Miracle testimonies of God’s power at work in our lives are something we ought to share. If you have a God story, you should not sit down on it unless the Lord instructed you not to tell it. The scripture says that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. At the 1997 Brickyard 400 auto race, NASCAR driver Lake Speed learned firsthand the amazing effect of prayer. His car had been having mechanical problems. Sitting on the track in preparation for a qualifying run, he waited in frustration because his car wouldn’t start. Meanwhile, he prayed. Finally, his crew chief Jeff Buice took out a wrench and hand-cranked the engine Model-A style. The car started, and Lake Speed roared onto the track to post the second-fastest qualifying time of the day. Victor Lee writes in Sports Spectrum: Later, when Speed returned to the pits to get ready for a final practice session, he found his crew tearing out the engine. Shocked, he asked what was going on. “Lake, that engine was blown before you qualified,” Buice said, noting that it had blown during NASCAR pre-race inspection. Lake looked more closely. Oil was everywhere. Buice continued, “I wasn’t going to tell you anything because time had run out. But I was already trying to figure out how I would spend Saturday. Even if it started, I surely didn’t expect it to make a lap and surely not to run good enough to make the race.” Lake’s assessment: “God did a major mechanical miracle. I always pray right before the race. Sitting on that track, when it didn’t start, I prayed, ‘Lord, I don’t know what’s going on here, but if there’s any way, I’d like this thing to start.’ ” Driver Lake Speed went on to finish twelfth in the race, his second-best finish in 1997. You may say this has a perfectly natural explanation, or you may call it a miracle. Still, without question, according to the automobile experts on the scene, this was a remarkable event that followed prayer. Funny but remarkable events and coincidences often follow prayer. Craig Brian Larson, 750 Engaging Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers & Writers (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2002), 351–352. I had the same miracle along this line occur, and it resulted in a person giving their heart to Jesus. Why Your Miracle Testimony of God’s Healing Power is Vital, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.
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