We’re continuing this week on how the Holy Spirit works in us and why we need to be in the know concerning that. You know the more we know, the better we are able to cooperate with God in His great plan. One such area where the Holy Spirit works in us is to show us how and what we should pray for as we ought. You know there is a great gospel song that says, “No one ever cared for me like Jesus.” But in Romans 8:26, Scripture says, “No one ever prayed for me like the Holy Spirit.” How many times have you cried out to God but were at a loss for words? God plainly says there is hope even in those times: the Holy Spirit not only knows what needs to be said, He says it for you [He intercedes for you]. As the following story shows, calling on the right person is the key to solving your problems. One day Sue’s television quit working properly. She called the repair shop to report the problem, but got frustrated trying to explain what was happening. All she knew was that her television wasn’t working right and needed to be fixed. When the repairman arrived, he took off the back of the television and examined it for a few minutes. Then he said, “Ma’am, what you’ve got here is … blah, blah, blah,” and rattled off a string of strange terms. “I’m going to call the store to see if we have these parts in stock.” After the repairman talked with the parts manager, Sue overheard him say, “Great! I’ll pick up the parts and fix the television this afternoon.” Later that day, Sue’s television was as good as new, even though she had no idea what the repairman had done. She knew enough, however, to ask for help. The repairman and the parts manager understood the problem and Sue’s need was taken care of because these two men knew the problem and what it would take to fix it. This is exactly what the Holy Spirit does for believers. Sometimes, all we can do is call for help. We don’t even know what to ask for. When we don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit not only understands our problems, but He also carries our problems to the Heavenly Father, speaking in a language that only they understand. The next time words fail you in prayer, remember that the Holy Spirit is right there with you—interceding in prayer for you. Prayer is just one of the areas where the Holy Spirit works huge in our lives. You know, there are other areas and that’s why our focus today is Why You Need To Know What Jesus Said about The Holy Spirit Within, all on this week’s Light on Life.
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#S4-017: Why You Need to See the World As God Sees It [Podcast]
[Tweet “God never wants a repeat of what happened in the Garden. He wants to retire the Angel with the flaming sword who drove man out of the Garden to protect the Tree of Life.“]