Why God’s Word Is Your Way To Overcoming Victory

Podcast: Light on Life Season Twelve Episode Eleven


Who doesn’t like the thought of experiencing victory in Jesus? But have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to obtain? Maybe you are into sports and so you know the thrill of getting the winning goal with ten seconds left on the clock or hitting that game ending home run — There it goes. ee you — Bang! that propels you into the playoffs. But you’re a Jesus follower. Well, what does that matter? You want to pray the prayer of faith — There it goes. See you — Bang! And, you walk off with a miracle from God. How do we get there? Well, the difficulty in obtaining victory disappears when you come into line with God’s Word. That’s where we are going today. Join us as we look at Why God’s Word Is Your Way To Overcoming Victory. That’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain

The first characteristic of a person who possesses a high level of faith is that this individual has made the decision to be a doer of the Word. Click To Tweet

Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain

Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fifteen

Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan's Wisdom Is Certain

Did you know that your victory over Satan’s wisdom is a sure thing? Now, don’t be afraid to ask questions, that is a motto to live by. It is important to ask questions when we don’t understand something. We need to set aside our ego and acknowledge that we don’t know everything, as this is how we mature. However, we must not mistake this attitude for the rebellious “question authority” movement of the past. That is simply a disguise to do whatever one wants to do with no restraint. It is crucial to remember that God ordains the powers that be [Romans 13.1]. We should question things and not blindly accept everything we hear as truth. For example, if a minister claims a Bible verse says something, we should give him credit for his honesty and faithfulness of heart in declaring the Word, but feel empowered to verify. Checking things out for ourselves is how we make truth our own. When you put the work in, these verified facts become ‘thus says the Lord’ instead of ‘thus says the preacher.’ Failing to slow down, and think, leaves us open to great folly because, if the well-intentioned information is erroneous, it will not produce results.

There is a story that Napoleon often told to illustrate this point. Once, while visiting a province, he encountered an old soldier who had lost one arm in battle. The soldier was proudly wearing the coveted Legion of Honor on his uniform. Napoleon asked him where he had lost his arm, and the soldier replied that it was at the Battle of Austerlitz. When Napoleon praised him for receiving the Legion of Honor, the soldier humbly considered it a small token for his sacrifice. Surprised by the soldier’s response, Napoleon commented that he must be the kind of man who regretted not losing both arms for his country. In a bold move, the soldier immediately cut off his remaining arm, hoping to receive a double Legion of Honor. This story circulated for years, highlighting the importance of questioning and critically thinking before blindly accepting what others tell us.1

In today’s podcast, we delve into the certainty of our powerful victory over the world’s wisdom, which is ultimately doomed to fail. Join us as we explore this topic in this week’s episode of Light on Life: “Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain.” All on this weeks Light on Life.

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Are You Flowing in God Given Authority?

Why Your Powerful Victory Over Satan’s Wisdom Is Certain Click To Tweet

How to Live a Victorious Life in a Morally Bankrupt World

Podcast: Light on Life Season Nine Episode Forty-Six

How to Live a Victorious Life in a Morally Bankrupt World

Morals matter. That’s the message today, and, may I say, this topic is an unpopular one in today’s climate. The New Testament is full of admonitions along the line of right living. The fact that this message lacks the pizzazz that the world desires doesn’t matter. It’s still the right message for this hour. On typical nights, television networks run show after show of police activities, social problems, sexual problems, and perversion. For example, on Christmas Eve, a married couple separates after a fight; there’s a drunk in a bar menacing people with a broken bottle; a priest is killed viciously in a church; a drunken driver is there; there’s a stripper; a Peeping Tom; six other killings; and more than a half-dozen woundings. Researchers have found that by the time an American child reaches the age of eighteen, he has spent more than 20,000 hours before the television set, much more than he does in any of the classrooms. Last season, television showed the rape of a housewife, the story of a prostitute’s life and emotions, and a homosexual couple living together—topics that were unmentionable on the air not long ago. The morning and afternoon “soap operas” of the ’70s continue to mirror a version of the “typical” American life that includes abortion, premarital sex, extramarital relationships, blackmail, murder, drugs, wiretapping, and embezzlement. Violence is so much a part of television’s simulated “real life,” that studies have shown that it may occur five to nine times in one hour in “prime-time” television, as often as thirty times an hour during Saturday morning and after-school cartoons. In studying the responses of 120 boys from the ages of five to fourteen, researchers found clear evidence that “heavy TV watchers” were no longer shocked or horrified by violence.… It will be difficult for the children who are raised in this era when they reach adult life to be decision-makers about right and wrong because they have been without guidelines. They will have no idea what moral concepts are all about.1 Now, this report is dated from 1974 — that’s 48 years ago, — five decades later! If all of this was going on then, you know it’s that much worse now. So, how do we live in a world that has gone bankrupt? ‘How to Live Victorious in a Morally Bankrupt World, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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Who Do You Say Jesus Is to You?

[Tweet “When it comes to being compassionate, there is no better example than God the Father.”]

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Murderer [Podcast]

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Thirty-Six

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Murderer

It’s crucial to expose Satan as the murderer that he is. You know now and again, you come upon a story that touches your heart. This story is one of them.

Yvonne Pointer was one of ten children born to a wonderful mother and father, though she admits, “I was the worst. I did everything my parents did not want me to do.” For three years, a friend of her father tried to reach her. “He would come to where I was getting high and say, ‘You need to change your ways.’ He was a thorn in my flesh,” Pointer says. But in time, the high turned on her. Then she remembered the words of her father’s friend, went to church, and cried out to God. And on May 4, 1975, she turned her life over to Christ.

Less than ten years later, Pointer experienced what some say is the most tremendous pain on earth—the loss of a child. On December 6, 1984, her daughter Gloria was raped and murdered while on her way to school in Cleveland, Ohio. “After she died, I would spend hours in the church when no one was there because Gloria’s death didn’t make sense to me,” Pointer says. “I had come through drugs, through street life—and now this? I could not fathom why this would happen. But because I’d had that personal experience with God, I went to God.”

People from the church rallied around her, washing clothes, cooking, and cleaning when the mother didn’t have the strength. Slowly, a new sense of direction emerged. “In the beginning, it was all about the injustice done to my child. Period,” Pointer says. But soon, she became aware of others with similar losses. She wrote letters and talked to police, to reporters, and to anyone who would listen.

Meantime, Pointer co-founded Parents Against Child Killing, which later became Positive Plus, a women-helping-women organization. “We started with mothers who had lost children,” Pointer says, “but I found out pain is pain. If your husband walked out and left you with five babies, that’s pain. We felt we could find solutions by helping each other.”

Pointer has received numerous honors for her work as an advocate for child safety. She even speaks in prisons, sharing the love of God with inmates. “I found hatred too heavy a load to carry. Would I want the person who murdered Gloria over for Sunday dinner? No. But if I didn’t forgive him, unforgiveness would kill me too,” she says quietly. “Forgiveness releases you to live.” 1 In today’s podcast, we talk about your Powerful Victory over Satan, the Murderer.

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Immorality: The Main Reason Great Nations Fall

[Tweet “Thank God for Jesus — thank God for His grace today — because without it, where would we be?”]

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil – Part 2

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Thirty-Three

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil - Part 2

It’s crucial to expose Satan as the devil. There is a legend of Martin Luther, that, during a severe illness, the Evil One entered his sickroom and, looking at him with a triumphant smile, unrolled a big scroll which he carried in his arms. As the fiend threw one end of it on the floor, it unwound by itself. Luther’s eyes read the long, fearful record of his sins, one by one. That stout heart quailed before the ghastly roll. Suddenly it flashed into Luther’s mind that there was one thing not written there. He cried aloud: “One thing you have forgotten.

The rest is all true, but one thing you have forgotten: ‘The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.’” And as he said this, the Accuser of the Brethren and his heavy roll disappeared.1 This story may be a legend where Martin Luther is concerned but Satan, the devil, for sure is no legend. Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil – Part 2, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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#039: How to Terrorize the Terrorist [Podcast]

[Tweet “Newborn babes are born spiritually alive meaning that their spirits are in contact with God.”]

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil

Podcast: Light on Life Season Seven Episode Thirty

Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil

It is vitally important to expose Satan as the devil. The New York Times, reporting on a survey by the Barna Group, noted the diminishing belief in the devil among Americans. Two-thirds of Americans do not believe in the devil as a living entity. In a nationwide telephone survey of 1,007 randomly selected people, pollsters asked whether they agreed that Satan is not a living being but is a symbol of evil. Sixty-two percent agreed with the statement, while 30 percent disagreed; the remaining 8 percent had no opinion. If less than one in three Americans seems willing to give the devil his due, reported the Times, ìthen that is a result of fundamental, long-term shifts in the nation’s religious culture.1

The devil is a living entity. He is very real and very active on planet earth. In this week’s podcast, we take a further look at this very real enemy of the Lord and His people. Your Powerful Victory Over Satan the Devil, all this on this week’s Light on Life.

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#S5-005: Who Makes It Out of the Tribulation? [Podcast]

[Tweet “The devil’s, MO is to make false statements about you to damage your identity in Christ.”]

Colossal Conqueror? Jesus Said You Are. Do You Agree?

Roaming through Romans

When Lord Nelson reported to the British Office of Admirals his great victory over the French fleet in the Battle of the Nile, he said that “victory” was not a large enough word to describe what had taken place. When Paul spoke of the victory which through Jesus Christ he had won over all the ills and adversaries and temptations and woes of life, that greatest of all words, “conqueror,” was not sufficient to describe it; and therefore he said, “more than conquerors, through him that loved us.” 1 Today, we are going to answer the question, Are you a colossal conqueror through Jesus? He thinks you are. The question is, do you agree with Him?

[Tweet “The Greek word ‘conquerors’ means to have complete victory, to prevail totally, to vanquish.”]

#S3-020: How Jesus Destroyed Demons in One on One Encounters [Podcast]

How to Use the Name of Jesus to Live a Miracle Life

A form of exorcism is a daily occurrence at a Miami hospital treating several hundred patients a month who ask to have evil spirits driven from their bodies. “Usually, we treat 600 to 700 a month,” says Dr. Hardat Sukhdeo, director of Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Crisis Intervention Center. “But last month we had 900 people come for help … we worked our tails off—maybe there was a strong pull from the moon or something.” The belief that demons can infiltrate a person’s body is old hat to the Jamaicans, Haitians, Bahamians, Cubans and Puerto Ricans who live in the Miami area, he said. The patients are given strong tranquilizers to calm them; then staff members try to soothe away their fears. 1. Tranquilizers and TLC are not how you deal with demons. It’s the Name of Jesus that get’s it done. What can we learn about the power of the Name by looking at how Jesus dealt with demons?

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[Tweet “The same demons Jesus cast out in His earth walk are still here on planet earth.”]

#S3-017: Why Is the Name of Jesus So Powerful? [Podcast]

How to Use the Name of Jesus to Live a Miracle Life

We have taken a look at the Name of Jesus already from several aspects in this series. Today, we are going to begin drilling down into Jesus one on one encounters with demons. It is yet one more reason why the Name of Jesus is so powerful in the realm of heaven and earth.

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[Tweet “The Hebrew word dominion is a verb. It’s an action word. It’s not a static state of being.”]

Victory Over Yourself through Discipline

Lord Joseph Duveen, American head of the art firm that bore his name, planned in 1915 to send one of his experts to England to examine some ancient pottery. He booked passage on the Lusitania. Then the German Embassy issued a warning that the liner might be torpedoed. Duveen wanted to call off the trip. “I can’t take the risk of your being killed,” he said to his young employee. “Don’t worry,” said the man, “I’m a strong swimmer, and when I read what was happening in the Atlantic, I began hardening myself by spending time every day in a tub of ice water. At first I could sit only a few minutes, but this morning, I stayed in that tub nearly two hours.” Naturally, Duveen laughed. It sounded preposterous. But his expert sailed, and the Lusitania was torpedoed. The young man was rescued after nearly five hours in the chilly ocean, still in excellent condition. Just as this young man did, so Christians should condition themselves by practicing devotional discipline, behavioral discipline, and discipline in doing good.[1] Let’s look at the subject of discipline in today’s post.