Hearing What the Spirit is Saying unto the Church! In 1Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul lays out for the church an explanation of Spiritual Gifts. If you read the list, you will see that three of the gifts are vocal. Prophecy is words inspired by the Spirit in a known language. Tongues are words inspired by the Spirit in an unknown tongue. Interpretation of tongues is a Spirit given rendering of an unknown tongue. Below is an example of the gift of prophecy.
The following prophecy was given by Kenneth E. Hagin on June 22, 1988.
Clouds may come and clouds may go. Clouds in the natural come upon the horizon and blot out the sun. Clouds come and the sky is overcast and dark. Clouds in the natural world come. Clouds of confusion come to the minds of men. Clouds of perplexity come to the leaders of nations. Clouds of adversity come to many. But clouds of blessing come to the saints from above. Clouds of glory descending from heaven above upon the heads of His holy ones. And so there appears today on the horizon of times, we see them rising up: clouds everywhere. Clouds that strike fear in the hearts of men. Clouds of terrorism, clouds of war, clouds of economic failure, clouds of political disaster, clouds of national concern. Oh they gather on the horizon of time and men look and they’re afraid and tremble and know not what to do.
But turn your eyes away from the natural clouds and look into the heavens and see the cloud of God. For the Holy Ghost manifests Himself very often in the cloud that can be seen even with the natural eye. But look with the eye of faith. Look with the eyes of your spirit and see the clouds a gathering. The clouds that will bring rain, the rain, the latter rain, the Holy Ghost rain on the lives of men, on their families, on your city, on your church, on your nation, on the world. The rains that will bring the end-time harvest and Jesus back again.
Oh when you learn to listen to Me, saith the Lord of hosts, when you learn to respond to My Spirit, when you learn to flow, then you’ll see the cloud of glory appear and the glory of God shall fill the house of God. Men will not be able to stand to minister and the sick shall rise up well. And the dumb shall begin to speak. And the deaf shall begin to hear. And the blind shall begin to see. And the glory of God shall be revealed in His body which is the Church, the temple of the living God. And the glory of God shall be seen upon all and your heart shall rejoice. For the cloud, the cloud is about to appear. Come in holy reverence and bow down here. And say, “Oh dear Lord Jesus, we reverence and honor You, not as we would reverence, not as we would honor or give applause unto man. For we cannot bring You down unto the level of men. For thou art high and holy and lifted up and we must come in humility and we must come in holy awe and we must come in reverence too. And then the glory will be shown unto you. And the cloud, the cloud, the cloud of His glory, the cloud of His blessing shall overshadow thee. And all of His blessed shall overtake thee. And thou shalt see His glory manifested and your hearts desires shall be satisfied and you’ll say, “Holy, holy, holy, holy.” You’ll learn to reverence Him and sit in His presence without clamor that would stifle the ears of man but in holy awe and His presence will come in, manifest in your lives and in your next of kin. And the joy of the Lord will fill your soul and the peace of God will permeate your being and the glory of the Lord shall be seen upon thy face for it shall shine and thou shall be glad. And many shall come and follow thee and the plan and purpose of God shall be made manifest in the earth. And the harvest shall be reaped and the Lord will come and His glory shall be seen by everyone. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, Lord Jesus.