Why You Don’t Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible [Encore Podcast]

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Eleven

Why You Don't Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible

With everything that is happening with the Corona Virus, we need to remember that the Bible teaches us that we don’t have to be sick. On January 17, 1993 Duane Miller was healed of throat condition that reduced his speech to a raspy whisper. While teaching his Sunday school class from Psalm 103 at the First Baptist Church in Brenham, Texas, Duane reaffirmed his belief in divine healing and that miracles had not ended with the Book of Acts. The miracle happened when he got to verse four, which says ‘who redeems your life from the pit’. On the word ‘pit’, his life changed. The word was completely clear. He paused, startled. He said a few more words—all in a normal clear tone—and stopped again. The class erupted with shouts of joy, astonishment, and sounds of weeping. God completely healed him. 1

How’s that for a healing testimony? While he read the Word, he received health. Doesn’t that match the scripture in Proverbs 4:20-22?

Proverbs 4:20–22 (KJV) — 20 My son, attend to my words; Incline thine ear unto my sayings. 21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; Keep them in the midst of thine heart. 22 For they are life unto those that find them, And health to all their flesh.

Get ready to be healed today.  We are going to be reading some healing verses, God may choose to heal you this way this day as we discuss “Why You Don’t Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible”.  So, hook your faith up to His Word today. All this and more on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “Are you weak by reason of some degeneration? Then God has some therapy for you.”]

How You Can Minister Healing As Jesus Did

Why Answered Prayer Is the Proof You Need to Take a Stand

Podcast: Light on Life Season 7 Episode 4

Why Answered Prayer Is the Proof You Need to Take a Stand

On the subject of answered prayer, one person shares the following story. She said, “approximately twelve and a half years ago, my husband and I purchased a home in Gas City, Indiana. We moved in (along with our four daughters) and, to our amazement, found we’d inherited thousands upon thousands of blackbirds. Never, in my entire life, have I seen such a mess as the blackbirds left! Months went by, then came warm weather and they were as bad as ever.

One day, my brother parked his car in front of my house, for twenty minutes, and thought he’d never get it clean! Cleaning my sidewalk would take every bit of two hours and, the following morning, you couldn’t even see our sidewalk or front yard. The stink was out of this world! The rain seemed to bring out the entire aroma. Besides, my eighteen-month-old daughter wanted to play in it. Ugh! As energetic as she was, I had to keep her locked in the house.

As time passed, my nerves became very raw from this type of existence. Being desperate, I asked the Lord if He’d help me find a way to rid myself of these birds … especially since I was using my home for Him. So, believing the Lord would help me find the answer, I began my search.

Asking neighbors if they could tell me how to get rid of the birds, every answer they gave was either illegal or impossible. So, I called the Health Department, thinking ‘if they saw the mess – they’d have to do something.’ However, they never showed up. Then, a long-time neighbor told me I might as well give up. Those birds had been there eighteen years and no one had been able to get rid of them. Having eight or nine trees didn’t help either.

Beginning to read the book, GO HOME AND TELL (by Bertha Smith, a Southern Baptist missionary to China), I was amazed as she’d tell of numerous accounts where the Lord had rid her of pests that were unbearable. She’d give scripture references of the Lord’s promises, then claim them as her own, as she went to her knees asking the Lord for deliverance. I must admit, I didn’t know what to think. Searching the Bible, as Bertha had given references … sure enough, the promises were there. Oh, it touched my heart! I didn’t know the Lord did things like that. Could I really just ask Him to take them?

Appealing to Him, I said, “Well, Lord, if you can do these things for Bertha Smith, you can surely deliver me of these birds. Lord, I’ve done all I know to do except cut the trees down and my husband won’t let me do that. (He thinks it would greatly depreciate our property.) Lord, you gave me this house and I’m using it for you. You know this isn’t a fit place for worship, in this condition. So, Lord, just take them.”

Praying for three nights, while getting angry at the birds … I commanded them to leave, in the ‘name of Jesus’. My neighbor, then having come for a visit, noticed such quietness that she just knew something bad was wrong. Going outside to see what it might be, we discovered the birds were gone!

Quiet for the next three days, on the fourth evening, the birds came back. I went to tell my neighbor to move her car, so she wouldn’t have to wash it. But, she insisted, “You prayed.” I responded, “I know. No one but the Lord could have taken them, even for three days.” Refusing to move her car, in about fifteen minutes, all the birds flew away at once. It was a sight!

After this, I‘d sit on a neighbor’s porch, in the evenings, and observe the birds as they’d flock to the trees, then flee. It was as though the trees were wired with electricity. Before, neighbors always avoided walking down my sidewalk. If they had no other option, they’d run past my house, and yet would, in spite of everything, get sprinkled from the birds. But now, they’d stop and ask, “By the way, what happened to those blackbirds?” I‘d chuckle, then share my testimony of what the Lord had done. They would leave amazed. Living there for ten years, I never had that problem again.1

Why Answered Prayer Is the Proof You Need to Take a Stand: that’s our focus on this week’s: Light on Life.

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Why Doing the Word of God Is The Ticket to Success

[Tweet “Excavating God’s Word is one key to unlock the puzzle of answered prayer.”]

Why You Should Stand Up for Jesus Even When It’s Controversial

Podcast: Light on Life Season 7 Episode 3

Why You Should Stand Up for Jesus Even When It’s Controversial

Born again children of God must stand up for Jesus. Isn’t that odd to have to say? But in this highly sensitive age, where people get offended over little or nothing, the statement needs to be made. Do we shy away from Jesus when His demands on our lives go against the current of the age? Is it no longer cool to say that sin is sin? An individual writes, “A friend sent me a cartoon showing an old man in a rocking chair. As he rocked, loud squeaks could be heard. After several futile attempts to get rid of the squeaks in the chair, the angry man got his shotgun and shot the chair into splinters. In the final frame of the cartoon, the old man is shown walking away, but the squeaks were still there. They were in his knees. Sometimes the problems that exist in our church may be found within ourselves. Before we destroy everything else, perhaps we need to decide if we are part of the problem.”1 Are we standing up for Jesus or are we the ones with the problem? That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Doing the Word of God Is The Ticket to Success

[Tweet “Controversy is needed for change. But, where do you draw the line?”]

Jesus Heals A Blind Man: Why You Can Have Hope

Podcast: Light on Life Season 7 Episode 2

Jesus Heals A Blind Man: Why You Can Have Hope

In John’s gospel, chapter nine, Jesus heals a man who was born blind. D.L. Moody shared this story about a case of blindness during his ministerial travels. He said:

“I was in an infirmary not long since, and a mother brought a little child in. She said, “Doctor, my little child’s eyes have not been opened for several days, and I would just like you to do something for them.” The doctor got some ointment and put it first on one and then on the other, and just pulled them open. “Your child is blind,” said the doctor, “perfectly blind; it will never see again.” At first, the mother couldn’t take it in, but after a little, she cast an appealing look upon that physician, and in a voice full of emotion, said, “Doctor, you don’t mean to say that my child will never see again?” “Yes,” replied the doctor, “your child has lost its sight and will never see again.” And that mother just screamed and drew that child to her bosom. “O my darling child,” sobbed the woman, “are you never to see the mother that gave you birth? never to see the world again?”

I could not keep back the tears when I saw the terrible agony of that woman when she realized the misfortune that had come upon her child. That was a terrible calamity, to grope in total darkness through this world; never to look upon the bright sky, the green fields; never to see the faces of loved ones, but what was it in comparison to the loss of a soul? I would rather have my eyes plucked out of my head and go down to my grave in total blindness than lose my soul.1

That was Moody’s account of this story, but here’s the thing I want to propose to you today. Yes, losing your soul is far higher than losing your physical eyesight. But, how about this Bible fact? You can have spiritual sight fulfilling your God-given purpose on planet earth as a Kingdom builder, AND you can have your physical sight because Jesus is your healer. The man born blind in John nine. That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Doing the Word of God Is The Ticket to Success

[Tweet “Jesus and the Father are in symphonic perfection playing a genre of music called healing.”]

How God Delivered Me from A Brain Aneurysm [Encore Podcast]

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 40

How God Delivered Me from A Brain Aneurysm

We’re doing an encore podcast this week because Sharon just celebrated her sixtieth birthday. Eighteen years ago, she suffered a brain aneurysm. So, we thought it was fitting and right to re-air how God brought her through. Just know today that Jesus is a healing Jesus and what He did for her, He can and will do for you.

This is an encore episode of Sharon Horvath’s miraculous healing testimony from a brain aneurysm. This podcast first aired in April of 2015.

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Faith and Prayer: Important Lessons to Know

[Tweet “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivers him out of them all.”]

How You Can Minister Healing As Jesus Did

Podcast: Light on Life Season 6 Episode 35

As we continue the trek through John’s gospel, we come upon a beautiful deliverance in John five. Jesus ministered healing to one man at the Pool of Bethesda.  How did He do it? He did it via a manifestation of gifts of the Spirit. Jesus gave both hope and healing to a man who had been sick thirty-eight years. What Jesus did for this one man, He will do for you. And what He has done for you, you can pass on to others. How you can minster healing as Jesus did, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why You Don’t Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible

[Tweet “If you can get people to believe the Word, you can get them healed one hundred times out of hundred.”]

Why Standing on the Word Is Good Medicine

Why Standing on the Word Is Good Medicine

When thinking about the subject of ‘standing on the Word,’ the Leaning Tower of Pisa comes to mind. The Tower of Pisa in Italy is a freestanding bell tower located in Italy which took 344 years to build.  The tower weighs about 14,500 tons and it’s foundation is only ten feet deep. That’s a lot of weight for a building to have to support when it has been leaning since it was built. It began to lean in 1178, five years after it began construction. The lean was due to one side sinking into the soft ground. 1 My, a ten-foot-deep foundation for a Tower that weighs 14,500 tons? Something’s not right. And the same can be said for believers in Jesus who are trying to build high-quality lives on something other than God’s Word. In today’s post, we are going to look at ‘Why standing on the Word of God is Good Medicine.’

Why You Don’t Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible

[Tweet “Standing on God’s Word will make your body well.”]

Why the Natural and the Supernatural Leads To Healthy Lives

A quote on Health and Wholeness

The will of God for your life is that you live all of your days well and whole. Sickness is not from God, that’s a Bible fact. But, there’s more than one side to living in health and wholeness. There are at least two sides. There is the natural side and there is the spiritual side. It’s not really a matter of choosing between the two. Both realms, natural and spiritual are designed to work together. One minister said these words, “The natural plus the supernatural together make an explosive force for God.” That saying is true. In today’s blog, we take a look at why you need both working in your life in order to partake of health and wholeness.

[Tweet “You cannot violate laws of nature and get God’s power to work in your body.”]

#S4-034: Why You Can Absolutely Expect Powerful Healing Moves of God [Podcast]

You Can Expect Powerful Healing Moves of God

God is in the moving business. In the very first pages of Genesis where the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, you can see evidence that God is the God of the plan. He has one. He’s always had one. Not only does He have one but, He’s always working to bring His plan to fruition. Throughout the course of human history, God has been seen moving and stirring the hearts of His people. At times when His people have shut down and allowed themselves to be distracted from His first priority of establishing the Kingdom, in the midst of the distraction, God is still moving to work the plan. So don’t be afraid of the complacency you may see around you. It won’t stay that way for long. God is on the Throne and on the move. Do you think that everything that God has already executed in bringing Jesus into planet earth will fall flat because of few cold saints? The stirring, the reviving, the outpouring of God’s Presence, is on the horizon. Not only will God stir His people to a greater awareness of His purpose, but often times these moves are accompanied by spectacular signs, wonders, and dramatic miracles. Healing is a physical sign pointing to our Eternal on the move God. In today’s podcast, we are going to take a look at the healing connection to some of these revival type moves.

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[Tweet “Some of the most well-known believers, household names, were miraculously healed.”]

Why It’s Important to Flow in Faith’s Domain

Podcast: Light on Life Season Four Episode Thirty-Three

Faith, Believe and Receive are All Part of Faith's Domain

Believe and receive are part of faith’s language. They are part of faith’s domain. It’s important to understand the domain of faith. People believe in miracles and that’s a good thing.  That’s what a recent poll by Newsweek revealed. Here are the percentages:

• Americans who believe in divine miracles: 84 percent
• the ones who believe in the reality of miracles described in the Bible: 79 percent
• those who have personal experiences with miracles: 48 percent
• the ones who know of people who have experienced miracles: 63 percent
• those who have prayed for a miracle: 67 percent
• the ones who believe God or the saints heal sick people who have been given no chance of survival by medical doctors: 77 percent1 Believing in miracles is good. Knowing how to receive them is even better.

This is Part Two of a Series entitled ‘Healing and Miracles.’ You can find part one of this series, ‘How to Minister Healing Like Jesus Did‘ here.

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Why You Don’t Have to Be Sick in Light of the Bible

[Tweet “Make sure the word ‘believe’ means the same in God’s domain as it does in yours.”]

#S4-031: How You Can Know that Jesus Will Do Miracles for You [Podcast]

Jesus Will Do Miracles for You

The scriptures speak to us loudly about miracles. The evidence of them splashes across four-thousand years of recorded Biblical history. From Genesis to Revelation, miracles jump out from the pages filling the heart with hope and expectation. Miracles should be the norm for those who have a lifestyle in God. They are the expected thing. Yet, there are some who say we shouldn’t get our hopes up. That God’s mighty power has vanished like smoke in the wind. The question though is this, where is the evidence of that claim? Where is the evidence of a God who no longer heals or who no longer divides the seas? Recorded history tells a different tale. Not Bible history mind you, secular human history itself testifies that miracles are very much alive. And that’s good news for you because that means you can have a real live miracle by the hand of Almighty God. God loves you. God cares for you and He wants you well. And, He doesn’t play favorites. If He ever healed anybody, He will certainly heal you.

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[Tweet “If the age of miracles has passed, as some insist we believe, why was this blind man healed?”]

#S4-024: The Good News Is the Bad News Was Wrong [Podcast]

Revival Fire for the Twenty First Century

The Age of Miracles Has Not Passed Away. That's Good News!

Miracles, we see them in the Bible, a book which spans 4000 years of recorded history. From the very first book of the Bible where God healed Abimelech in response to Abraham’s prayer in Genesis 20:17 all the way through to the leaves of healing from the Tree of Life in Revelation 22: 2, we see God’s desire for man to be ‘every bit whole.’ Yet there are those who say it’s all in the past. That the age of miracles has ceased. That God waited until the death of the last apostle and then removed His miracle hand from the earth because now we have His Word. Or, at least that’s the theory of it. This ideology has a name. It is called cessationism. Cessationists believe that when the Old Testament canon closed at Malachi, for the next 400 years until John the Baptist, the gifts had ceased. Similarly, when the New Testament canon closed the gifts ceased.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cessationism] Well if God doesn’t do miracles any more, than that’s bad news. But, I’m here to tell you today that the good news is, the bad news was wrong. That’s what we’re talking about on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “How can people say healing is no more when we have historical records from the Church Fathers?”]