A rich man said to his minister, “Why is it everyone is always criticizing me for being miserly, when everyone knows that I have made provision to leave everything I possess to charity when I die?”
“Well,” said the minister, “let me tell you about the pig and the cow. The pig was lamenting to the cow one day about how unpopular he was. “People are always talking about your gentleness and your kindness,” said the pig. “You give milk and cream, but I give even more. I give bacon and ham—I give bristles and they even pickle my feet! Still no one likes me. I’m just a pig. Why is this?” The cow thought a minute, and then said: “Well, maybe it’s because I give while I’m still living.” . Our desire as believers is to be rich in fruit and good works while we are alive. The Parable of the Sower gives us insights into the realm of fruitfulness showing us exactly how we come to this.