During Jesus’ time on earth, He took notice of those who had the highest faith. A Centurion, who came on behalf of his servant. A Canaanite, who came on behalf of her daughter. Jesus noted their faith and the Spirit of God recorded these episodes for our benefit so that we might know what great faith looks like. We need to know. God wants us to aim high. Here us an account from a brand new Jesus follower. He said, “WHEN I was a new believer, I knew little about prayer. My understanding of it was mostly selfish. I considered prayer to be a magic way to get what I wanted. But one day a friend called. His daughter was being rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. Her appendix had ruptured. Alone on my back porch, I cried out to God, “I’m ashamed of my selfishness in prayer. Forgive me for praying only for myself. Would you please heal that little girl?” Several hours later, my friend called back. Every symptom had evaporated on the operating table. No surgery was performed. The daughter would be held overnight for observation and released in the morning. Can you imagine what that did for my faith as a new believer? God was able to answer prayer and nothing was beyond His power. Some time after that, all the lymph nodes on one side of my body became swollen and sore. Weak and nauseated, unable to eat for days, I finally consulted a doctor. After many tests, we scheduled a biopsy. I was diagnosed as having cancer. The morning of the day we were to hear the results and prognosis from the doctor, the symptoms disappeared. Two nights before, standing in the bathroom and confessing my confusion and anger, I had yielded myself to God’s will regardless of what it might be. As God added to these experiences, those of trusting Him for employment, a place to live, finances, and a ministry of reaching others for Christ, faith grew. There were times it seemed God wasn’t there, but as my understanding and capacity for faith grew, so did experiences of the reality of His ever-present intimacy. Faith didn’t rest on the experiences; the experiences grew out of faith.”1 Your faith can grow as well. It can grow to the highest of heights. Join us on this week’s journey as we look at Why Taking God at His Word is the Highest Faith. That’s our focus on this weeks Light on Life.
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