Which of Jesus Stripes Healed You?

People are often impressed with heroes and martyrs. – Remember Nathan Hale – who said “I only have one life to live for my country.’  We appreciate the liberty and freedom that we have because of the sacrifice of others. What about the sacrifice of Jesus? Do you appreciate His death on your behalf? Do you appreciate all that His death provided for you? We can rejoice and thank God because we were saved by His blood. But you can also rejoice that not only did Jesus save you from your sins but He also provided healing for you body at the same time.

Manifestations of the Spirit

Jesus told us in John 15:5 that apart from Him believers would not have the ability to produce results. Jesus said these words in the same breath as He spoke of the ministry of the Holy Spirit that was coming into view on planet earth. The Holy Spirit was coming, Jesus said, to be our Comforter and Helper (John 14:16), our teacher (John 14:26) and our guide (John 16:13). Learning all you can about working with the Holy Spirit will help you produce results; for it is in conjunction with His ministry through the believer that we can produce fruits fit for the kingdom of God.

Possibilities of the Anointing

Jesus Christ is a miracle worker. The Bible testifies to this fact in no uncertain terms (Jn. 20:30:31) but did you realize that Jesus did not produce miracles just because of His identity as the Son of God? Jesus was anointed by the Spirit of God (Matt. 3:16) and after His anointing, mighty works began to flow. Jesus then boldly declared that the works that He did, we can do also (Jn. 14:12). So, what are the possibilities of doing the greater works of Jesus? What are the possibilities of this anointing?

A. A. Allen [Video]

About 1,660,290 new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2013, and in 2013 about 580,350 Americans are projected to die of cancer, almost 1,600 people a day. Cancer remains the second most common cause of death in the US, accounting for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths. Is there no remedy? Yes, there is! Cancer cannot stand before the miraculous power of God. Here a man is healed of cancer of the spine.

Demonstrating the Glory of God

Experiencing Gods presence on earth is training for our days as glorified sons of God. The glory of God is a tangible reality. We should soak in it, know it and understand all we can about it. In the Old Covenant, the Israelites saw it. In the New Covenant, we carry that same glory, that same presence of the Lord, in ‘our earthen vessel’ (2Cor. 4:7). The glory of God can be studied in scripture as a thread that runs through both Testaments. You will find out if you do so, that believers in Jesus are supposed to be demonstrators of His glory and we are to do so until all the earth is full of His Presence.

Three Things God’s Peace Provides

Peace is translated in the KJV as ‘peace, quietness, rest, or to be set at one again.’ There exists many earthly definitions for peace. But, here we are talking about peace in your heart. Peace that is in your recreated born again human spirit. We are talking about quietness or rest in your spirit. The Bible says the fruit of the spirit is peace! If it is a fruit, then know that fruit can grow! Here are three things that God’s peace provides in the life of a believer.

Three Healing Questions from Jesus Life

God’s Love for You and Methods of Divine Healing

In the gospels, Jesus encountered and healed 19 individual cases of sickness and disease. It seems like there is more and in one sense there were (John 20:30-31). We don’t have the ‘all the books cannot hold’ cases of healing to examine that John refers to. What we have is nineteen individual cases spread out through the pages of the gospel. Since this is what God gave us, these nineteen cases should be studied to see what can we learn about the ministry of healing. Here are three questions generated from the healing ministry of Jesus.

Changing A Life Through Miracles

People were dramatically changed through the healing ministry of Jesus. Lepers, who could not experience social touch because of their disease, were cleansed (Mk. 1:40-42). Blind people, who had no hope of economic gain and were reduced to begging, were healed (Mk. 10:46-52). Life altering experiences took place with the greatest regularity as the Son of Man ministered day by day! Jesus is our example in this. The will of God has not changed. It is the same today as it was then. God wants to change lives through miracles.

See How Easily You Can Learn to Live Healthy

God wants His children healthy and whole. That is an established Bible fact. What we are going to be talking about today is divine health – not divine healing. Divine healing is what you need after your divine health has been compromised, broken down or attacked. Divine health is working with God’s universal laws for your body. God made your body to work a certain way. You cannot violate these areas, you cannot violate laws of nature and have everything be okay. Your body, your physical body is a house that God gave you to live in, a very gift from His own hand. God wants you to take care of that gift that He gave you.