There are multiple ways to be led by the Spirit of God. Here are some truths you might ponder in this area of being hearing God and allowing Him to lead you in your everyday life. Some of these lessons may help accelerate your learning curve and make your life more effective and fulfilling. Consider the following.
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Mountains and Bible Truth
- Bible truth is like mountain climbing. The view you get depends on the side of the mountain you are on.
- The same Bible truth from a certain side will have differences depending upon what side you look at.
- It is difficult to cover every facet of a truth from all angles in a single teaching.
- Sometimes confusion comes or people get a kind of ‘lost’ feeling when they hear certain ‘other side of the mountain’ truths’ because they have only known or been taught one side of the mountain in their Christian experience.
- These truths that we will be sharing are simple concepts – they are one side of the “prayer mountain” – maybe the side you have not been on. So, let’s start with…
1 Corinthians 12:1 (NKJV)
1 Now concerning spiritual gifts brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:
- Notice the word ‘gifts’ is italicized in the King James version.
- The KJV translation italicizes words which are not in the original language.
- In the Greek text, the words ‘spiritual gifts’ literally translates as ‘the spiritual’.
- If you read that back into 1 Corinthians 12:1 you get the following.
- 1 Now concerning the spiritual, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:
- Here is a ‘spiritual area’ we need to grow in, the area of patient endurance in prayer.
Get Smart about Time
- How can we improve at being more patient with God in prayer?
- In short, we need to get delivered from the word ‘daily’.
2 Peter 3:8 (KJV)
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
- The Lord wants you to be smart about ‘the spiritual’.
- He wants you to be smart about ‘time’ and how you interface with it.
- The entire planet runs on a twenty-four period.
- We think in that dimension.
- Because of that, we naturally try to box God into our twenty-four-hour thinking.
- However, in God, time does not exist; there are no borders of night and day.
- What exists in God are ‘seasons’.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV)
1 To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
- How much instructional Bible teaching have you heard about what we should do and steps we should take in the varied areas of the Christian experience?
- You have heard teaching on waiting on God and so you waited.
- You’ve heard teaching on worshipping God and so you entered in.
- Then, of course, teaching on intercessory prayer, so you’ve prayed for others.
- You may have even heard teaching on praying for our national leaders.
- Once you finish praying for others, you realize that you have your own stuff to pray about.
- Now, if you did everything you ever heard you should do, would be able to get it all done in a twenty-four period?
- You might not be able to attack all of it if you had seventy-two hours.
- Then, you start spiraling into putting pressure on yourself ‘to be a better Christian.’
- And, this is just the prayer area.
- What about all of the other areas of the Christian experience in which you ‘ve been admonished to engage?
- Do you even remember them all?
- So, what is the answer to these lists of things which are weekly laid at our doors by our spiritual leadership?
- Here it is.
- Let the Holy Spirit lead you in your prayer life.
- Maybe today, He places on your heart to pray for a specific person in your world.
- Follow that leading and be satisfied that you heard Him and obeyed Him.
- If you allow the Spirit of God to lead you in the different aspects of the Christian experience, you will always be in season.
- You will always be doing the right thing at the right time.
- If He doesn’t lead you to pray for a specific person, even though you can see they need it, then don’t.
- Be satisfied with the Spirit-led life.
- Being led by the Lord must become a focal point of your everyday life.
- Because in life you can only maximize what you emphasize.
- When you put emphasis on hearing from Him only then will the Spirit of God be able to lead you through the maze of what you should be doing ‘daily.’
- Saying it a different way: ‘if you want to hear God consistently’ it must become central to your life.
- It can’t be something you attempt to do only when you get into trouble or difficulty and need an answer.
- You must begin practicing the Spirit led lifestyle when you are not under pressure to hear and have a delivering answer.
Call to Action:
Now, that you know what will be your next step? It could be learning more about the ‘mechanics’ of the Spirit-led life. So get your Bible and look up verses and think about them. Find a book about how the Spirit leads and read it. You can only maximize what you emphasize.
Question: Do you remember the first words or direction that God ever spoke to your spirit? Please share your story in the comments section below.