I have been a ‘book-aholic’ all of my days. My books have been my constant companions and my mentors. My wife Sharon says, she married me and my books; they are everywhere in our home. The very first thing I did, when I gave my heart to Jesus on July 26th, 1976 was visit B-Dalton bookstore in a mall in New Jersey. I bought my first book on the Bible there, “The Bible As History“, a book that deals with the Bible along the lines of archeology. I was so hungry for God. I wanted to know all about Him. Today, some 10,000 books later, the hunger still remains but now with an added flair. I want to not only know Him myself but help equip other people to know and pursue the God of the universe through His Son Jesus.
On this page you will find a directory of some of my favorite study tools; books which helped me grow; books which helped me in my studies with the Spirit’s input, to understand the Bible better.
My Favorite Topical Books
- Authority of the Believer – Legacy Edition
- How to Be Led by the Spirit of God
- Master’s Calling
My Favorite Bible Study Tools
Books I Am Reading
Books I Highly Recommend
- Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
- Miracles from Azusa
- How to Flow in the Super Supernatural
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