How a Jesus-Believing Husband Should Love His Wife in God

Podcast: Light on Life Season Ten Episode Two

How a Jesus-Believing Husband Should Love His Wife in God

How should a Jesus-believing husband love his wife? We know that the home life is under attack by the ungodly forces of unbelief. And, it’s evident why these attacks are occurring for nothing on earth is as beautiful as the home where Christ is in control. Such a home is the school of mutual unselfishness and attention to duty, where love is continually learning its true work: seeking the happiness and well-being of another. The Christian husband often seems like a vanishing creature, but as one so honored, you will find the Scriptures speaking to you explicitly, simply, and practically, giving you God’s wisdom. In Ephesians 5:28–33, the husband is directed to specialize at home in one great task: Loving his wife.” Behind the simplicity of this command lies the profound depth of the love of Christ, for in all respects the Lord Jesus Christ is the husband’s example.1 In today’s Light on Life podcast, our focus is on the husband’s responsibility to his wife. In last week’s episode, we covered the reverse — the wife’s responsibility to her man. The scripture says that husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. But, what does that mean, exactly? How a Jesus-Believing Husband Should Love His Wife in God? — that’s what we are talking about in this week’s Light on Life.’

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Connectedness: How We Are Powerfully Joined to Jesus and to One Another

[Tweet “In God, a husband and a wife are ‘one flesh.’ The term ‘one-flesh’ means an inseparable union between a man and a woman. “]

What the Word of God Teaches about Submission and Authority

Podcast: Light on Life Season Ten Episode One

What the Word of God Teaches about Submission and Authority

We are in Ephesians five, talking today about the subject of submission and its connection to authority. Submission and authority are vitally essential truths God established both in heaven and on earth. Much disharmony has come because of a lack of understanding of what it means to voluntarily submit to one another in a spirit of humility and love. Jim Lamb prayed the following prayer and it’s a good lesson in this area. Jim prayed these words: I seem to have not one Master, but hundreds – an army of people streaming through my life, demanding my time, my strength, my mental attention. They all want me to do something for them. But as I listen to a song of our Savior, I begin to understand the true power that comes in submission, even when it is painful: The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious; I have not drawn back. I offered my back to those who beat me, and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting. Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame (Isaiah 50:4–7). I hear your song, Lord Jesus. Teach me how to follow your example as a humble servant of all, and yet also be a leader in confidence and strength, just as you were. You are the submissive Lamb of God, without resentment but also the Lion of Judah, courageous and powerful. Teach me these qualities. Help me always to bend willingly, but also to shamelessly take the lead with my face set like flint whenever I must. And thank you for never rebelling or drawing back-earning salvation for us, and endless glory for yourself. That’s quite a prayer. Maybe you can relate to part or all of this. Thank God that Jesus moved into the realm of submission and because He did, he now has ultimate authority. What the Word of God Teaches about Submission and Authority, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life1. Ephesians 5:21–24 (ESV): 21 — submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. 22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.

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How Do I Find My Place in God?

[Tweet “The Bible didn’t say, ‘Husbands, make your wives submit.’”]

Why It’s Important to Walk in Love to the Very End

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Twenty-Three

Why It's Important to Walk in Love to the Very End

Man is a love product of a love God. He was created in love. Man is sustained by love. And, when He comes to know Jesus as His personal Savior, the very love of God is shed abroad in his heart. By that very love of God, we live and move and have our being. So how can we, today, allow that love which is already in us to dominate our lives? The following illustrates the very love of God towards man. When God was about to create man, says a Jewish legend, He took into His counsel the angels that stood about his throne. “Create him not,” said the angel of Justice, “for if you do, he will commit all kinds of wickedness against his fellow-men; he will be hard and cruel and dishonest and unrighteous.” “Create him not,” said the angel of Truth, “for he will be false and deceitful to his brother-man, and even to You.” “Create him not,” said the angel of Holiness, “he will follow that which is impure in your sight and dishonor you to your face.” Then stepped forward the angel of Mercy (God’s best beloved) and said: “Create him, our Heavenly Father for when he sins and turns from the path of right and truth and holiness I will take him tenderly by the hand, and speak loving words to him, and then lead him back to You.”1 Love is the key — it’s the ticket to success. So how can we, today, allow that love which is already in us to dominate our life and do so to the very end? Why It’s important to Walk in Love to the Very End, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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The Anointing in Jesus Life

[Tweet “Love and the Spirit of God were what poured out of Jesus’ heart during His last moments on earth.”]

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Murderer [Podcast]

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Thirty-Six

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Murderer

It’s crucial to expose Satan as the murderer that he is. You know now and again, you come upon a story that touches your heart. This story is one of them.

Yvonne Pointer was one of ten children born to a wonderful mother and father, though she admits, “I was the worst. I did everything my parents did not want me to do.” For three years, a friend of her father tried to reach her. “He would come to where I was getting high and say, ‘You need to change your ways.’ He was a thorn in my flesh,” Pointer says. But in time, the high turned on her. Then she remembered the words of her father’s friend, went to church, and cried out to God. And on May 4, 1975, she turned her life over to Christ.

Less than ten years later, Pointer experienced what some say is the most tremendous pain on earth—the loss of a child. On December 6, 1984, her daughter Gloria was raped and murdered while on her way to school in Cleveland, Ohio. “After she died, I would spend hours in the church when no one was there because Gloria’s death didn’t make sense to me,” Pointer says. “I had come through drugs, through street life—and now this? I could not fathom why this would happen. But because I’d had that personal experience with God, I went to God.”

People from the church rallied around her, washing clothes, cooking, and cleaning when the mother didn’t have the strength. Slowly, a new sense of direction emerged. “In the beginning, it was all about the injustice done to my child. Period,” Pointer says. But soon, she became aware of others with similar losses. She wrote letters and talked to police, to reporters, and to anyone who would listen.

Meantime, Pointer co-founded Parents Against Child Killing, which later became Positive Plus, a women-helping-women organization. “We started with mothers who had lost children,” Pointer says, “but I found out pain is pain. If your husband walked out and left you with five babies, that’s pain. We felt we could find solutions by helping each other.”

Pointer has received numerous honors for her work as an advocate for child safety. She even speaks in prisons, sharing the love of God with inmates. “I found hatred too heavy a load to carry. Would I want the person who murdered Gloria over for Sunday dinner? No. But if I didn’t forgive him, unforgiveness would kill me too,” she says quietly. “Forgiveness releases you to live.” 1 In today’s podcast, we talk about your Powerful Victory over Satan, the Murderer.

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Immorality: The Main Reason Great Nations Fall

[Tweet “Thank God for Jesus — thank God for His grace today — because without it, where would we be?”]

How to Make Certain You Never Backslide

The Second Epistle of Peter

Diligence os one Key to Keep from Falling

As a teenager, J. Stephen Conn sensed God calling him to be a preacher. But he felt a certain disadvantage. Because he had been saved when he was 7 years old, he would never be able to hold an audience spellbound with stories of a wicked past. So he asked God for permission to backslide — just long enough to get some experience in a life of sin to “enhance” his preaching later on. Deep within he knew that God would not answer such a request, so he decided just to preach the Bible without a dramatic testimony. Sometime later Conn wrote, “For the past 11 years I’ve been pastoring a church. I realize now what a great testimony I really have. God not only has the power to deliver from sin, He has the even greater power to keep from sin. God not only saved my soul—He saved my entire life!”1  Did you know the Bible gives you the exact path to follow to keep from ever falling? The word backslide can be erased from your thinking and vocabulary if you follow God’s prescription in the book of Second Peter.

For more on the Second Epistle of Peter please see “Why You Can Be Thrilled With God’s Excellence.”

[Tweet “giving all diligence’ is the part a believer needs to add to the mix in order to become ‘fall proof’.”]

#S3-005: What Does Jesus Healing on the Sabbath Teach? [Podcast]

Healing and Miracles in the Life of Jesus

This is Part Three of a Series entitled ‘Healing and Miracles.’ You can find part one of this series, ‘How to Minister Healing Like Jesus Did‘ here and part two ‘Why It’s Important to Flow in Faith’s Domain‘ here.

In this episode, we look at Jesus healing on the Sabbath Day.  Since Jesus operated under the Old Covenant, the question invariably arises, why did He minister this way?

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#S2-051: How to Cultivate Gods Presence in Your Life Encore [Podcast]

The world is perishing for lack of the knowledge of God and the Church is famishing for want of His Presence. The instant cure of most of our religious ills would be to enter the Presence in spiritual experience, to become suddenly aware that we are in God and that God is in us. This would lift us out of our pitiful narrowness and cause our hearts to be enlarged 1. These are penetrating words from the pen of Tozer. Does your heart agree with these words? Do you hunger and crave the Presence of God? This is the first of a two part post on this important aspect of life in the Spirit.

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#S2-041: How to Get Your Faith in the Right Tense [Podcast]

Real Bible Faith: How It Works

Wigglesworth was quoted as saying, “If you wait to get faith when you need faith, you’re too late.” Another man said, “Late faith is unavailing. There’s little use accepting arks once the rain begins to fall. Death is such an instant storm that by the time you reach for an umbrella, you already need your water wings. 1 These words are are certainly true. It’s best to build your faith in God when days are peaceful. It’s then, you can learn some of the nuances involved for a vibrant believing of God’ Word. One of which is this issue of getting your faith into the right tense.

This is part four of the Series entitled, ‘Real Bible Faith: How It Works’. You can find Part One ‘Why is Faith Important and Who Has It? [Podcast], Part Two ‘How to Release Your Faith with Words’ [Podcast] here, and Part Three ‘More How to Release Your Faith with Words [Podcast] here.

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How to Get Your Faith in the Right Tense

Wigglesworth was quoted as saying, “If you wait to get faith when you need faith, you’re too late.” Another man said, “Late faith is unavailing. There’s little use accepting arks once the rain begins to fall. Death is such an instant storm that by the time you reach for an umbrella, you already need your water wings. 1 These words are are certainly true. It’s best to build your faith in God when days are peaceful. It’s then, you can learn some of the nuances involved for a vibrant believing of God’ Word. One of which is this issue of getting your faith into the right tense.

Walking in the Now With One Foot Toward Tomorrow

Believers in Jesus are people of multiple focal points. We walk in the time dimensions of faith, hope and love. We live in the seen realm while we look at the unseen. We live out the will of God for our lives today while we look forward to our prophetic future. We are a people of two worlds. Is it possible to live a balanced two dimensional life? 

This is Part One of a two part post.

#051: Why Should You Take Another Look at the Prodigal Son? [Podcast]

In Luke 15, Jesus presents 3 pictures of reconciliation. Chapter 15 is actually one parable told three different ways. Jesus tells the story of the lost sheep. He adds to that the story of the lost coin. He finishes it off with the story of the lost son. The three stories are actually one parable.  The parable was spoken because of these words uttered by the religious leaders who opposed Jesus, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.” The Pharisees and scribes were taking Jesus to task over His pursuit of sinners. With that in mind, let us take a look at the prodigal son.

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Why is the Throne of God a Merciful Place?

One of my favorite scriptures is this phrase in the Psalms. “The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever.” The phrase occurs 9 times in the Psalms and 14 times overall. The thought of God’s mercy echoes deep within the heart of every born again child of God. Because you know if it wasn’t for His mercy where would you be? How could you have made it? One of the most outstanding features of the Throne of God is this mercy component. It is a place which is saturated and overflowing with God’s mercy.