What It Means to See with the Eye of Faith

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Twenty-Eight

What It Means to See with the Eye of Faith

Jesus alluded to an expression used much today among Jesus followers: the eye of faith. We talk about seeing with 20–20 vision — spiritual vision that is. Holy Ghost vision. Seeing as God see’s not as the world see’s. An artist can paint the physical hands and feet of our Lord, but he cannot paint the healing power of those hands and the godly walk of those feet. [That takes the eye of faith] He can paint the outward suffering, but not the inward cause; the cursed tree, but not the curse of the law; the bearing of the cross, but not the bearing of the sins of His people; the cup of vinegar, but not the cup of wrath—the derision of His enemies and the forsaking of the Father. Where is the artist who can paint one hand of Christ nailed to the cross and the other hand claiming an inheritance of believers? Or who can paint our Lord bruising the serpent’s head, conquering sin, death and the grave? The artist can only portray blood and water flowing from Christ’s side, but he cannot paint what the eye of faith sees in that blood: salvation and pardon. That’s a good word for a good day on Planet Earth. What It Means to See with the Eye of Faith, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “Seeing God’s promises with the eye of faith and knowing God is not a man that He should lie is the ticket to receiving anything from God.”]

Why God Wants You to Have Spiritual Revelation Flowing In Your Life

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eight Episode Thirty

Why God Wants You to Have Spiritual Revelation Flowing In Your Life

In this week’s podcast, we are headed to the book of Ephesians to take a look at spiritual revelations. That book contains several prayers that Paul prayed for the Ephesian believers. Often, you wonder how or what we should pray for our fellow believers in Christ. Well, the Holy Spirit helped us in this area. He had Paul write these prayers out in detail. We have a record of the exact words that Paul uttered to God the Father for them. Now, you can find these words starting in Ephesians 1:15–23 and Ephesians 3:14–19. If Paul thought that these prayers were important to pray for the Ephesian church, do you think that you can pray the same prayers for your church and yourself? Thank God – the answer to that is a resounding yes. I mean, you are in the church. You are part of the body of Christ. Everything that the Lord laid out in these prayers, God wants you to have. He desires that you flow and move in a revelation of His power. He wants to be filled with strength in your inner being. These prayers are one of the primary prayers that I pray for others. I am praying these prayers for you right now. ‘Father, in the Name of Jesus, I pray for the listening audience concerning this podcast. I ask you, Lord, to grant unto them all, a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you — in the knowledge of Your Word. Let the eyes of their heart be opened — be enlightened that they may know you in a greater way. Strengthen them with might by your spirit in their inner mind – that Christ may dwell in their hearts by faith. I pray for them now and I thank you for doing it in advance.” You know I have prayed these prayers hundreds and hundreds of times over the course of my life. And I am going to keep doing it. There are spiritual things in these prayers that you need to get a hold of — that you need active and working in your life. These prayers will enrich and elevate your life, just like they have lifted my life. Let’s take a particular look at one of these prayers today. Why God Wants You to Have Spiritual Revelation Flowing In Your Life, that’s our focus on this week’s Light On Life.

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[Tweet “In the city called the ‘Light of Asia,’ Paul instructs the Ephesians to pray for light, to pray for a spiritual revelation of God’s power.”]

#S5-003: Who Makes It Out of the Tribulation? [Podcast]

Who Makes It Out of the Tribulation Spoken of in the Book of Revelation?

At the close of World War II General Douglas MacArthur said: “We have had our last chance. If we do not now devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door. The problem basically is theological and involves a spiritual recrudescence and improvement of human character… It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.”1 We get over into talking about Armaggedon when we talk about the ‘bowl’ judgments in Revelation because it is the last bowl judgment of the Tribulation. So, “Who Makes It Out the Tribulation?” – All this and more on this week’s Light on Life.

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[Tweet “Mercifully, the Lord is giving people a taste of what’s to come, if they don’t repent.”]

Casting Crowns: Are Your Works Floor Worthy?

Casting Crowns: Are Your Works Floor Worthy Before God's Throne?

The Bible speaks of crowns which believers are to receive in the life which is to come.  Charles Spurgeon said, “there are no crown-wearers in heaven who were not cross-bearers here below.” 1 In today’s post we take a brief look at the actions of some cross bearing crown wearers who are set before the Throne of God.

[Tweet “All of your work,  labor, and toil have only one true resting place, the floor before His Throne.”]

How to Keep from Being Sidetracked

You don't have to be sidetracked from God's purpose for your life.

Billy Graham referenced the idea of being sidetracked with the following words. “A compass is narrow-minded-it always points to the magnetic north. It seems that is a very narrow view, but a compass is not broad-minded. If it were, all the ships at sea and all the planes in the air would be in danger. We must discipline ourselves, personally, to fight any deviation from the course Jesus set for us. We cannot be tolerant of any other course. To deviate is to sin.”1 These are sound words on how to keep from living a sidetracked life. The Word of God also helps us with sound words designed to help us run our race.

[Tweet “When it comes to Bible doctrine, major on the majors and minor on the minors.”]

More on Revelation and Building the Kingdom of God

The First Epistle to the Corinthians

You must revelation from God's Spirit to be a wise master builder.

There is nothing like nature to unfold truth about God. Nature is constantly shouting to us about the wisdom and the power of God. It gives a sense of awe and mystery to life. Even atheists cannot fully escape this. God’s revelation in nature is like an orchestra performing a concert. Some people who come to listen hear only the instruments as they express the melody and harmony of the music. But others who come are familiar with the composer and know the words that go with the music. These hear more than the music. In much the same way, only those who have a personal relationship with the Creator through Jesus Christ can really see in all of creation the fullness of what God intended to communicate through it.1 Seeing is part of knowing and knowing is part of building. Those who are God lover’s possess a deep desire to build His Kingdom. How do we do that exactly? Growing the Kingdom starts with growing you.

[Tweet “Anything built on the foundation of God has revelation from His Spirit as an essential element.”]

Why You’re Bored in Church and How to Overcome It

The Epistle of Galatians

In last week’s blog, we looked at one of the first signs to look for when people are disconnecting from their first love. The scriptures warn us about taking this path. They warn us about abandoning our first love (Revelation 2:4). The Greek word ‘abandon’ means ‘to give up’ or ‘to let go’. Jesus knows where your heart is. He knows if you’re giving up or letting go. Which way are you trending, up or down? In today’s post, we are going to look at the second sign people transmit when they are considering defecting from the from the ranks: boredom. If you’re seeing this sign in yourself, beware.

[Tweet “Boredom stems from the thinking when you hear the Word and say, “I already know that.””]

#S2-050: More of Why Renewing the Mind Is Important for Soul Development [Podcast]

Soul Power for Your Present Hour

One gentleman said he met a young man not long ago who dove for exotic fish for aquariums. He said that one of the most popular aquarium fish is the shark. He explained that if you catch a small shark and confine it, it will stay a size proportionate to the aquarium you put it in. Sharks can be six inches long yet fully matured. But if you turn them loose in the ocean, they grow to their normal length of eight feet. 1 You can be a six inch Christian or you can become a six foot tall fully matured full grown believer. To expand, to grow, to develop you have to go bigger in your thinking. Get out of the small tank of worldly thinking and jump into the great ocean of the knowledge of God found in His Word.

This is part two of the Series entitled, ‘Soul Power for Your Present Hour’. You can find Part One ‘Why Renewing the Mind is Important for Soul Development’ here and Part 2 “Why Renewing the Mind is Important for Soul Development” here.

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How You Can Have a Revelation of God’s Power

In the book of Ephesians, Paul prays for the Ephesian believers. He writes in detail the exact words that he utters to God the Father for them. You can find these words starting in Ephesians 1:15-23 and in Ephesians 3:14-19. If Paul thought that these prayers were important to pray for the Ephesian church, do you think that you can pray the same prayers for yourself? Thank God, the answer to that is a resounding yes. God wants you to have a revelation of His power. I have prayed these prayers hundreds and hundreds of times over the course of my life. It has enriched my life and it will absolutely elevate yours. Let’s take a particular look at the prayer in chapter one.

#S2-030: Why ‘HE’, the 5th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, is Important for Your Life [Podcast]

The Hidden Power of the Hebrew Alphabet

There is an old Italian proverb, “When God shuts a door, He opens a window.” Many of God’s saints have come to barriers in life which have eventually meant new and broader fields of service. If we are identified with Christ, distressing circumstances will bring us into new discoveries of the riches of His grace and the treasures of His boundless and eternal love. 1 Windows is the subject as we open the fifth letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and try to understand it’s power.

This is part 4 of the Series “What is the Hidden Power of the Hebrew Alphabet?” You can find Part One ‘Alpeh’ by clicking herePart Two ‘Beth’ and ‘Gimel’ by clicking here. and Part Three ‘Daleth’ by clicking here.

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Changing A Life Through Miracles

People were dramatically changed through the healing ministry of Jesus. Lepers, who could not experience social touch because of their disease, were cleansed (Mk. 1:40-42). Blind people, who had no hope of economic gain and were reduced to begging, were healed (Mk. 10:46-52). Life altering experiences took place with the greatest regularity as the Son of Man ministered day by day! Jesus is our example in this. The will of God has not changed. It is the same today as it was then. God wants to change lives through miracles.