We can learn so much from looking at Abraham in the Old Testament. Abraham was fully persuaded and absolutely convinced that God would do what He had promised He would do. He is called the father of faith for a reason and rightly so. And here’s the marvelous truth you can be just like him in faith. But how can we get there? How can we grow our confidence in God? One way is to understand what it means to believe God? Let’s ask the question then. What does it mean to believe? What does it mean to stand on the Word of God? There are some tests you can take. And that’s what we’re talking about in this week’s Light On Life.
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You can view a basic transcript of this podcast at the bottom of this section.
Accept the Challenge
Each week’s podcast contains a call to action. The Word of God will not produce in your life unless you put into operation.
This week’s call is:
Take the test. Bounce these thoughts off your heart and see how you come out. This is an open book test so if you’re not quite there, get in your Bible.
Join the Conversation
Each week’s podcast also contains a question designed to encourage testimony. Testimony is vital to a believer’s life. We overcome by it (Rev. 12:11).
This week’s question is:
Question: Are there some other tests you know off to locate yourself in the area of believing God? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Episode Resources:
You can find additional information on the subject of faith in the resources listed below.
- #S3-041: How Do You Know You Really Believe God [Podcast]
- #S2-033: How to Get Faith for Healing [Podcast]
- #S1-40: How to Grow in Faith: Five Questions to Ask [Podcast]
- #S3-004: Why It’s Important to Flow in Faith’s Domain [Podcast]
About Emery
Emery committed his life to the Lord Jesus Christ over 40 years ago and has served as both a full-time pastor and an itinerant minister. Both he and his wife Sharon of 35 years emphasize personal growth and development through the Word of God. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is both the focus and the hallmark of their mission. Read more about them here.
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If you enjoyed the podcast, please rate it on Stitcher Radio and leave a review. If you have a suggestion for a Bible topic you would like to see taught, or if you have a question, please e-mail me at emery@emeryhorvath.com
Podcast Notes
- In last week’s podcast, we began to step up and take the ‘how do you know if you really believe’ test.
- Speaking of tests, I came across this illustration on ‘tests’ which might be a comfort to those out there who have ever been involved in academia.
- Tests
- And it came to pass early in the morning toward the last day of the semester
- There arose a great multitude smiting the books and wailing
- And there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth
- For the day of judgment was at hand.
- And they were sore afraid for they had left undone
- Those things which they ought to have done.
- And they had done those things which
- They ought not to have done and there was no help for it.
- And there were many abiding in the dorm
- Who had kept watch over their books by night,
- But it availed them naught.
- But some were who rose peacefully,
- For they had prepared themselves the way
- And made straight paths of knowledge.
- And these were known as wise burners of the midnight oil.
- And to others, they were known as “curve-raisers.”
- And the multitude arose and ate a hearty breakfast.
- And they came unto the appointed place
- And their hearts were heavy within them.
- And they had come to pass, but some to pass out.
- And some of them repented of their riotous living
- And bemoaned their fate.
- But they had not a prayer.
- And at the last hour there came among them
- One known as the instructor;
- And they feared exceedingly.
- He passed papers among them and went his way.
- And many and varied were the answers that were given,
- For some of his teachings had fallen among fertile minds,
- While other had fallen flat.
- Some they were who wrote for one hour, others for two;
- But some turned away sorrowfully, and many of these
- Offered up a little bull in hope of pacifying the instructor.1
- As you can see, there’s no substitute for being prepared for a test.
- Now, one thing about these tests that’s so encouraging is that the God kind of test is open book.
- That is these tests we are referring to are all found in the Word of God.
Romans 4:18–21 (NKJV) 18 who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, “So shall your descendants be.” 19 And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. 20 He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, 21 and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.
Number Four: Take the ‘Will of God’ Test
- So far, we have taken the Baseball Bat test, the Gender test and the Acting test.
- Today, let’s start off with test number four, the Will of God test.
- Do you know for sure that it’s God will for you to be well?
- If you are confused about it or uncertain that it’s God’s will to heal you right now, as we speak, right now, today, tonight, at this present second, or whenever you are hearing this podcast, you flunked the test.
- You must be absolutely certain and ‘baseball bat’ clear about the will of God for your healing.
- If you think your healing is a matter of the sovereignty of God, you flunked the ‘will of God’ test.
- The Bible doesn’t teach the sovereignty of God in connection with healing.
- The sovereignty of God does not apply to Bible promise.
- If God gave you a promise, that’s His will, period, end of discussion.
- If God promised you something in His Word, you don’t have to pray about it.
- You don’t have to wonder if it includes your situation.
- Just accept it as fact and act on it.
- There must be zero doubt about God’s will to heal you right now.
- If any doubt exists about God’s will, you flunked the test and you do not believe.
- If you have any misgivings about God’s will if you think maybe you’re a special case somehow, get back in the book until you know that you know.
- You are not a special case.
- You are not the exception to the rule.
- Some apply such thinking and reasoning especially when they experience difficulty receiving.
- In Mark chapter one, a leper, who was uncertain about the will of God came to Jesus.
Mark 1:40–42 (NKJV) 40 Now a leper came to Him, imploring Him, kneeling down to Him and saying to Him, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” 41 Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.” 42 As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed.
- The Greek word ‘imploring’ means to entreat or to ask for or request earnestly.
- The leper earnestly requested.
- The leper humbled himself by kneeling.
- But none of these actions were enough to heal him.
- What we needed was an answer on whether it was God’s will for him to be well.
- He told Jesus, “I know you can if you will. The question I’m not sure about is if You will.”
- Jesus clarified the issue in no uncertain terms.
- Jesus told him, I will be cleansed.
- Mark this down and don’t forget it.
- The Lepers ‘I will’ is your ‘I will’.
- The fact that Jesus said Yes to the leper is good news for you and for everyone connected to your world.
- Jesus is no respecter of persons.
- If He healed the leper, He will heal you.
- If He said Yes to the leper, He is saying Yes to you.
- If He told the leper He was willing to heal him, then He is willing to heal you.
- If Jesus ever healed anybody, He will heal you if you receive it.
- We can be sure of that because He hasn’t changed.
Hebrews 13:8 (NKJV) 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
- If you are struggling with the ‘will of God’ test, get in the Word until you know your material well enough to pass the test.
- The Word of God is a written record of the will of God.
- So, the first step to anywhere in God is to find out what God said about where you’re going or what you’re trying to receive from Him.
- What does God’s Word say about your healing?
- What does God’s Word say about your finances?
- What does God’s Word say about your family?
- You can monitor this in your life very easily.
- Just ask yourself this question, ‘What verse of scripture am I standing on right now or what verse of scripture was I standing on the last time I addressed God with an area of need?
- If your answer is, ‘I didn’t have a scripture. I just prayed,’ then you are on the wrong footing.
- You cannot ascertain God’s will unless you have scripture which declares it.
- Just praying about it is not enough.
- Prayer doesn’t make the Word work, it’s the other way around.
- You can’t make prayer do what only God’s Word can do.
- Prayer does not generate faith to believe.
- But, Gods Word does.
Romans 10:17 (NKJV) 17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
- Having God’s Word for what you are asking for gives you a solid rock platform to stand on.
- You can’t say you believe unless you have a verse to believe.
- Like one person said, ‘Unless you have scripture for what you say you believe, all you have is opinion.’
- You don’t want to bring your opinion to God.
- You want to bring Him His Word.
- Take the will of God test.
Number Five: Take the ‘Fear’ Test
- Make sure your domain is not the realm of fear
2 Timothy 1:5–7 (NKJV) 5 when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also. 6 Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
- We understand from these verses that fear is the big gorilla in the room.
- Timothy’s faith was genuine, sincere, un-hypocritical, the real deal.
- Because he already had the faith part, he needed to add something else.
- And so Paul says, “fan into flame the gift of God in you.”
- What was Paul by the Spirit of God saying?
- He was saying, “You have the Word now get the Spirit.”
- But then Paul goes into verse seven talking about fear.
- Why?
- We normally quote verse seven, “God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and sound mind’ and apply them to any area of fear and that’s a true application.
- However, the context that Paul uses is this area of the gift of God.
- What is Paul implying?
- He’s implying the reason why Timothy hasn’t tapped into the gift of God in him is that of fear.
- Paul is saying, ‘Timothy, God has not given you the spirit of fear, go on and fan into flame the gift in you. Step on out there.’
- Timothy did not access the gift of God because of fear.
- Many do not access the blessing of God for the same reason.
- So, Paul acknowledges that this area of dealing with the Spirit, since it has an unknown, can be a source of fear.
- You can learn how to trust the Spirit.
- He is not here to hurt you.
- He is here to help you.
- Some are afraid of failure.
- They are afraid that if they step out of God, nothing will happen and that question, that arises from that failure, they don’t want to deal with.
- Remember that Indian Jones scene where he has to step out on nothing to get to the other side of this huge cavern?
- Indiana Jones takes a step, the way is made.
- Look, you must step out on God.
- There are no two ways about it.
- If you must, do it afraid, but do it.
- Believe you receive and step out on God’s Word.
Number Six: Take the Tense Test
- What tense is your faith in?
Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV) 1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
- Faith is ‘today’ according to this passage in Hebrews 11:1.
- God has healed you in the past.
- You are to receive that in the present.
- But, this future stuff is the wrong tense.
- When we believe God, we are to believe Him now.
- We trust in God now.
- It is very important when you are believing the Lord for something in your life, to get the tense correct.
- So, you take ownership of a promise, not just a promise but a promise from God, not just a promise from God but a promise from a God who cannot lie.
- You own it.
- You claim it by faith.
- You don’t have it physically yet but that’s a formality because you are believing a God who does not lie.
- The transfer of property is on the way.
- You can account for it in your assets.
- You can plan your life around it.
- It’s kind of like your paycheck.
- It’s Monday.
- You know you are going to get paid Friday.
- You are already planning on Monday what you are going to do with the money before you get it.
- That’s faith in that company.
- Faith in God’s promises is the same way.
- You take ownership on Monday, so to speak, but you know Friday is coming.
- If you are praying about a need and you are releasing your faith for that need, the time dimension your faith should be in is the ‘now’ dimension.
- If you put your faith into the tomorrow time dimension, it won’t work.
- What does the wrong tense sound like?
- Statements like this are examples of putting faith in a Bible promise in the wrong tense.
- I believe God WILL do it.
- I believe God WILL heal me.
- I believe God WILL deliver me.
- I believe God WILL bless me.
- What’s the problem?
- If you believe He will do it, that means He hasn’t done it yet.
- The problem is you believe God is going to do something when faith says He has already done it.
- You have to get your ‘saying’ in the right tense.
- Once you believe God, once you release your faith in His Word, it is poor taste to say what you believe He will do.
- Instead, you should believe what He has already done.
- Confession statements set in the future need to be re-examined.
- If it’s ‘not now’, it’s not faith.
- “I believe God WILL do it”, won’t work because it is in the wrong time tense.
- The correct tense is, “I believe God HAS ALREADY done it. The answer is on its way.’
- “I believe God WILL heal me” confuses today and tomorrow.
- It confuses tenses.
- The Word of God teaches it this way, “I believe God HAS ALREADY healed me and I receive it right now.”
- “I believe God WILL deliver me” mixes up today and tomorrow.
- The scriptures teach deliverance in the past tense because of Jesus victory at Calvary.
- We should rather state, “Because He HAS ALREADY delivered me, I am free now.”
- “I believe God WILL bless me” again fails to differentiate between today and tomorrow.
- The Bible declares that you HAVE ALREADY BEEN blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places (Eph. 1:3).
- Our confession should be “I’m blessed, I’m blessed, I’m blessed, right now.”
- You may not feel blessed, you may not feel healed, you may not feel victorious, but this is a faith proposition.
- And faith is not motivated by sight.
- Nor is it moved by feelings.
- If it’s not now, it’s not faith.
- If you say, God is going to give this to me sometime, that’s not faith.
- Faith says I already have it. I have it now.
Mark 11:24 (KJV) 24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
- What does Mark 11:24 say about having an answer to prayer?
- When will you get the answer?
- You get the answer, ‘after you believe you receive it’.
- You must believe you receive first and THEN you get the answer. It’s not the other way around.
- You don’t believe it after you get the answer.
- What good is that?
- If you have the answer, you don’t have to believe anything.
- No, the ‘believing that you receive’ comes first, then comes ‘and you shall have it’.
Watching What You Say Is How You Get a Grade
Psalm 141:3 (NKJV) 3 Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.
- Take an inventory about what you are saying.
- Do you have your tenses correct?
- In other words, what’s coming out of your heart?
- When you hear yourself speak, check the tenses of your conversation with regards to the promises of God.
- That’s how you know you know you pass the test.
- That’s how you know you are believing.
- You speak in the past tense because God speaks of your healing in the past tense.
1 Peter 2:24 (NKJV) 24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.
- What tense is ‘were healed?’
- Is it past tense, present tense or future tense?
- ‘Were healed’ is past tense.
- Past tense means God’s already done it.
- You don’t have to ask God to do something He has already done.
- You receive what He has already done.
- Thinking of prayer in the context of you trying to talk God into giving it to you is a complete waste of time.
- It’s because of the tenses of the promise.
- It’s already done.
- Prayer, in this case, is a vehicle to receive the promise.
- Prayer does not produce healing.
- Prayer is a vehicle to receive healing.
- You can receive healing just be declaring it in faith.
- Like, ‘In the Name of Jesus I receive my healing right for ‘fill in the blank’ right now and Lord I thank you for it.
- Or, you can receive your healing by praying.
- Like Father in the Name of Jesus your word said, ‘By Jesus stripes, I was healed, and so if I was healed I am healed right now and I thank for it.’
- But, one thing is for sure.
- God’s not going to do one more thing about you being healed because it’s already done.
- God is not going to send Jesus back to the whipping post to take stripes again for your healing.
- He already did it.
- It’s just like salvation.
- God’s not going to do one more thing about your salvation.
- He already sent Jesus to the cross.
- It’s up to you to receive Him as Healer.
- It’s up to you to receive Him as Savior.
- If you don’t receive Jesus, you won’t be saved, period.
- If you don’t receive your healing, you won’t be healed, period.
- Why wait?
- He’s already done it.
- He’s already provided it.
- It’s just that simple.
- Source unknown – Galaxie Software, 10,000 Sermon Illustrations (Biblical Studies Press, 2002). ↩