Enduring Tests and Trials: The Supreme Giver; James 1:16-18

Jesus spoke of the giving nature of His Father. He said in Matthew 7:9–11, that His Heavenly Father is way better than the earthly father who refuses to give his sons rocks instead of bread, or snakes instead of food. In Jesus mind, a great gulf spans between earthly and heavenly. The width of which Jesus describes as ‘how much more’. God is the perfect and supreme giver. The model that we are to copy. The example we are to follow as James lets us know in closing this paragraph on tests and trials.

God’s Love Shown Through the Gospel

A good God has a good plan for your life, that is a Bible fact. The days of inferiority are over forever when you understand the gospel. There is no need for you to feel as if you’re a second class citizen. God knew exactly what He was getting when He came to get you. God knew everything about you before hand. He knew all about your mistakes. He knew about your hang ups. He understood your up’s, your down’s and your ‘sideways’. But, the good news of the gospel is that He loved you and came to save you anyway!

What Everybody Ought to Know about Excellence

There is something about excellence that just thrills the heart. People like being around excellent organizations. They like to engage excellent people. What makes for excellence? How do we know when we have arrived at that attractive condition?  Excellence is a definable commodity. According to Wikapedia, it is is a talent or quality which is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary standards. It is a continuously moving target that can be pursued through actions of integrity, uninterrupted learning and improvement.1