As Paul closes out his segment on the division, the boasting, and the immaturity that was in this church, he ends chapter one with the marvelous reality that God placed us ‘In Christ.’ ‘Because of Him you are in Him, is what Paul states. But, what does that mean to be ‘in Christ?’ Tony Evans shared an object lesson that highlights one aspect of what it means to be ‘in Christ.’ Here’s his illustration. Tony said, “I’VE GOT three envelopes: a big one, a smaller one, and a smaller one yet. I’ve also got a slip of paper. [So, three envelopes — one piece of paper] The Bible says that we are in Christ and that Christ is in us. The smallest envelope has “Tony Evans” written on it. The slip of paper has “Jesus” written on it. The Bible says that when Tony Evans accepted Jesus Christ, He came inside of Tony Evans. Christ, [so we take] the slip of paper, [and we put it] inside the envelope that represents Tony Evans. But, not only is Christ in Tony Evans, but [it’s also true that] Tony Evans is in Christ. The slip of paper Christ is in Tony Evans, but when Tony Evans accepted Christ, Tony Evans came inside of Christ. [that’s the second envelope] I put the Tony Evans envelope into the Christ envelope. Now, the Bible says that Christ is in God. [God the Father is the third envelope] So we’re going to slip the Christ envelope into the God envelope. [So, what you see on the outside is a single envelope marked God on the outside. [So, where is Tony Evans now? You can’t see him.] So in order to now get to Tony Evans, you’ve got to go through God, and then you have to go through Christ, and after you’ve gone through God, and gotten through Christ, then [and only then] you get to Tony Evans. However, when you’ve gone through God, and gotten to Christ, and think you’ve have gotten ahold of Tony Evans, when you open up Tony Evans, he’s full of Jesus Christ. So I am in Christ, Christ is in me, Christ is in God, God is in Christ, so I am well covered by Jesus Christ and His heavenly Father. This is a marvelous illustration which shows that as long as you remain in Him, you are safe and secure. That’s why in this week’s podcast, our focus is ‘Why You Need To Know Who You Are In Christ’ — all on this week’s Light on Life.
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Why Boasting Is Never Beautiful for Those Born Again