Being filled with the Holy Spirit via psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs is the focus of our podcast and this post today. The Spirit of God has given utterance to many songs and hymns throughout the centuries. On the subject of hymns, Charles Spurgeon shared the following story from his life. “During one of many holidays at Salmbourne, [I looked this place up on the internet and after I did I had no more idea where it was than when ai stated – it’s somewhere in England], I had a varied experience which I am not likely to forget. My dear grandfather was very fond of Dr. Watt’s hymns, and my grandmother, wishing to get me to learn them, promised me a penny for each one that I should say to her perfectly. I found it an easy and pleasant method of earning money and learned them so fast that grandmother said she must reduce the price to a half-penny each, afterward even more, if she did not mean to be quite ruined by her extravagance [meaning she was going broke paying Charles to recite these hymns]. There is no telling how low the amount per hymn might have sunk, but grandfather [offered him a different deal]. He said that he was getting overrun with rats, and offered me a shilling [which is five pennies] a dozen for all I could kill. I found, at the time, that the occupation of rat-catching paid me better than learning hymns [5 times as much], but I know which employment has been more permanently profitable to me. No matter on what topic I am preaching, I can, even now, in the middle of my sermon, quote some verse of a hymn in harmony with the subject; the hymns have remained with me, while those old rats for years have passed away, and the shillings I earned by killing them have been spent long ago.1 Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs are utterances given by the Spirit of God and they are evidence of being filled with the Spirit. What Does It Mean to Be Filled with the Spirit of God? — that’s the core of this week’s Light on Life.
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