If you’re acquainted at all with the gospels and the works of Jesus, you’ll know that miracles matter. They were prevalent during the three and half years of His ministry. But, what about afterward? Well, in this podcast, we will take a look at what happened post Jesus. That is what happened miracle-wise after Jesus ascended back into heaven both in the early church and in the later as well. Just as in Jesus day some refused to believe despite the work of God so it is today. Voltaire, a product of the period in history known as the Enlightenment, said that if he and one thousand men in Paris saw a miracle before their very eyes he would rather disbelieve his eyes and the eyes of the one thousand than to believe in the miracles.1. You see during the Enlightenment reason rose to the ascendancy. We will talk a little bit about this in this podcast. But just because some refuse to believe that God still does miracles does mean they don’t occur? No, God’s Word is true and eternally remains that way. Miracles matter and they happen even today — in fact, it matters much more today. But no matter what some just won’t believe. A pastor was once talking to an agnostic and was trying to convince him and convert him to Christ. “Speaking of miracles,” the pastor said, “if a man jumped out of a ten-story building and did not die, would that not be a miracle?” “No,” said the agnostic, “it would only be an accident.” “Then what if he jumped out the second time and he didn’t die. Wouldn’t you say that would be a miracle?” “No, that would be a coincidence.” “Then what if the third time? Wouldn’t that be one?” “No, that’s just a habit!” You see to accept miracles is to give God credit. Now what, well you are stuck with the rest of who God is and what He said about you. We’re talking the miraculous today, Why Miracles Matter Now and Forever, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.
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Miracles matter. We have a big God and because of it, big results should go hand in hand. Click To Tweet