Everyone in the world today is looking for happiness. We all want to be glad and pleased with our current circumstances. It is amazing that we seem to think that we have to work for it so diligently. Consider that children, on average laugh 400x per day while the average adult laughs only 15x per day 1. Maybe we need to become more childlike in our outlook? Jesus mentioned this when He said in Matt. 18:3 that we are to receive the Kingdom of God as little children. Believers in Jesus are supposed to receive the things of God, the Word of God with childlike faith and wonder. As Jeremiah the prophet stated, “Your words were found, and I did eat them; and your word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by your name, O Lord God of hosts (Jer. 15:16).” Today, we are going to look briefly at two Bible words that, when embraced and ‘eaten’ will cause your heart to be full of joy and rejoicing.