U.S. Muslim Planned to Massacre Christians in Church
Khalil Abu-Rayyan is a 21-year-old Dearborn Heights, Michigan, man who gets excited by thoughts of beheading Americans, burning people alive and throwing homosexuals off of tall buildings. Beyond these fantasies, he’d actually made plans to shoot up a church full of Christians in Detroit, according to court records documenting his Internet conversations with an undercover FBI agent. According to affidavits filed in U.S. District Court in Detroit, he told the FBI he had already picked out a church for his bloody rampage. It was located less than a half-mile from his place of employment. He chose this church because it was large – up to 6,000 members – and he knew it would be an easy target.
“A lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church,” the FBI affidavit quotes him as saying. “Plus it would make the news. Everybody would’ve heard. Honestly I regret not doing it. (If I) can’t go do jihad at the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here.”
Read more by clicking this link.
Temple Institute Raises Funds for Draft Plans for 3rd Temple
EM (Worthy News)– The Temple Institute has created a $100,000 Indiegogo campaign to raise financing for “architectural plans” to construct the Third Temple, which it says will be a “house of prayer for all nations” and will usher in “a new era of universal harmony and peace” as prophesied in the Bible. The campaign says, “After millennia of yearning, only one organization is paving the way for the rebuilding of the Temple. The Temple Institute (מכון המקדש) located in the Old City of Jerusalem is a research organization dedicated to the preparing for the construction of the Third Temple, including the recreation of 60 sacred Temple vessels ready for use once the Temple is rebuilt. These include the High Priest’s breastplate featuring the twelve precious stones of the tribes of Israel, the half-ton golden menorah, and the musical instrument of the Levitical choir.”
For more information on this story see http://www.worthynews.com/17385-temple-institute-raises-funds-for-draft-plans-for-3rd-temple
Coach Defies Orders, Prays at Football Game
BREMERTON, Wash. (AP) — A Washington coach who was told by district officials to stop leading prayers after games went ahead with a prayer at the 50-yard line after a weekend game.
The Kitsap Sun reports Bremerton High assistant coach Joe Kennedy knelt as his players left the field and prayed on Friday. Players from the other team and others joined him.
It’s unclear what the district will do. Messages left the district’s attorney as well as district officials were not immediately returned Sunday.
Superintendent Aaron Leavell has said Kennedy’s long-standing practice runs counter to the constitutional mandate for separation of church and state. He said in a statement before the game that staff must refrain from religious expression while on duty.
Kennedy’s law firm, Texas-based firm Liberty Institute, says the district has no right to ban the coach from personally praying. They say he didn’t encourage or discourage students from participating.
Information from: Kitsap Sun, http://www.kitsapsun.com/
Officials Defend School Prayer in Oklahoma and Alabama
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt has taken a high profile stand for religious freedom.
Pruitt officially told the state board that governs sporting activities that it can no longer ban student prayer at school sports events.
He argues that a current policy blocking public prayer at playoff events is too broad.
“You just can’t uniformely, arbitrarily say, ‘We are going to allow all speech except religious speech,’ and that is why it is overbroad,” Pruitt said.
For more on this story see: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2015/October/Officials-Defend-School-Prayer-in-Oklahoma-Alabama/
Luis Palau Festival Draws 60,000 to Central Park
NEW YORK CITY — Evangelist Luis Palau is covering America’s largest city with the gospel. This weekend, his ministry is taking over New York’s Central Park with a festival that’s taken three years to plan. It takes days of work and hundreds of people to turn the famous park into center stage for City Fest, Palau’s latest Christian crusade — an outdoor service for 60,000 people. CBN News Efrem Graham toured the area with the evangelist as he sized up final preparations.
“It’s the largest one I have ever seen that we have used – except maybe Buenos Aires and Argentina, which was sort of large,” he said. “This one is so massive. And the city skyline, that is what really gets you.”
The vibrant 80 year old has personally preached to more than 30 million people in 75 countries.
It’s taken a long time and a lot of work to bring the good news to the Big Apple. Palau’s team partnered with city government and more than 1,700 churches three years ago to create NY City Serve. They then rolled up their sleeves to lift up the city’s poorest residents.
For more on this story see: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2015/July/Luis-Palau-Festival-Draws-60000-to-Central-Park/
Where and When We Meet
The Lighthouse meets at The Assembly on Sundays at 10:45 AM in Room 242.
The Assembly is located at 101st and Olive in Broken Arrow, OK.
Bibles Flood Into Cuba to Meet Growing Demand
Christians in Cuba received more than 83,000 Bibles earlier this month from the International Missions Board. The Bibles come at a time of growth in the evangelical church in Cuba. The Baptist Convention in Cuba is distributing the Bibles to believers in more than 1,000 churches all over the island.
Bibles have not been sold in Cuban bookstores for more than 50 years. The only place people can get one is at a church.
For more on this story see: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2015/June/Bibles-Poured-into-Cuba-to-Meet-Christianity-Boom-/
Scientists Introduce Worlds’ Smallest Bible

Scientists in Israel have created the world’s smallest Bible, a text so small that it could fit on the tip of a pen.
CNN reports the Nano Bible includes 1.2 million letters of the Old Testament etched onto a miniscule disc. To read the scripture, it would have to be magnified about 10,000 times.
To create the Bible, scientists from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology used silicon that was 100 atoms thick and plate it with gold. The characters were engraved with a focused ion beam.
The Nano Bible is now being displayed at the Israel Museum’s 50th anniversary exhibit.
Duck Dynasty’s Si Robertson Says There’s No Such Thing as an Atheist
‘Duck Dynasty’ star Si Robertson, who’s known for being an outspoken Christian, told CP Voice earlier this week that as a Vietnam veteran he knows there’s no such thing as an atheist because when people find themselves in a life-threatening situation they cry out to God, saying, “please help me.” Discussing his new film “Faith of Our Fathers,” which tells the story of two Vietnam veterans — one a devout Christian and the other a skeptic — Robertson explained that the bonds soldiers develop in wartime are “thicker than blood, because they’ve faced death together.”
In an interview with CP Voice on Wednesday, Robertson, along with the film’s lead actor Kevin Downes, commented on how the Gospel is presented in the letters between the two men. “One is a skeptic. And there’s a lot of skeptics,” said Robertson. “I dont believe there’s a such thing as an atheist. Because there’s too much documentation. Our calenders are based on Jesus Christ.”
“Whether you believe in Him or not, every time you write down the day’s date you’re saying He’s here,” continued Robertson, who reiterated his point that when it comes to circumstances of life and death, there aren’t any atheists. “Because if you get in a serious bind, the first thing you’ll do is say [God,] please help me.”
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/duck-dynastys-si-robertson-says-theres-no-such-thing-as-an-atheist-talks-new-film-faith-of-our-fathers-141145/#RtSBcBdspckJdZLV.99
ISIS Trainer Turns to the Bible, ‘Sick of the Killing’
As Islamic State fighters continue to slaughter and behead Christians and others, some of its members
are reportedly having encounters with Christ.
A Middle East missionary named “Julian” says a sheik who served as a jihadist teacher for ISIS has turned to the Bible because he became “sick of the killing.”
The Operation Mobilization missionary shared the story with Todd Nettleton on the Voice of the Martyrs radio show. Julian said the sheik was traveling home from Lebanon when he asked a taxi driver for a Bible.
“The taxi driver knew a Christian in Beirut who was very happy to give the guy with the beard a Bible and then, ‘Sir, would you like to tell us why you’re looking for a Bible?’ And his response was ‘I’m from Saudi. I’m a sheikh,’ which means a teacher of Islam,” Julian recounted the story. “‘I’ve been in Syria teaching the ISIS fighters jihad 101,’ the theology and the practice of jihad. ‘I’m sick of the killing. There must be something better than this.'”
VOM’s Nettleton explained, “He had come to see that the violence of ISIS was not the path to peace. He was tired of it; he wanted something else, and so he was interested in having a Bible. “
For more on this story see: ISIS Trainer Turns to the Bible ‘Sick of the Killing’
Get Ready to Be Shocked: The Church Divorce Rate
This is a game-changer. Talk about “an old wives’ tale.” You’ve heard it said that 1) 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce; 2) most marriages that do happen to make it are, nonetheless, unhappy, and 3) Christians are just as likely to divorce as non-believers. These claims, long understood to be research-based facts, never quite sat right with me. Still, admittedly, while these assertions do swim upstream against the flow of both our common sense and our common experience, we have, nevertheless, accepted them (present company included) as valid because – well, you know, because “social science …”
Here is the truth….
♥ The actual divorce rate has never gotten close to 50 percent.
♥ Those who attend church regularly have a significantly lower divorce rate than those who don’t.
♥ Most marriages are happy.
♥ Simple changes make a big difference in most marriage problems.
♥ Most remarriages succeed.
“‘But the divorce rate has been dropping,’ Feldhahn said. ‘We’ve never hit those numbers [the 50 percent figure]. We’ve never gotten close.’”
“And it’s even lower among churchgoers, where a couple’s chance of divorcing is more likely in the single digits or teens,” added CBN.
Additionally, the study determined that four-out-of-five marriages are happy. “That number flies in the face of the popular belief that only about 30 percent of marriages are happy.”
For more information on this story see: http://www.westernjournalism.com/flash-christians-actually-far-less-likely-divorce/
Exercising Your Spiritual Senses

There was a man desperately wanting to hear from God. As he was listening he thought God said get rid of your garage. Wanting to respond in faith and obedience he immediately went out to his yard and tore down his garage. It was in need of repair anyway. The Lord was watching him and suddenly called all his angels the great cloud of witnesses and other heavenly beings to observe this act of faith and obedience. As the heavenly host watched, God explained, he thought I said get rid of your garage but I actually said get rid of your grudge. Though the man missed it, God was impressed with his faith. Don’t be afraid. to step out, God is cheering you on. you will become seasoned in hearing as you exercise your senses.
From the e-book: Developing your Five Spiritual Senses by Patricia King.
Published & distributed by XP Publishing XP Ministries PO Box 1017 Maricopa AZ 85139 – location 435