Today, we are in Ecclesiastes three talking about the subject of God’s timing as we close our series on the subject of the Lord’s vision for your life. What does time and timing have to do with anything? As intelligent, detailed and sophisticated as our God is by nature, it should be easy to understand how God’s perfect timing is always at work. This story is told about Abraham Lincoln: He was out at the back of his store one day rummaging through an old barrel. He was done rummaging when he reached in and felt a couple of books. When he pulled them up, he saw they were Blackstone’s commentaries. He read those and became a lawyer, and he got into politics. Of course, we know the story: he became the President of the United States and the healer of the sore of the Civil War. It may have all started with his rummaging in a barrel.1 Do you think God had anything to do with President Lincoln finding those books at the exact time he did while he wasn’t the president? Or do you feel that such discoveries were only by chance? God doesn’t leave anything to chance. In fact, it’s never chance, it’s always God’s perfect timing. That’s the pool we are going to jump into today. Why God’s Timing Is Right on the Money — that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.
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