Recently, I came upon a story that illustrates how Satan’s broken power over followers of Jesus. The story goes like this: “While visiting Grand Coulee Dam, my family and I were surprised to see that the visitor’s center was dark. It was a sunny day, so we thought the center might have tinted windows, but as we got closer, we realized no lights were on. We went in and saw that none of the displays were working. It soon became clear that there was no power to the center. Due to a technical difficulty, the visitor’s center that sat only hundreds of feet from a hydroelectric dam had no power. How could something be so close to the power source yet not be “plugged in”?1 Now, you can take this illustration a number of different directions. You can focus on the ‘plugged in part’ — that we need to plug into God’s power and that would certainly be right and true. But, how about looking at this from another point of view. What if we saw that the power source is evil. What if I choose to stay disconnected from evil because as Jesus followers we are living in the world but not of it — believers who say, ‘No! Satan has no hold on me — I will not connect to the negative power that’s seemingly all around? I will stay disconnected. Jesus lived this way — he spoke to his disciples one day about this very thing. That conversation is recorded in John fourteen. We are going to take a look at it today. “Why Satan’s Broken Control Over Your Life Means You’re Free.” That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.
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[Tweet “All authority is given unto Jesus — therefore go. That means you are the authorized one — not Satan.“]