Why God’s Word Is Your Way To Overcoming Victory

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Eleven


Who doesn’t like the thought of experiencing victory in Jesus? But have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to obtain? Maybe you are into sports and so you know the thrill of getting the winning goal with ten seconds left on the clock or hitting that game ending home run — There it goes. ee you — Bang! that propels you into the playoffs. But you’re a Jesus follower. Well, what does that matter? You want to pray the prayer of faith — There it goes. See you — Bang! And, you walk off with a miracle from God. How do we get there? Well, the difficulty in obtaining victory disappears when you come into line with God’s Word. That’s where we are going today. Join us as we look at Why God’s Word Is Your Way To Overcoming Victory. That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain

The first characteristic of a person who possesses a high level of faith is that this individual has made the decision to be a doer of the Word. Click To Tweet

Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing

[Encore Podcast]: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Nine

Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing

In this week’s teaching, we focus on the importance of the ‘human will’  in receiving divine healing or any kind of help from the Lord. Some think that God wants to break a person’s will so that they would conform to His plan. God doesn’t want your will broken. He is not that kind of God. The Lord wants your will whole, complete, and entire. But He wants you to choose who will serve. Exercising the power of choice comes mightily to the forefront in gaining answers to prayer. In this podcast, we look at some steps one should take to hold on to healing once it has you have received it in Jesus’ Name. Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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#S2-048: Why It’s Important to Understand the Serious Power of the Soul [Podcast]

[Tweet Jesus put His finger on the pulse of this man’s problem when He asked, ‘Will you be made whole.’]

How You Can Remarkably Experience Jesus Powerful Healing Touch

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Eight

How You Can Remarkably Experience Jesus Powerful Healing Touch

Have you experienced divine healing from the hand of God? Do you know that this blessing is available for you? In the Pentecostal Evangel church leader George-O. Wood writes: Have you ever heard a healing take place? [Listen to the word ‘heard’ — this illustration is about hearing a miracle take place not seeing one take place] I have. I listened to an audiotape of Duane Miller teaching his Sunday school class from the text of Psalm 103 at the First Baptist Church in Brenham, Texas, on January 17, 1993. Duane prematurely retired from pastoring three years earlier because of a virus which penetrated the myelin sheath around the nerves in his vocal cords, reducing his speech to a raspy whisper. Teaching his class that day with a special microphone resting on his lips, he reaffirmed his belief in divine healing and that miracles had not ended with the Book of Acts. Listening to the tape, at times, you can barely understand his weakly spoken wheezy words of faith. The miracle happened at [when he read] verse 4 [Psalm 103:4 says ‘who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with stedfast love and mercy] when he said, “I have had and you have had in times past ‘pit’ experiences.” [Put the word ‘pit’ in brackets or quotes — that is, you have had experiences where you needed God to get you out of the ‘pit’ of despair] On the word ‘pit’ [when he spoke the word ‘pit’] his life changed — the word was as clear as a bell, in contrast to the imperfect enunciation of the preceding word[s] past. He paused, startled; began again and stopped. He said a few more words—all in a normal clear tone — and stopped again. The class erupted with shouts of joy, astonishment, and sounds of weeping. God completely healed him as he was declaring the truth in this psalm. (You can read the full account in Miller’s book Out of the Silence, Nelson Publishers.)1 This Sunday School teacher experienced divine healing. Can I tell you that this podcaster, a former pastor and now a Sunday School teacher, experienced divine healing as well! And, here’s what you should know. You can as well. How You Can Remarkably Experience Jesus Powerful Healing Touch, that’s our focus on today’s edition of Light on Life.

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Why Being Free from Disease Is Available for You

The leper experienced divine healing by laying on of hands. You can receive this way as well. Click To Tweet

God’s Love for You and Methods of Divine Healing

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Six

God’s Love for You and Methods of Divine Healing

God wants you well in your body to such a degree that He provided various methods where you can receive divine healing. Even doctors have faith in faith. A survey conducted by the American Academy of Family Physicians shows that ninety-nine percent of doctors believe a relationship exists between faith and physical healing. Recently, more than one thousand health-care professionals met at Harvard Medical School to examine the connection between spirituality and healing. Doctors’ faith in faith was bolstered by a California study of the effect of prayer on recovery from heart problems. About two hundred heart patients were assigned to Christians who prayed for them, while an equal number, a control group, received no known prayers. Neither group knew about the prayers, yet those who received prayer developed half the complications that were experienced by those in the control group. A similar study by the Dartmouth Medical School examined the effect of prayer on healing when the patients prayed for themselves. The death rate six months after bypass surgery was 9 percent for the general population but 5 percent for those who prayed for their own healing. And none of the deeply religious patients died during the period of the study.1 Is that amazing or what? So we’re headed out today focusing on God’s Love for You and Methods of Divine Healing — all on this week’s Light on Life.

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#S4-007: Why Divine Healing Is Better for Your Life [Podcast]

When we look at the Word of God for methods of divine healing — you will find that none of them are natural. Click To Tweet

Why Miracles Matter Now and Forever

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Twenty-Two

Why Miracles Matter Now and Forever

If you’re acquainted at all with the gospels and the works of Jesus, you’ll know that miracles matter. They were prevalent during the three and half years of His ministry. But, what about afterward? Well, in this podcast, we will take a look at what happened post Jesus. That is what happened miracle-wise after Jesus ascended back into heaven both in the early church and in the later as well. Just as in Jesus day some refused to believe despite the work of God so it is today. Voltaire, a product of the period in history known as the Enlightenment, said that if he and one thousand men in Paris saw a miracle before their very eyes he would rather disbelieve his eyes and the eyes of the one thousand than to believe in the miracles.1. You see during the Enlightenment reason rose to the ascendancy. We will talk a little bit about this in this podcast. But just because some refuse to believe that God still does miracles does mean they don’t occur? No, God’s Word is true and eternally remains that way. Miracles matter and they happen even today — in fact, it matters much more today. But no matter what some just won’t believe. A pastor was once talking to an agnostic and was trying to convince him and convert him to Christ. “Speaking of miracles,” the pastor said, “if a man jumped out of a ten-story building and did not die, would that not be a miracle?” “No,” said the agnostic, “it would only be an accident.” “Then what if he jumped out the second time and he didn’t die. Wouldn’t you say that would be a miracle?” “No, that would be a coincidence.” “Then what if the third time? Wouldn’t that be one?” “No, that’s just a habit!” You see to accept miracles is to give God credit. Now what, well you are stuck with the rest of who God is and what He said about you. We’re talking the miraculous today, Why Miracles Matter Now and Forever, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Holy Spirit Encounters with Lost People


Miracles matter. We have a big God and because of it, big results should go hand in hand. Click To Tweet

Why You Should Stand Up for Jesus Even When It’s Controversial

Podcast: Light on Life Season Nine Episode Forty-Five

Why You Should Stand Up for Jesus Even When It’s Controversial

Born again children of God must stand up for Jesus. Isn’t that odd to have to say? But in this highly sensitive age, where people get offended over little or nothing, the statement needs to be made. Do we shy away from Jesus when His demands on our lives go against the current of the age? Is it no longer cool to say that sin is sin? An individual writes, “A friend sent me a cartoon showing an old man in a rocking chair. As he rocked, loud squeaks could be heard. After several futile attempts to get rid of the squeaks in the chair, the angry man got his shotgun and shot the chair into splinters. In the final frame of the cartoon, the old man is shown walking away, but the squeaks were still there. They were in his knees. Sometimes the problems that exist in our church may be found within ourselves. Before we destroy everything else, perhaps we need to decide if we are part of the problem.”1 Are we standing up for Jesus or are we the ones with the problem? That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Doing the Word of God Is The Ticket to Success

[Tweet “Controversy is needed for change. But, where do you draw the line?”]

Why Your Miracle Testimony of God’s Healing Power Is Vital

Podcast: Light on Life Season Nine Episode Six

Why Your Miracle Testimony of God's Healing Power Is Vital

Miracle testimonies of God’s power at work in our lives are something we ought to share. If you have a God story, you should not sit down on it unless the Lord instructed you not to tell it. The scripture says that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. At the 1997 Brickyard 400 auto race, NASCAR driver Lake Speed learned firsthand the amazing effect of prayer. His car had been having mechanical problems. Sitting on the track in preparation for a qualifying run, he waited in frustration because his car wouldn’t start. Meanwhile, he prayed. Finally, his crew chief Jeff Buice took out a wrench and hand-cranked the engine Model-A style. The car started, and Lake Speed roared onto the track to post the second-fastest qualifying time of the day. Victor Lee writes in Sports Spectrum: Later, when Speed returned to the pits to get ready for a final practice session, he found his crew tearing out the engine. Shocked, he asked what was going on. “Lake, that engine was blown before you qualified,” Buice said, noting that it had blown during NASCAR pre-race inspection. Lake looked more closely. Oil was everywhere. Buice continued, “I wasn’t going to tell you anything because time had run out. But I was already trying to figure out how I would spend Saturday. Even if it started, I surely didn’t expect it to make a lap and surely not to run good enough to make the race.” Lake’s assessment: “God did a major mechanical miracle. I always pray right before the race. Sitting on that track, when it didn’t start, I prayed, ‘Lord, I don’t know what’s going on here, but if there’s any way, I’d like this thing to start.’ ” Driver Lake Speed went on to finish twelfth in the race, his second-best finish in 1997. You may say this has a perfectly natural explanation, or you may call it a miracle. Still, without question, according to the automobile experts on the scene, this was a remarkable event that followed prayer. Funny but remarkable events and coincidences often follow prayer. Craig Brian Larson, 750 Engaging Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers & Writers (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2002), 351–352. I had the same miracle along this line occur, and it resulted in a person giving their heart to Jesus. Why Your Miracle Testimony of God’s Healing Power is Vital, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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#S3-018: How God Reacquired Adam’s Stolen Authority [Podcast]

[Tweet “Today I’m healed all because of Jesus. It doesn’t cost to obey God. It pays.”]

Do People Need Miracles to Believe Jesus Is Real

Encore Podcast: Light on Life Season Nine Episode Five

Do People Nedd Miracles to Believe Jesus Is Real?

Here’s the question that we will look at in today’s Light on Life podcast. Do people need miracles to believe Jesus is real? The fact that people believe that Jesus does miracles is decidedly true. The percentage of adults who mostly agree or completely agree with the statement, “Even today, miracles are performed by the power of God,” sits at 82%, according to a Princeton Religion Research Center’s PRRC Emerging Trends survey.1

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Jesus Heals A Blind Man: Why You Can Have Hope

[Tweet “God is — He just plain is a miracle-working God.”]

How God Did Healing Miracles Through the Early Church Fathers

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Thirty-Four

How God Did Healing Miracles Through the Early Church Fathers

We see healing miracles in the Bible, a book that spans 4000 years of recorded history. From the very first book of the Bible where God healed Abimelech in response to Abraham’s prayer in Genesis 20:17 all the way through to the leaves of healing from the Tree of Life in Revelation 22: 2, we see God’s desire for man to be ‘every bit whole.’ Yet some say it’s all in the past that the age of miracles has ceased. That God waited until the last apostle’s death and then removed His miracle hand from the earth because now we have His Word. Or, at least that’s the theory of it. This ideology has a name. It is called cessationism. Cessationists believe that when the Old Testament canon closed at Malachi, the gifts had ceased for the next 400 years until John the Baptist. Similarly, when the New Testament canon closed, the gifts ceased.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cessationism] Well, if God doesn’t do miracles anymore, then that’s bad news. But, I’m here to tell you today that the good news is, the bad news was wrong. How God Did Healing Miracles Through the Early Church Fathers, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Do People Need Miracles to Believe Jesus Is Real

[Tweet “How can people say that healing is no more when we have historical records from the Church Fathers?”]

Why You Need to Know the Healing Ministry of John Alexander Dowie

Encore Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Twenty

Why You Need to Know the Healing Ministry of John Alexander Dowie

You should absolutely read the biographies of great men of God and their healing ministries. If you remember, in a previous podcast, “Why You Can Expect Powerful Healing Moves of God,” we briefly mentioned a man named Edward Irving. Edward Irving was a minister of the Scottish Church in London who began calling for a new expectation for the miraculous. He questioned the cessationists thinking that the age of miracles is past. The result of that call and that questioning? By 1830, Irving’s congregation began to experience supernatural healings as well as ‘speaking with other tongues.’ That’s 1830, approximately 75 years before Azuza. But that may not have been Irving’s greatest contribution to the healing gospel of Jesus Christ. His teachings were exposed to a young ministry study attending the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. The student’s name? John Alexander Dowie. We are going to be talking about modern-day healing evangelists in this week’s Light on Life. Why You Need to Know the Healing Ministry of John Alexander Dowie.

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Why Your Will is A Powerful Help to Healing

[Tweet “We can learn lessons by looking at the lives of the men and women who have walked with God.“]

Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing

[Encore Podcast]: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Fifteen

Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing

In this week’s teaching, we focus on the importance of the ‘human will’  in receiving divine healing or any kind of help from the Lord. Some think that God wants to break a person’s will so that they would conform to His plan. God doesn’t want your will broken. He is not that kind of God. The Lord wants your will whole, complete, and entire. But He wants you to choose who will serve. Exercising the power of choice comes mightily to the forefront in gaining answers to prayer. In this podcast, we look at some steps one should take to hold on to healing once it has you have received it in Jesus’ Name. Why Your Human Will Is So Vital In Receiving Help and Healing, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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#S2-048: Why It’s Important to Understand the Serious Power of the Soul [Podcast]

[Tweet Jesus put His finger on the pulse of this man’s problem when He asked, ‘Will you be made whole.’]

Why Your Will is A Powerful Help to Healing

Encore Podcast: Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Seven

Why Your Will is A Powerful Help to Healing

The human will is an integral component in receiving healing from God the Father. The Lord doesn’t want your will broken as some have taught. No, the Lord desires that your will be whole, intact, healthy, and ready to receive. In today’s Light on Life podcast, we take a look at the human will and how it factored into the healing of a man who had been ill for a very long time in the ministry of Jesus. We also will look at some steps you can take to hold on to your healing once it has come — because not only does it take faith to get healed, but it takes faith to keep it. Why Your Will is A Powerful Help to Healing, all of this in this week’s Light On Life.

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#S2-037: How to Hold On to What You Got [Podcast]

[Tweet “Jesus put His finger on the pulse of this man’s problem when He asked, ‘Will you be made whole?'”]