Today, we delve into John fourteen, where Jesus imparts profound truths about our heavenly Father, God. It’s astonishing how, amidst the explosion of knowledge in the past fifty years, many have overlooked the fact that the most crucial knowledge one can possess is knowledge of God. Who is He, and what is He like? Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario: if we were to discover inhabitants on other planets, the achievement of sending men to the moon pales in comparison to sending them to heaven. Understanding God takes precedence above all else. 1 Now, when we speak of knowledge of God in this podcast, we’re not referring to generic knowledge. For instance, acknowledging that God created the Heavens, and the Earth is a valid statement. However, there’s a significant difference between this general statement and a more personal one, such as “God, my heavenly Father, created the Heavens and the Earth for me.” Both statements hold truth, but the latter establishes a deeper, more intimate connection. I’m specifically talking about knowing God’s present characteristics and understanding Him in a personal way, as if we are walking together and sharing our lives. That’s why today, our focus is on the “Powerful Jesus Truths about God the Father on High.” Join us as we explore this topic on this week’s episode of Light on Life.
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