25 Wisdom Ways to Embrace As a Jesus Believer

25 Wisdom Ways to Embrace As a Jesus Believer

Wisdom is the main thing according to God’s Word. But many confuse wisdom with knowledge. One seminary student writes the following. “When I was a seminary student I recall hearing of a man with a Ph.D. who ran an elevator in a downtown Louisville, Kentucky, office building. Just before my oral examination for the same degree the faculty examining committee failed to pass a philosophy student. I was concerned, thinking the faculty committee was getting tougher. I asked one of the professors why they failed to pass the man. He said the student was able to answer all the questions about the philosophy of others, but he had no philosophy of his own. Both the elevator operator and the student had knowledge; neither had wisdom.” Dr. George Cross, a former president of the University of Oklahoma, said, “The reason universities are called storehouses of knowledge is that the freshman bring so much of it to the campus and the seniors take so little of it away.” Knowledge is a mental accumulation of facts. Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge properly in the ordering of one’s life.1

Just Who Is Jesus to You?

[Tweet “The Bible lays out for us in detail what are the characteristics of those who are wise.”]

Prayer of Agreement: the Power of Praying with People

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 8

Prayer of Agreement: the Power of Praying with People

In World Vision magazine John Robb writes: Seven years ago, a giant tree stood on the banks of the Awash River, in an arid valley about two hours’ drive southeast of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It had stood there for generations, seemingly eternal. For years, the people who lived in the surrounding district had suffered through famines. In their suffering, the people looked to the tree for help. Believing a spirit gave it divine powers, they worshipped the towering giant. Adults would kiss the great trunk when they passed by, and they spoke of the tree in hushed, reverent tones. Children said, “This tree saved us.”

In 1989, World Vision began a development project there, including an irrigation system. But even as they labored to build the system, the great tree stood like a forbidding sentinel of the old order, presiding over the community, enslaving the people through fear. For spirits need to be appeased with animal sacrifices and strict observance of taboos. When World Vision workers saw how the villagers worshipped the tree, they knew it was an idolatrous barrier to the entrance of Christ’s kingdom and transformation of the community. One morning as the staff prayed together, one of Jesus’ promises struck them: “If you have faith, you can say to this tree, ‘Be taken up and removed’ … and it will obey you.” In faith, they began to pray that God would bring down the menacing Goliath.

Soon the whole community knew the Christians were praying about the tree. Six months later, the tree began to dry up, its leafy foliage disappeared, and finally, it collapsed like a stricken giant into the river. The people of the community were astonished, proclaiming, “Your God has done this! Your God has dried up the tree!” In the days and weeks afterward, approximately 100 members of the community received Jesus Christ because they saw his power displayed in answer to the Christians’ prayers.1 Today’s podcast focuses on the power of praying with people specifically the prayer of agreement. What results are achievable praying this prayer and what are some the rules that govern it? That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why It’s Important to Flow in Faith’s Domain

[Tweet “If there is great faith coupled with a great anointing, the healing manifestation is quicker.”]

Why You Should Consider Collecting Powerful Proverbs

Why You Should Consider Collecting Powerful Proverbs

Proverbs have powered everyday life from time immemorial. Consider the value given to Proverbs by some of our former Presidents. Thomas Jefferson said, “Mankind would lose half its wisdom built up over the centuries if it lost its great sayings. They contain the best parts of the best books.” Theodore Roosevelt weighed in with the following thought. “Any reading is better than none, but I prefer the book of the century rather than the book of the week or any cheap novel. Better still the book of four centuries—the Book of Proverbs.” Finally, Thomas Woodrow Wilson added, “I use all the brains I have and borrow all I can from the classics and wise sayings.”1 What are Proverbs and how can they give power to my everyday life? That’s the focus of this weeks blog.

Why Character Needs to Be King in Jesus Followers

[Tweet “Proverbs litter the landscape of the Bible and are full of the wisdom of Heaven.”]

How to Build Your Life Praying Bible Prayers

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 7

How to Build Your Life Praying Bible Prayers

In a previous podcast, we talked about the importance of praying Bible prayers. Bible prayers are prayers based on God’s Word. They are prayers that are laced with scriptures specifically Bible promises. Today, in this week’s podcast episode, we are going to show you how to pray these kinds of prayers.

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Conscience and the Inward Witness: A Look at the Spirit Led Life

[Tweet “After you pray, act like the Lord heard you. Live your life like the answer is yes.”]

Why Standing on the Word Is Good Medicine

Why Standing on the Word Is Good Medicine

When thinking about the subject of ‘standing on the Word,’ the Leaning Tower of Pisa comes to mind. The Tower of Pisa in Italy is a freestanding bell tower located in Italy which took 344 years to build.  The tower weighs about 14,500 tons and it’s foundation is only ten feet deep. That’s a lot of weight for a building to have to support when it has been leaning since it was built. It began to lean in 1178, five years after it began construction. The lean was due to one side sinking into the soft ground. 1 My, a ten-foot-deep foundation for a Tower that weighs 14,500 tons? Something’s not right. And the same can be said for believers in Jesus who are trying to build high-quality lives on something other than God’s Word. In today’s post, we are going to look at ‘Why standing on the Word of God is Good Medicine.’

Why You Don’t Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible

[Tweet “Standing on God’s Word will make your body well.”]

Why Praying in Faith Means to Believe You Receive

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 6

Why Praying in Faith Means to Believe You Receive

Robert Murray McCheyne, the great Scottish prayer warrior, said that we must “Learn that urgency in prayer does not so much consist in vehement pleading as in vehement believing.”1 Prayer is good. Believing that you receive when you pray is better. It’s perfect Bible order. It’s the way Jesus taught us to obtain answers to prayer.

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Why You Don’t Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible

[Tweet “If God said ‘Yes’ to your request, how would you respond, that’s believing you receive?”]

The Value of Humility and Consecration in the Miracles of God

The Value of Humility and Consecration in the Miracles of God

Becoming a disciple of Jesus means becoming a committed follower. It is a learning position as Matthew 11:29 states. There is so much to learn and know about the Lord. One area where we need to go to school is the miracles of God. Yes, it’s a school, and the Holy Spirit is the teacher. Jesus said, ‘The works that I do, you will also do and greater works than these shall you do because I go unto the Father’ — John 14:12. As an aspiring disciple, it is necessary to learn about the miracles of God.

R.W. Schambach [Video]

[Tweet “You cannot find the miracles of God, and His anointing’s at the local five and dime.”]

Faith and Prayer: Important Lessons to Know

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 5

Faith and Prayer: Important Lessons to Know

One unknown writer said, the following about faith and prayer. He said, ‘Faith dies through lack of prayer.’1 The statement sounds right at first glance but is it? The truth is the statement is backward. Prayer does not make faith work. It’s the other way around. Faith makes prayer work. What is faith’s connection to prayer? We can learn valuable lessons about faith and prayer by looking at how Jesus spoke to the fig tree in Mark eleven.

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Just Who Is Jesus to You?

[Tweet “Jesus walked in all humanity with the Holy Spirit as His guide.”]

Why A Good God Has A Good Plan For Your Life

Why A Good God Has A Good Plan For Your Life

A British train was carrying Queen Victoria was speeding into the darkness of night. Suddenly the engineer saw a startling sight. On the tracks, he thought he saw, in his headlight, a mysterious figure in a black cloak waving his arms. The engineer grabbed for the brakes, and the train came to a screeching halt. When they got out to take a look, they could not find the man that waved his hands. What they did see to their horror was that a few yards away from where they were there was a bridge that had washed out. Had they not have stopped when they stopped they would all met their deaths. They looked for the man that they had flagged them down and could not find him. What they did see was a gigantic moth laying dead on the tracks. What the moth had done was get into the headlights of the train. It looked like a man flagging down the train. The Lord saved that train and its passengers. When you hear stories like this, how can one ever doubt that God is a good God and has a good plan for our lives?

Conscience and the Inward Witness: A Look at the Spirit Led Life

[Tweet “Your life is meant to be a blessing to others. You are the missing piece to someone’s puzzle.”]

Five More Simple Secrets When Praying to God

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 4

Five More Simple Secrets When Praying to God

Recently, I ran into this illustration that shows a simple secret when praying to God. A woman lived in a small house built at the foot of a tall mountain. The mountain obstructed her view and made the inside of the house dark. She had read Jesus’ promise about faith moving mountains. Taking it literally, one night she prayed that the Lord would remove the mountain. The next morning the mountain was still there. “Humph!” she replied. “Just as I expected!”1 This woman didn’t act as if the Lord heard her and that’s one simple secret. But there are more secrets you can use when praying to God and that’s what we are focusing on in this week’s Light on Life.

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Just Who Is Jesus to You?

[Tweet “Some people try to pray mentally. God is not a mind, He is a spirit. Pray out of your heart.”]

How to Develop a Highly Effective Confidence in God

What A Highly Effective Confidence in God Looks Like

The word confidence is mentioned forty-eight times in the Bible and is closely connected to trust. The question must be asked then, “Who is your confidence in?” Who do you trust? Who do you lean on in your everyday life? Proverbs 3:26 states that our confidence should be in the Lord. What does it take to develop highly effective confidence in God?

Why It’s Important to Flow in Faith’s Domain

[Tweet “People who have confidence in God have a ‘can do’ attitude.”]

Why It’s Important to Spend Time Talking to God

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 3

Why It’s Important to Spend Time Talking to God

Stonewall Jackson was a man who spent time talking to God. He said: “I have so fixed the habit in my mind that I never raise a glass of water to my lips without asking God’s blessing. I never seal a letter without putting a word of prayer under the seal, never take a letter from the mailbox without a brief sending of my thoughts heavenward, never change my classes in the lecture-room without a—minute’s petition for the cadets who go out and for those who come in.” As we launch out into 2019, it’s important to do it with prayer as one of your foundational blocks. ‘Why It’s Important to Spend Time Talking to God — that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why It’s Important to Flow in Faith’s Domain

[Tweet “Jesus refused to do something for the sake of the doing. He waited until it was His hour.”]