going is wear out the carpet. In order to become more than that, in order to move forward with significant progress, you have to do so with intention. You have to do growth on purpose.

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#027: Dreams: One Way God Communicates Today [Podcast]

In the ancient Near East, dreams were one of several ways people sought to see the future and to make decisions that would be beneficial to them. In some societies, people went to temples or holy places to sleep in order to have a dream that would show them the best decision to make 1. Dreams are important and part of the fabric of life on planet earth. What can we learn about them and how they impact our being?

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#026: Dead Dogs and Grasshoppers [Podcast]

Psychological studies establish that by age five a child has formed a fairly definite impression of himself. The same studies reveal that self-esteem is not closely related to social position, family work background, education or any combination of such factors. A young child sees himself from the reflections of those close to him, mainly his parents. How they react to his activities largely determines the self image he builds 1.  Having a wrong self-image can absolutely hinder God’s plan for your life. How can we identify and change a negative self-image?

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#025: God Habits for Believers in Jesus [Podcast]

Years ago when the western U.S. was being settled, roads were often just wagon tracks. (The wagon wheels would just carve out a rut in the road.) These rough trails or ruts posed serious problems for those who journeyed on them. On one of these winding paths was posted a sign which read: “Avoid this rut or you’ll be in it for the next 25 miles!” You can go to sleep in the wagon and not worry about getting off course because the only place you are going is wherever the ‘rut’ is. This picture is what a habit is like. A habit is something you can do without thinking. But habits always takes you someplace. As a believer in Jesus, there are good God habits that we can acquire.

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#024: So, You Want to Be An Elder? [Podcast]

There have always been two age groups that have brought a great amount of joy and cheer to my life, children and the elderly. The post today is about the latter. There is something about growing older in Jesus that absolutely gets me excited. There is something about getting closer to heaven that just thrills my heart. Aging in Him is a good God thing. It sure beats the alternative.

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