We are to that point in John’s gospel where Jesus makes what is to us one of the most outstanding of Bible promises: a vehicle by which prayer is answered one-hundred-percent of the time. If you haven’t experienced answers to prayer on this level, then this podcast is for you. Andrew Murray, the famous Scottish born, South African preacher, a prolific author of 240 books wrote the following on the subject of answered prayer. He said: A beautiful little book, Expectation Corners, tells us of a King who prepared a city for some of his poor subjects. Not far from them were large storehouses, where everything they could need was supplied if they but sent in their requests. But on one condition—they should be on the outlook for the answer, so that when the kings’ messengers came with the answers to their petitions, they should always be found waiting and ready to receive them. The sad story is told of one despondent, one who never expected to get what he asked, because he was too unworthy. One day he was taken to the king’s storehouses, and there, to his amazement, he saw, with his address on them, all the packages that had been made up for him and sent. There was the garment of praise, and the oil of joy, and the eye-salve, and so much more; they had been to his door, but found it closed; he was not on the outlook. From that time on he learned the lesson Micah would teach us: “I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me” (Mic. 7:7).1 Our God will hear us, that’s a Bible fact and the reality that He will answer is also a Bible fact that Jesus referenced in John fifteen. And, that’s the reason we are focusing today on the subject ‘How Your Prayers Can Be Answered One Hundred Percent’ all on this week’s Light on Life.
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