The Flow of the Miraculous

The following excerpt is taken from How to Flow in the Super Supernatural by John Osteen 1

The Flow of the Miraculous

  • Before this great charismatic renewal ever started around the world, I saw a vision. I saw the whole denominational world before me. There were denominational walls all around like great cathedrals. As I beheld the walls, they began to tumble down as if hit by an earthquake.
  • I can still see the dust rise as great pieces of buildings fell and crumbled to the earth. It was as though all the walls of denominational-ism were demolished in a moment of time.
  • It looked like everybody was dead. I could see no one. But in a few minutes, a man quickly crawled out from the rubble and stood on top of a large boulder that had fallen. He began to preach.
  • As he did, he turned into a flame of fire!
  • Nobody was in sight. But as he preached, people began to crawl out from the rubble and stand before that man. They came out from all directions and stood listening intently to his message of power.
  • God said to my spirit,…

The walls of denominational-ism will fall. My preachers will stand on the ruins of denominational-ism as flames of fire. They will preach the full Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. People will listen and respond!

  • There is such a hunger today in the hearts of all of God’s people in all denominations. There is not a wall strong enough nor high enough to keep them away from the power of the Holy Spirit. They are going to be filled with God’s holy power!
  • If you want to know what God started, read the Books of Acts. If it does not agree with your denominational doctrine, put aside your doctrine and believe the Bible.
  • Acts, chapter one gives the promise of God to clothe His people with power.
  • Acts, chapter two tells of the release of your spirit when you receive the Baptism in the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues.
  • Acts, chapter three tells us that as soon as they were clothed with power, as soon as they had a release in their spirit, immediately this New Testament Church saw the flow of the supernatural power of God.
  • Some people have the idea that when they receive the Baptism in the Holy Ghost they can just sit down and that is all there is to it. No! It is the beginning of a glorious supernatural life where there is no end to helping needy humanity find salvation, healing and help through the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • God wants every man, every woman, and every child to be filled with the Holy Ghost and move on in the gifts, power and energy of the Holy Ghost!
  • Look at the following three passages of scripture from The Amplified Bible:
  • The spiritual gifts of the Holy Ghost are “the special endowments of supernatural energy” (1 Corinthians 12:1).
  • “Now there are distinctive varieties and distributions of endowments (gifts, extraordinary powers distinguishing certain Christians, due to the power of divine grace operating in their souls by the Holy Spirit) and they vary, but the [Holy] Spirit remains the same” (1 Corinthians 12:4).
  • “But to each one is given the manifestation of the [Holy] Spirit [the evidence, the spiritual illumination of the Spirit] for good and profit” (1 Corinthians 12:7).
  • You see, the spiritual gifts are SPECIAL ENDOWMENTS OF SUPERNATURAL ENERGY! They are EXTRAORDINARY POWERS which distinguish Christians. Every person receives this manifestation of the Holy Spirit, this SPIRITUAL ILLUMINATION!
  • As soon as the early Church received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, immediately the supernatural began to radiate and emanate from their lives!
  • This is the move of the Holy Ghost!
  • You are not to get the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, speak a few words in tongues and say, “Well, I have it all. That is all there is to it.”
  • NO! NO! NO!
  • Isaiah 8:18 says, “Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders.”
  • Let me encourage you to enter into the full low of God’s divine power!