Visitation from God

Hearing What the Spirit is Saying unto the Church!
The following excerpt is taken from a prophecy that was given by  Lynne Hammond on January 1, 1995.

And so it is that this year, it shall be marked. It shall be denoted. It shall be characteristic of the word ‘visitation.’ For My people shall begin to cry out to Me against their own self-indulgence, against their own self-dependence, against their own self-ability. And they shall cry to Me and surely as I visited the prophet of old, and there came a coal of fire that touched his mouth, that touched him, so surely I shall touch My people,” saith the Lord.

I shall touch them with the wind of the Spirit. And that great wind shall blow upon them and they shall be hurled, and they shall mount guard, and they shall be prompted unto the place, the course, the plan that I have for each one and they shall be touched with the fire and like the Great Refiner’s fire, they shall stand pure for I am standing now and looking across the earth and I have begun to call My beautiful bride unto Myself. Things will begin to change now for watchers. You must watch upon the wall of the outpouring. The outpouring of young men seeing visions as Joel spoke, the outpouring of old men dreaming dreams, the outpouring of your children to prophecy and to stand in the presence of the Lord, and great gifts to be poured upon them. And so, surely, the plan shall go and flow for it’s not for you now to shrink back and not to go. It’s not time for you to turn back or look behind, but it’s time to move forward in the Spirit, wonderful and so sublime. For this year, too, shall be marked by a reverence, the fear of the Lord, and holiness shall come as I visit My people. For you know in visitation, there is a God-consciousness that comes; and when I come in power and glory, you shall surely know for it shall be different than anything that you have known before or could know.

For this is the year of those things beyond anything that you could ask or think. And if the watchers will watch upon the wall of the outpouring, it will gain momentum. It shall gain more fire and more wind, and it shall blow as a hurricane on the day of Pentecost as it blew in that upper room it shall blow upon those and if they would not obey, if they would not hear the Spirit, then they should be removed and replaced and another that will obey will come in, for this is the time of the harvest.

Do not be concerned about your nation, for My eye is upon it now and you shall know a great harvest there-a harvest for the Kingdom of the Lord. Further than you know, further than Christians thought, for you’ll begin to call upon the name of the Lord concerning the leaders of your nation and I’ll turn some things this year.”