#023: Keys to A Happy Heart [Podcast]

Everyone in the world today is looking for happiness. We all want to be glad and pleased with our current circumstances.  It is amazing that we seem to think that we have to work for it so diligently. Consider that children, on average laugh 400x per day while the average adult laughs only 15x per day 1. Maybe we need to become more childlike in our outlook? Jesus mentioned this when He said in Matt. 18:3 that we are to receive the Kingdom of God as little children. Believers in Jesus are supposed to receive the things of God, the Word of God with childlike faith and wonder. As Jeremiah the prophet stated, “Your words were found, and I did eat them; and your word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by your name, O Lord God of hosts (Jer. 15:16).” Today, we are going to look briefly at two Bible words that, when embraced and ‘eaten’ will cause your heart to be full of joy and rejoicing.

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#022: Three Steps to Overcoming Worry [Podcast]

There are reasons why sometimes Christians struggle to receive from the Lord. Faith comes by hearing God’s Word. If you are unknowledgeable about what the Word of God says in an area of struggle, you can’t have faith in God to help you in that area. Help from on High is received by faith. A second handicap to receiving from God is engaging in the sin of worry.  Along this line there are two verses you should become familiar with.

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#021: Which of Jesus Stripes Healed You? [Podcast]

People are often impressed with heroes and martyrs. – Remember Nathan Hale – who said “I only have one life to live for my country.’  We appreciate the liberty and freedom that we have because of the sacrifice of others. What about the sacrifice of Jesus? Do you appreciate His death on your behalf? Do you appreciate all that His death provided for you? We can rejoice and thank God because we were saved by His blood. But you can also rejoice that not only did Jesus save you from your sins but He also provided healing for your body at the same time.

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#020: What Happens When You Encounter Jesus? [Podcast]

In 1Jn 1:1-3, John testifies to his encounter with Jesus. John’s testimony is a simple one. Jesus is not an illusion – ‘we saw Him’. He is not a figment of our imagination, – ‘we touched Him’. He is not a fairy tale – ‘we heard Him’. If you believe in Him, your testimony can parallel John’s. By faith, you can see Him. By faith, you can touch Him. By faith, you can hear Him. By faith, you can encounter Him.

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#019: How to Say No without Feeling Guilty [Podcast]

Guilt has been defined as an unpleasant knowledge that something wrong has been done and it involves fear of punishment, shame, regret, remorse; it involves a feeling of low self-esteem or inferiority, depression and anxiety. Many of God’s people are being led by guilt in their lives. Many of God’s people are saying ‘Yes’ to things when they should be saying ‘No’ and the reason why is guilt.

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#018: The Secret to Discerning of Spirits [Podcast]

One of the most interesting and widely displayed gifts in the Bible is the gift of discerning of spirits. Many questions have arisen about exactly what this gift, that comes via the Holy Spirit, is. In this podcast, we will examine this most important manifestation and try to address some of the common misconceptions.

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#017: Demonstrating the Glory of God [Podcast]

Experiencing Gods presence on earth is training for our days as glorified sons of God. Everything in heaven is like the sense of His presence on earth – just much, much, much greater. The difference between God’s presence in heaven versus God’s presence on earth is the level of intensity. His presence in heaven is unhindered. There is no flesh in heaven to hinder His presence.

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#016: The Secret to Prophecy [Podcast]

In 1Cor. 12:6, Paul gives the church a list of nine extraordinary manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Many questions have arisen about what these manifestations are. One of the most misunderstood manifestations is the gift of prophecy. What is it exactly and how we can tap into it in our everyday life? What is the secret to unlocking our understanding of this gift? Let’s take a look.

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#015: Reasons to Study Spiritual Manifestations [Podcast]

The Bible is saturated with miracles. It doesn’t matter where you look, in the New Testament or the Old, the Bible is brimming with them. It is a common thought in this day in this age that miracles no longer occur, that they was just for Bible times, but I can assure you that there are miracles, displays of healing and Holy Spirit manifestations happening in countries across the globe today.  For instance in China, half of the salvations that occur are direct results of a healing miracle. The gifts of the Spirit are manifesting, and learning how He moves will help you to flow with Him in these last days.

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#014: Being a Two Dimensional Believer [Podcast]

Believers in Jesus are people of multiple realms and multiple dimensions. We walk in the dimensions of faith, hope and love. We live in the seen realm of today; we look at the unseen realm of tomorrow. We are people of the spiritual realm. And, we are people of the natural realm. With our spirits we contact God, the Creator of the Universe. With our bodies, we take out the trash! How does one live a balanced two dimensional life?

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#012: Already But Not Yet [Podcast]

Many times we are tempted to bug God about changing things in our lives and we pray over and over again but I want you to know today and understand how faith works – faith is a rest – you don’t have to worry; you don’t have to fret because God wants you to know that He has Already heard you and though the manifestation seems to be NOT YET, I am here to prophesy to you today that God is going to change your NOT YET to IT’S HERE because with Him it’s ALREADY!

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#013: Questions to Ask Jesus about Lost People – Part 3 [Podcast]

The more we align with God’s Word the more efficiently things work. They do not work as well the less you are in line with His Word. The church would get better results, you as an individual believer would get better results, the more you line up with God’s plan, God’s thoughts, and God’s ways. God’s way is the leadership of the Spirit in one’s life. The more you flow with the Holy Spirit, the less you try to do things on your own, the more efficiently things work. But there is a problem that has developed in America that is blocking the flow.

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