I heard a really funny story on the subject of thanking God. As it turns out, an ATHEIST professor was walking through the woods one day, admiring the accident of evolution. He looked at the trees and the flowers; he observed the rivers and the animals, and he marveled at the magnificence of evolution. All of a sudden, he heard a rustling in the bushes, and out pounced a seven-foot grizzly bear. Immediately, the bear began chasing him. He ran feverishly to save his life, huffing, puffing, and crying, with the bear catching up with him after every step. He tripped and fell. Now the bear hovered over him, ready to pounce. That’s when the atheist cried out, “O my God, help me!” All of a sudden, a light came out of heaven. The bear’s paw was in the air, ready to swipe at him, but the bear froze. The river stopped flowing. The wind stopped blowing. Everything was perfectly quiet and perfectly still. That’s when the Voice spoke. The Voice through the light said, “Sir, do you really believe that after all these years of denying Me, after all these years of believing that this universe is merely a cosmic accident, and after all of these years of teaching your students why I do not exist that I would help you now?” The man peering at the light said, “You know, You’re right, my track record is bad, and it would be hypocritical of me to call on You now, but maybe we could approach this a different way. Even though You can’t do anything for me, perhaps You could turn the bear into a Christian. If you did that, things would still turn out differently for me.” The Voice from the light said, “As you request.” Suddenly, the river began to flow, the wind began to blow, and the trees began to rustle. The bear sat back, picked up its two paws, and clasped them together. It looked up and said, “O God, thank You for this food I am about to receive.” Things can get scary sometimes. When things get bad enough, it’s amazing the new direction people are willing to look. Why Thanking God Always Is the Right Way, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.
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Becoming The Good Man God Wants You To Be
[Tweet “Praise should have a reason; that way, it doesn’t degenerate into a mindless repetition of words.”]