How The Holy Spirit Deals With A Lost World

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Forty-Three

How The Holy Spirit Deals With A Lost World

John 16 unveils for us a work of the Spirit of God in connection with the lost that is not often accounted for in our thinking as Jesus followers. Yet, Jesus laid it for us in plain language what the Holy Spirit of God would do when he came from heaven to earth. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. Many years ago there was a pastor of a church in Alabama, he was preaching a revival in the church. On Sunday night the service had been on radio. This pastor had preached a simple sermon on the plan of salvation. On Monday afternoon he was calling on some of the families on the other side of the city. Suddenly the thought crossed his mind, “Go to the church.” He was to meet the guest singer there at four o’clock, so brushing it aside he continued his planned visitation. But the thought continued. “Go to the church.” Finally the thought became so persistent, with seemingly no purpose in doing so, that he returned to the church building. The church secretary had the afternoon off so he was there alone. In a few moments he heard someone at the office door. Turning, he saw a young woman. She asked if he was the pastor. When he told her that he was, she asked, “Will you tell me how to be saved?” This pastor and this young woman sat on the front pew of the auditorium as she unfolded her story. She lived in a boarding house with her husband. For some time she had been having an adulterous affair with her husband’s best friend. After dinner on the previous evening, all the boarders were visiting in the large living room. The radio was on. Hearing a few words of this pastor’s sermon, she sat down before the radio on a small stool, turned the volume down low, and listened to the service. At the close of the sermon, she was under conviction by the Holy Spirit. She decided to seek this pastor out to find out how to be saved. In simple language he told her how to receive Christ as her Savior. That night in the revival service she made a public profession of her faith in Christ, and later was baptized. She became a faithful Christian and an active church member. Just suppose she had not been listening to the radio. Just suppose that this pastor’s sermon had not been on the plan of salvation. Or suppose that she had brushed it off. Suppose that he had not gone to the church like he was prompted to go. Like, what if he over rode that nudge he had. Or that she had come and found no one there. But, none of these ‘what if’s’ took place. The Holy Spirit guided the events and led this young woman to Jesus for her salvation and God’s glory!1 Isn’t that a great story! The Holy Spirit convicted, this woman convincing her of her need of Jesus. This specific work of the Spirit is what we’re going to be looking at in today’s podcast. That’s why we entitled this ‘How the Holy Spirit Deals with a Lost World.’ All on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “Convicting the world of sin is one way the Holy Spirit operates with those who are of the world.“]

Why God’s Spirit Will Teach and Transform Your Life

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Forty-Two

Why God’s Spirit Will Teach and Transform Your Life

Today, we dive into the subject of the teaching work of the Holy Spirit in a Jesus-followers life. God communicates with His kids. He leads and guides them into all truth and reality. But, how does He do that? One writer offered these thoughts along this line. He said, “The Spirit-to-spirit conversation that characterizes hearing from God are described in many ways. Listen to how the Bible describes God speaking.
To Samson: “The Spirit of the Lord began to stir him while he was in Mahaneh Dan” (Judges 13:25). To David: “He gave him the plans of all that the Spirit had put in his mind for the courts of the temple” (1 Chronicles 28:12). To Simeon: “Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts” (Luke 2:27). To Jesus: “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted” (Matthew 4:1). To the apostles: “The Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say” (Luke 12:12). To Paul: “Compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem” (Acts 20:22). To us: “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children” (Romans 8:16). We often use similar language as the Bible: “The Spirit led me to…” At other times, we may describe God’s inner messages as a nudge an inner voice, a prompting, an impression, a check in my spirit, a deep knowing, a weight. Perhaps you’ve heard someone say, ‘I was suddenly prodded to notice or I was reminded of or I sensed.’ Maybe it was, ‘This thought popped into my head or this verse came to mind or I’ve had this nagging, persisting thought, or I couldn’t shake the impression that.’ The point is, God does speak to us personally, specifically, today. We may have many ways of expressing that—some of them shaped by our spiritual pilgrimage, church environment, and so on—but the wondrous truth is the same: We have heard from God!1 The Holy Spirit of God will communicate and teach you. That’s our focus today: Why God’s Spirit Will Teach and Transform Your Life. All on this week’s Light On Life.

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[Tweet “Receive the Holy Spirit as your teacher. Look to Him as your guide into all truth.“]

How The Holy Spirit Works In Your Life

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Forty

How The Holy Spirit Works In Your Life

How the Holy Spirit Works in the life of a believer is our focus this today as we continue to look at John fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen. You understand that from John thirteen onward, that is the last nine chapters up through chapter twenty-one center on the last two weeks of Jesus life. When you understand that Jesus handpicked and groomed these disciples to take His place because He was going back to the Father, you will realize that the information He shares becomes extra vital in nature. Jesus talked a great deal about the Holy Spirit to these men. Just as they had worked with Jesus in ministry so now they were going to work with the Holy Spirit in a similar way. One of the things that Jesus wanted His disciples to know is that the same Holy Spirit that came upon Him in Matthew 3:16 and was responsible for the miracles in Jesus ministry would now come to settle down in the disciples. The indwelling Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit within a believer is the topic today. One writer said the following concerning Him, the Holy Spirit. “Apart from the work of the Holy Spirit we are helpless to fulfill the holiness expected of us because of our relationship to a holy God. Norman Harrison describes the results of this process: This indwelling Spirit, who is one with our spirit, is more than a presence with us. He is a moulding, transforming power. To the end of Jesus’ ministry, His followers, even His remained unstable, cowardly and undependable. When, however, the Spirit was come, these same men became at once the embodiment of fidelity, courage and conviction. True, Jesus had left them, but His Spirit within made them as new men. So does He desire to work in every believer. Amen to these words — Emphasis on the word ‘IN.’ This is well said today. We need to recognize how He moves in us and so that’s why we’re talking “How The Holy Spirit Works In Your Life,” all on this week’s Light On Life.

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[Tweet “Hearing the Lord may be a challenge, but don’t quit, hold back, or run away.“]

Why You Should Highly Value Holy Spirit Education

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Thirty

Why You Should Highly Value Holy Spirit Education

Today, our topic of discussion revolves around education, particularly a remarkable kind known as Holy Spirit Education. Education is a highly valued aspect in society, sought after by parents for their children and employers for their employees. However, today we will delve into the kind of learning that comes only from the Spirit of God. Let’s take a moment to acknowledge the incredible journey of Francis Asbury, who started as a humble peasant from Staffordshire and, at the age of eighteen, became a Methodist local preacher. At twenty-one, he was appointed as an itinerant evangelist by John Wesley. For forty-five years, he tirelessly worked in America, traveling around five thousand miles each year on horseback, often earning less than 20 dollars annually. Despite his hardships, he successfully converted many, established Methodist class meetings and societies, and eventually founded the Methodist Episcopal Church, which now boasts over five million members. Asbury’s dedication to education was evident in his daily routine, waking up at four in the morning to teach himself Latin, Hebrew, and Greek, and committing to reading at least one hundred pages of literature every day. 1 While impressive, this type of education, focused on language and literature, is not what Jesus referred to when discussing the Holy Spirit. As one writer aptly stated, “You can lead a man up to the university, but you can’t make him think.” 2 The education provided by the Holy Spirit, however, will undoubtedly stimulate deep thought and introspection. He will make you think! Today, we will explore Why You Should Highly Value Holy Spirit Education. Join us on this week’s episode of Light on Life.

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[Tweet “Holy Spirit education leads to maturity — it’s knowledge acted on that leads to growth and development.”]

What It Means to See with the Eye of Faith

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Twenty-Eight

What It Means to See with the Eye of Faith

Jesus alluded to an expression used much today among Jesus followers: the eye of faith. We talk about seeing with 20–20 vision — spiritual vision that is. Holy Ghost vision. Seeing as God see’s not as the world see’s. An artist can paint the physical hands and feet of our Lord, but he cannot paint the healing power of those hands and the godly walk of those feet. [That takes the eye of faith] He can paint the outward suffering, but not the inward cause; the cursed tree, but not the curse of the law; the bearing of the cross, but not the bearing of the sins of His people; the cup of vinegar, but not the cup of wrath—the derision of His enemies and the forsaking of the Father. Where is the artist who can paint one hand of Christ nailed to the cross and the other hand claiming an inheritance of believers? Or who can paint our Lord bruising the serpent’s head, conquering sin, death and the grave? The artist can only portray blood and water flowing from Christ’s side, but he cannot paint what the eye of faith sees in that blood: salvation and pardon. That’s a good word for a good day on Planet Earth. What It Means to See with the Eye of Faith, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why You Should Stand Up for Jesus Even When It’s Controversial

[Tweet “Seeing God’s promises with the eye of faith and knowing God is not a man that He should lie is the ticket to receiving anything from God.”]

Why The Holy Spirit Of God Is Your Ultimate Helper

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Twenty-Five

Why The Holy Spirit Of God Is Your Ultimate Helper

Today’s podcast focuses on a person — the Holy Spirit of God — , on a Helper — the third member of the Trinity — on a constant companion who has been with you since the day you said ‘yes’ to Jesus. A.W. Tozer in his book on the Holy Spirit said, ‘There is an unseen Deity present, a knowing, feeling Personality, and He is indivisible from the Father and the Son, so that if you were to be suddenly transferred to heaven itself you wouldn’t be any closer to God than you are now, for God is already here. Changing your geographical location would not bring you any nearer to God nor God any nearer to you, because the indivisible Trinity is present, and all that the Son is the Holy Ghost is, and all that the Father is the Holy Ghost is, and the Holy Ghost is in His Church.’1 The Holy Spirit is your Helper. What does that mean and what does that look like for the child of God living in today’s world? We are taking a closer look at Him so that we can learn to be a worker together with Him. “Why the Holy Spirit of God is Your Ultimate Helper” — all on this week’s Light on Life.

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How Your Faith In God Is Remembered Forever

The Holy Spirit intercedes for you according to the will of God. He mediates — He encourages — He consoles — He strengthens. Click To Tweet

How to Work and Flow with the Holy Spirit in the Vocal Gifts

Podcast: Light on Life Season Ten Episode Forty-Three

How to Work and Flow with the Holy Spirit in the Vocal Gifts

The working of the Holy Spirit in our midst is something to be treasured. His working is what we are going to be talking about today. Now, I say ‘His working in our midst’ because you will see so much of His movings in a group setting. One gentleman said it this way. “The Holy Spirit is the source of community and the Spirit’s work is more related to the building of the community than to the edification of the isolated individual.”1 Group life is a marvelous life full of wonder because the Spirit gets involved. How does He move? Well, He moves in a lot of ways. One particular way we want to look at is via prophecy, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. And that’s why in this podcast, we will take a look at How to Work and Flow with the Holy Spirit in the Vocal Gifts, all on this week’s Light on Life.

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Reasons to Study Spiritual Manifestations

[Tweet “Give place to prophecies because that’s one way He moves when the Church come together.”]

Why It’s Right to Embrace Prophecies in the Local Church

Podcast: Light on Life Season Ten Episode Forty-Two

Why It’s Right to Embrace Prophecies in the Local Church

In today’s podcast, we take a look at prophecies in the local church. Now, the simple gift of prophecy is speaking unto men for edification, exhortation, and comfort. Sometimes this gift of the Spirit goes hand in hand with some of the other gifts listed in First Corinthians twelve. Check this story out from the life of John Wesley for example. Wesley was not an advocate of sensationalism in preaching. But on one occasion, he interrupted his own sermon and shouted, “Lord, is Saul also among the prophets? Is James Watson here? If he be, show Thy power!” And James Watson dropped to the floor and began to cry loudly for God’s mercy!1 Wesley called this man’s name out when he didn’t even know who this man was — the result of this remarkable manifestation was the salvation of that man. There’s a story where Charles Spurgeon, at a Monday evening prayer meeting, suddenly interrupted his sermon, pointed in a certain direction, and said, “Young man, those gloves you are wearing have not been paid for; you have stolen them from your employer!” After the meeting, a young man came to the vestry and begged to see Spurgeon. Pale and trembling, the young man confessed that he had stolen the gloves he was wearing! He promised never to steal again and begged Spurgeon not to expose him to his employer.2 Manifestations of the Spirit — Gifts of the Spirit — Prophecies that come from the Spirit — that’s our focus today. Why It’s Right to Embrace Prophecies in the Local Church all on this week’s Light on Life.

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Being Filled with the Spirit

[Tweet “Receiving the Baptism of the Spirit with the evidence of speaking with tongues is an experience separate from salvation.”]

Seven Witnesses to the Mission of Jesus

Podcast: Light on Life Season Five Episode Twelve

Seven Witnesses to Jesus Mission

Charlie Hainline is a layman at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He is a man who radiates the love of Christ, and is serious about sharing his faith with others. One year, his goal was to lead 1650 people to faith in Christ (5 a day)! Once, he was out witnessing with a couple of other folks, and though he didn’t share the gospel, he sat there and smiled broadly as a teammate did. When the teammate was finished and asked if the person would like to trust Christ and receive the gift of eternal life, the person replied, “If being a Christian would make me like him (point to Charlie), I want it!” Charlie’s life wasn’t a bed of roses by any means. His daughter was kidnapped, killed, and her head was found floating in a canal. When the murderer of his daughter was caught and convicted, Charlie went to jail in order to witness to the man.1 Witnessing of Jesus, that’s what we are talking about in this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “The scripture says, ‘There was a man sent from God to be a witness. Could they say that about you?”]

#S4-033: Why It’s Important to Flow in Faith’s Domain [Encore Podcast]

How the Holy Spirit of God Moves In Your Heart

How the Holy Spirit of God Moves In Your Heart

In 1 Corinthians 12:1, the Lord speaks of things pertaining to the Holy Spirit. Paul’s teaching is in reference to the fact that the Corinthians were apparently prophesying and pronouncing a curse upon Jesus. They were messing up the simple gift of prophecy. So Paul straightens them out by saying, Hey wait a minute, no one speaking by God’s Ho;y Spirit will ever defame Jesus. Believers of that generation needed to be admonished, taught and corrected when it came to working with this member of the Godhead. The situation is no different today. So, in today’s post, let us look at some ways that the Spirit of God moves.

[Tweet “With experience, you will begin to be able to discern the thoughts of the Spirit in your heart.”]

#S4-021: What Is Revival and Why Is It Fatal to the Kingdom of Darkness [Podcast]

Revival Fire for the Twenty First Century

What is Revival?

What is a revival? According to Ron Mcintosh, former chaplain of ORU, the term ‘revival’ means several things. For one, it is a divine attack on society. It is the marshaling of forces fatal to the kingdom of darkness. It is the enlisting, training, and empowering of believers as a prelude to evangelism. Revival is God’s military tactic which concentrates His resources for a vital blow at a crucial moment. It is a reinvigoration of God’s people with His truth and power.1 As you can see, true revival covers a wide and diverse range. In the last two podcasts, Why Humility Is Part of An Excellent Life and Humility: Putting on God’s Suit we introduced and spoke on the fruit of the spirit called humility. Humility certainly finds it’s way into the spectrum of revival via verses like 2 Chronicles 7:14. We’ll take a look at this and some other matters as we start this new series with the subject ‘Why Revival Is Fatal to the Kingdom of Darkness’, all this and more on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “When you experience His reviving personally then revival becomes God’s active moving for you.”]

Why the Holy Spirit is the Great Helper of Our Prayer Life

Roaming through Romans

Romans 8:26-27 is a mountain of Bible truth and comfort on the subject of prayer. J. Oswald Sanders in his book, Cultivation of Christian Character says these words. “It is worthy of note that the Spirit’s assistance in prayer is more frequently mentioned than any of His other offices. All true praying springs from His activity in the heart. Both Paul and Jude teach that effective prayer is ‘praying in the Holy Spirit,’ which has been defined as praying ‘along the same lines, about the same things, in the same Name as the Holy Spirit.'” 1 In today’s post, we take a glimpse at this all important aspect of the Spirit’s work in the life of a believer.

[Tweet “The truth is we don’t know how to pray as we should but, the Spirit comes to help us.”]