What it Means to Wait on God

How do we pray about the plan of God for our lives? Jesus gave us a startling promise concerning prayer. He said, abiding in Him and His Words abiding in us makes answered prayer a done deal (John 15:7). According to Jesus, praying about the plan involves something called ‘abiding’ in Him. What does it mean to abide in Him? Part of abiding in Him involves the discipline of waiting upon God. Praying about the plan entails waiting on God for His direction. We want to successfully fulfill His will, we must learn the secret of waiting.

Three Questions to Ask Jesus about Lost People

What if you had a special once in a life time encounter with Jesus? What if He came into your living room, sat down on your couch and gave you the opportunity to ask Him one question that He would answer? What question would you ask Him? What if Jesus limited the category that you could the question to lost people that are in your life, your friends, or your family what question would you ask Him?

How to Cooperate with God for the Salvation of Our Loved Ones

How long have you been after your loved ones to come to know Jesus as their Savior? Has it been a struggle? Are they resisting the message of the gospel more and more. Do they seem to be getting further away from Him with each passing day? Here are some things you can do to cooperate with God in the salvation of your loved ones.

Jesus the Door: Understanding and Knowing Jesus by His Names

In the Gospel of John there are seven ‘I am’ statements that Jesus made concerning Himself. There is much to learn about Jesus just by studying these names. Jesus said, ‘I am the Bread of Life’; ‘I am the Good Shepherd’; ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life’; ‘I am the Light of the World’; ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’; ‘I am the True Vine’; and the subject of this post ‘I am the Door’.

What Happens When You Encounter Jesus?

In 1Jn 1:1-3, John testifies to his encounter with Jesus. John’s testimony is a simple one. Jesus is not an illusion – ‘we saw Him’. He is not a figment of our imagination, – ‘we touched Him’. He is not a fairy tale – ‘we heard Him’. If you believe in Him, your testimony can parallel John’s. By faith, you can see Him. By faith, you can touch Him. By faith, you can hear Him. By faith, you can encounter Him.

#006: Are You Willing to Give Jesus Everything? [Podcast]

Following God, reading His Word and hearing His voice, will keep your life on a razors edge. He will keep you trusting Him. He will keep you leaning on Him. He is going to give you assignments that require you to give up your security blanket and come out of your comfort zone.  The faith lifestyle requires a full commitment. It requires a giving of everything to Jesus.

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What Jesus Can Teach Us about The Anointing

There are different dimensions of the anointing of God.  There is the anointing within a believer, and the anointing that can come upon a believer. There is an anointing connected to spiritual gifts and an anointing connected to the Word of God. Are you hungry for the anointing and the move of God in your life? But, how does the anointing come?

The Jonathan Connection

The Lord put certain people in your life in order to help you navigate through and fulfill your destiny. These relationships are God ordained relationships. They are not after the flesh. They are Spirit-led and Spirit orchestrated encounters. There is much talk of ‘relationship mechanics’ in the world today and you can find such talk easily on the internet. The difference between Spirit-led, God ordained, relationships and what the world has to offer is like the difference between the 1st Temple that Solomon built and the 2nd Temple that was rebuilt after the Babylonians came in and destroyed the first one.

Looking for A Few Good Disciples, Can You Help?

In this post, I want you to ‘catch’ vision. I want you to ‘see’ what discipleship really is. I want you to get a glimpse of what it is. But in order to ‘see’ Bible truths on discipleship, we are going to have to get a vision of what it looks like. We are going to have to see it before we can acquire it. The same principle works for any Bible area. Healing for example. You have to ‘see’ yourself well before you ever get well. You have to see yourself prosperous before the money comes in. You have to see yourself ‘used of God’ before you ever are. So, what does a disciple of Jesus really look like?

Exercising Authority over Demonic Influences

Unsaved people are influenced by demons. What causes a man to commit atrocious acts of evil?  The need to know about Biblical authority is rooted in this fact – you are not alone on planet earth! In Eden, the most perfect place on the planet, Adam found that he was not alone (Gen. 3:1). But the fact that we have company on planet earth is irrelevant once you understand your ‘position’ in Christ.

Three Healing Questions from Jesus Life

God’s Love for You and Methods of Divine Healing

In the gospels, Jesus encountered and healed 19 individual cases of sickness and disease. It seems like there is more and in one sense there were (John 20:30-31). We don’t have the ‘all the books cannot hold’ cases of healing to examine that John refers to. What we have is nineteen individual cases spread out through the pages of the gospel. Since this is what God gave us, these nineteen cases should be studied to see what can we learn about the ministry of healing. Here are three questions generated from the healing ministry of Jesus.

Changing A Life Through Miracles

People were dramatically changed through the healing ministry of Jesus. Lepers, who could not experience social touch because of their disease, were cleansed (Mk. 1:40-42). Blind people, who had no hope of economic gain and were reduced to begging, were healed (Mk. 10:46-52). Life altering experiences took place with the greatest regularity as the Son of Man ministered day by day! Jesus is our example in this. The will of God has not changed. It is the same today as it was then. God wants to change lives through miracles.