In 1Jn 1:1-3, John testifies to his encounter with Jesus. John’s testimony is a simple one. Jesus is not an illusion – ‘we saw Him’. He is not a figment of our imagination, – ‘we touched Him’. He is not a fairy tale – ‘we heard Him’. If you believe in Him, your testimony can parallel John’s. By faith, you can see Him. By faith, you can touch Him. By faith, you can hear Him. By faith, you can encounter Him. It all starts with faith, by believing that He is (Heb. 11:6). If you do not believe, you cannot come to Him. The points and references below are given equip you to become a believer. They are cataloged to create faith in Jesus in your heart. They are listed in order to help, once you have come to know Him to engage Him on a daily basis. Consider the points. Hover over the references with your mouse and read the scriptures that pop up. Clink on the links that lead you to other posts. Think on these truths and allow your heart to be warmed with the revelation of who Jesus is. The page is ever evolving. Updates to it will occur monthly. Please check back.
Encountering Jesus for the First Time
Encountering Jesus Day to Day
Jesus is the way the truth and the life. God so love the world the He’s only begotten Son to reconcile us back to him by laying down His own life and take it up again.
Amen and Amen!